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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:25 作者:官方文章 点击:





The Chang'e 4  嫦娥四号

Chinese scientists unveiled their latest lunar probe, the Chang'e 4, on Wednesday, saying it will be launched in December on a mission to land on the far side of the moon. 


探月工程(lunar exploration program)嫦娥四号任务月球车(rover)全球征名活动启动仪式15日在京举行,由中国航天科技集团有限公司抓总研制的嫦娥四号着陆器(lander)和月球车外观设计构型首次公开。探月工程嫦娥四号任务计划于今年12月实施,将首次实现人类探测器(probe)在月球背面(far side of the moon)软着陆(soft landing)和巡视勘察(patrol survey)。

嫦娥四号月球车呈长方形盒状,长1.5米,宽1米,高1.1米。肩部有两片可以打开的太阳能电池帆板,腿部则是六个轮状的移动装置。据中国探月工程总设计师吴伟仁介绍,嫦娥四号月球车基本继承了"玉兔号"的外形和状态(largely keep the shape and conditions of its predecessor, Yutu, or Jade Rabbit),但针对月球背面复杂的地形条件、中继通信(relay communication)新的需求和科学目标实际需要(the actual needs of the scientific objectives),作了适应性更改和有效载荷配置(payload configuration)调整。

吴伟仁表示,嫦娥四号月球车总重量约140公斤,将是全球迄今重量最小的月球车。月球车上搭载的测月雷达(lunar penetrating radar)设置了两个不同频段,借助其探测出的数据,研究人员可以绘制出第一幅月球背面剖面图(first geologic cross-section of the moon's far side)。


the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019  2019财年国防授权法案

美国总统特朗普13日在纽约州一处军事基地签署国会参议院和众议院通过的2019财年国防授权法案(the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019)。

The act includes clauses such as directing a whole-of-government strategy on China and submitting the assessment and plan on strengthening Taiwan's force readiness.


外交部发言人陆慷14日在答问时说,中方对美方不顾中方坚决反对执意通过并签署“2019财年国防授权法案”表示强烈不满,敦促美方摒弃冷战思维和零和博弈理念(to abandon its Cold War thinking and zero-sum mindset),正确客观看待中国和中美关系,恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定(to uphold the one-China policy and joint communiques made by both countries),不得实施有关涉华消极条款。



The China-related contents in that act are filled with a cold-war mentality, advocating confrontations between the two countries and interfering with China's internal affairs.The related contents are violations to the one-China principle and the stipulations in the three joint communiques between China and the United States.


Chinese armed forces firmly oppose the contents and have lodged solemn representations with the US side.


Taiwan is a part of China and the Taiwan issue, concerning China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, is the most important and sensitive issue in China-US relations.


Wu reiterated the resolute opposition to any form of official or military contact between any country and Taiwan, and stressed that "We will never allow anyone, at any time or in any form, to separate Taiwan from China."


Wu called on the United States to adhere to the one-China principle and the stipulations in the three joint communiques between China and the United States, and handle Taiwan-related issues prudently, so as to avoid damaging China-US relations, the military ties or the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.



We resolutely oppose any form of official or military contact between the United States and Taiwan, including US arms sales to Taiwan.


The spokesperson urged the United States not to implement the Taiwan-related clauses so as to avoid damaging China-US relations and peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.


We also sternly warn the Democratic Progressive Party administration that relying on foreigners to build yourself up will damage the interests of Taiwan residents.


Childbirth Fund  生育基金

The proposal of setting up a childbirth fund to cover expenses of families having second child has drawn a wave of criticism.


江苏省委机关报《新华日报》14日发表的《提高生育率:新时代中国人口发展的新任务》一文引发热议。文章建议,40岁以下公民不论男女,每年必须以工资的一定比例缴纳生育基金(childbirth fund)。家庭在生育第二胎时,可申请取出生育基金,作为育儿贴补(families having a second baby are allowed to draw money from the fund as subsidy for their child rearing)。如公民未生育二孩,账户资金则待退休时再行取出(if a family does not have a second child, it can withdraw the money deposited in the fund upon retirement)。

此文在社交媒体上引发了网友和学者们的一致抨击(draw a wave of criticism from internet users and scholars)。独立人口学者(demographer)何亚福表示,国人已缴纳了较高的社保费(pay a relatively high level of social insurance premiums),约占总收入的39%,如果再加上一项生育基金支出,会令许多家庭负担更重。他表示,国家鼓励生育应在税收、教育、医疗等方面切实减轻多生孩子家庭的养育负担。


Sky-High Remuneration of Stars  天价片酬

Three major online movie and television platforms Youku, iQIYI and Tencent along with six major movie and television production companies including Huace Media have issued a statement on curbing the sky-high remuneration of stars.


天价片酬(sky-high remuneration of stars)之所以饱受指责,主要是演员的收入与影视剧质量不成正比。主要演员的不合理片酬(unreasonable payment of lead actors and actresses)挤压了影视剧的其他制作费用(squeeze the money spent on other production costs),耗费巨资拍摄的影视剧最终成了口碑低劣的烂片(flop)。制作方习惯依靠流量明星来获得好的票房回报,而不是将功夫花在影视剧质量上。

9家公司的这则联合声明再次将明星天价片酬推上娱乐风口。声明为演员片酬设定了上限(stipulate the maximum paychecks actors and actresses can receive)。未来所有演员总片酬不得超过各公司制作的影视剧总预算(overall budget)的40%,主要演员(starring actors and actress)片酬不得超过演员总片酬的70%。这些公司还对单个演员的片酬设限(set salary caps on the remuneration of a single actor or actress),要求其电视剧总片酬(含税)最高不得超过5000万元,单集片酬不得超过100万元。


Plug-In  外挂

Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing announced on Thursday it has removed a plug-in that used to double the cost of a ride.


此前有媒体报道称,有滴滴快车司机使用"外挂(plug-in)",增加实际费用,可使乘客定位的费用翻倍甚至更多。通过使用外挂,司机可以改变车辆在滴滴出行应用上的正常导航和行驶路线(change the vehicles' normal orientations and driving courses)。报道称,这款外挂还能让滴滴司机通过设定具体的出发或目的地对订单进行筛选(filter orders by specific departures or destinations),获得长途行程的订单,使司机有更多针对大额车费加倍获利的机会。

据了解,目前安装这款作弊器(cheating program)的司机已无法使用,作弊司机悉数被封。滴滴出行相关负责人表示,目前网约车行业作弊器有数十种,滴滴上线了反作弊策略来识别作弊应用(launch a counter-measure system for detecting the cheating app),一旦确认立即封号处理(block any accounts identified to be using the plug-in),并依据作弊订单金额进行罚款。滴滴表示,外挂作弊行为损害了诚信经营司机和广大乘客的利益,平台对作弊行为绝不姑息(zero tolerance),将继续联合警方一起打击网络黑产(black industry),共同保护出行平台的健康生态。


the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area  粤港澳大湾区


Development of the Greater Bay Area should uphold "one country, two systems" and strictly adhere to the national Constitution and the Basic Law-the constitutional documents of the Hong Kong and Macao SARs. Implementation of the Bay Area development must stay committed to the basis of "one country", and leverage well the benefits of "two systems", Han said.


粤港澳大湾区(the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area)是指由香港、澳门两个特别行政区和广东省的广州、深圳、珠海、佛山、中山、东莞、肇庆、江门、惠州等九市组成的城市群(city cluster),是国家建设世界级城市群和参与全球竞争的重要空间载体,与美国纽约湾区、旧金山湾区和日本东京湾区比肩的世界四大湾区之一。

粤港澳大湾区建设是习近平总书记亲自谋划、亲自部署、亲自推动的国家战略(national strategy)。



We will continue to support Hong Kong and Macao in integrating their own development into the overall development of the country. We will give priority to the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, and regional cooperation in the pan-Pearl River Delta, thus fully advancing mutually beneficial cooperation between the mainland and the two regions. We will formulate and improve policies and measures to make it more convenient for people from Hong Kong and Macao to develop careers on the mainland.

韩正表示,要坚持新发展理念,充分发挥粤港澳综合优势(fully utilize the integrated advantages of Guangdong and the two SARs),建设富有活力和国际竞争力的一流湾区和世界级城市群(a vibrant world-class bay area and city cluster with international competitiveness),打造高质量发展的典范。

韩正强调,要以让老百姓得实惠为出发点和落脚点,实施好港澳居民证件便利化、进一步便利港澳居民到内地创业就业(providing better environment for Hong Kong and Macao residents to start businesses in the mainland)、大幅降低粤港澳通信漫游费用(reducing roaming fees by big margins in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao area)等政策措施。要积极吸引和对接全球创新资源,建设“广州-深圳-香港-澳门”科技创新走廊,打造大湾区国际科技创新中心(build an international tech innovation center at the area)。


Qixi Festival  七夕节

Qixi Festival, or Chinese Valentine's Day, which falls this Friday, will be a money-spinner for the hospitality and tourism sector in the country. According to data from major online travel agencies, those born after 1995 were driving festival consumption.


随着近年来传统文化(traditional culture)、传统节日越来越被人们所关注,被称为"中国情人节(Chinese Valentine's Day)"的七夕节(Qixi Festival)受欢迎程度持续走高,人气不亚于2月14日的西方情人节。由于今年七夕恰逢周五,情侣可以选择连同周末假期出行,七夕节酒店和旅游产品(tourism product)预订情况均表现火爆。根据携程、途牛等在线旅行社(online travel agency)的统计数据,95后群体(those born after 1995)成为今年七夕节酒店和旅游产品预订的主力军。

根据携程数据,今年七夕期间的酒店预订量(hotel bookings)同比上升了近200%。值得注意的是,女性在预订七夕节酒店时拿到了决定权,60%的订单由女性用户下单。而95后用户群体更是异军突起,贡献了近半数的预订量(contribute to nearly half of the reservations)。在酒店种类的选择上,95后们也显得不拘一格。艺术酒店、主题酒店(theme hotel)等大受欢迎,和舒适度相比,他们更倾向于选择在社交网络(social networks)上走红的打着个性烙印的"网红酒店"。途牛数据显示,在出境游方面,除了伦敦、布拉格、京都、巴黎和马德里等火爆的境外目的地(outbound destination),马尔代夫、普吉、斐济、巴厘等对国内游客实行免签或落地签政策(visa-free or visa-on-arrival policy)的海岛在年轻情侣中也颇受欢迎。


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