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Uninhabited/Unpopulated Island  无人岛

Hainan province updated a regulation on the development of small uninhabited islands on Wednesday, aiming to better protect the islands and standardize approval procedures.


海南省海洋与渔业厅4日公布《海南省无居民海岛开发利用审批办法》,明确单位或个人申请开发利用无居民海岛的审批流程。单位或个人(entity or individual)申请开发利用无居民海岛(uninhabited islands),应向省级海洋行政主管部门提出申请,并提交无居民海岛开发利用申请书(application)、具体方案(development plans)和项目论证报告(project appraisal reports)。

海南省要求,编制无居民海岛开发利用具体方案应依据有关法律法规、规划、技术标准和规范,合理确定用岛面积、用岛方式和布局、开发强度等,集约节约利用海岛资源;合理确定建筑物、设施的建设总量、高度以及与海岸线的距离(the heights of buildings and facilities, as well as their distance from the coastline should be reasonable),并实行海岛保护措施,建立海岛生态环境监测站(点)(monitoring stations),防止废水、废气、废渣、粉尘、放射性物质等对海岛及其周边海域生态系统造成破坏(wastewater, gas, residue, dust and radioactive substances must not damage the ecosystems of the islands and their surrounding waters)。


The regulation sets a limit of 15 years for aquaculture uses, 25 years for tourism and entertainment, 30 years for salt and mining industries, 40 years for public welfare purposes and 50 years for ports, shipyards and other construction projects.

办法称,无居民海岛开发利用期限届满,用岛单位或个人需要继续开发利用的,应当在期限届满两个月前向海南省人民政府申请续期(apply for renewal)。准予续期的,用岛单位或个人应当依法缴纳续期的无居民海岛使用金(pay the lease fee)。未申请续期或申请续期未获批准的,无居民海岛开发利用终止。


2010年3月1日,中国《海岛保护法(Island Protection Law of the People's Republic of China)》出台,明确规定无居民海岛属国家所有,由国务院代表国家行使无居民海岛所有权(uninhabited islands belong to the state, and the State Council shall exercise the ownership of uninhabited islands on behalf of the state),凡是无居民海岛开发利用,都必须报经省级人民政府或者国务院批准并取得海岛使用权、缴纳海岛使用金。



3D Admission/Acceptance Letter  3D录取通知书

Tsinghua University recently posted their new 2018 acceptance package online, which includes a 3D paper sculpture of the college's "Old Gate". The 3D acceptance letterimmediately goes viral.


这件工艺品由清华大学师生共同打造(made by faculty and students at Tsinghua),包含了30多个部件(components)和上百个通过激光雕刻技术制作的拼插结构(interlocking structures created using laser cutting technology)。报考者打开录取通知书,3D"二校门"就会跃然纸上(pops out from the page)。

清华招生办表示,将3D"二校门"置于录取通知书上既传递着历史的端庄与厚重(convey its elegance and solemnity throughout history),也承载着新时代中的另一番意味:灵感与智慧、青春与未来(carry other meanings in the new era: inspiration and wisdom, youth and the future)。

清华官微专门介绍了这款3D录取通知书,并写道:"当你在盛夏八月穿过这座'二校门',一个全新的世界将在你面前徐徐铺开,一个崭新的清华将等待你探索与创造。"(When you cross the Old Gate in August, a new world will emerge in front of you, and a brand-new Tsinghua awaits your discovery and creation.)该贴迅速走红网络,一位网友评论称:"我飘了,我想要。"


Self-Driving Bus  自动驾驶巴士

One of China's biggest technology companies has declared it has begun mass production of a self-driving bus. Baidu said the vehicles would initially be put to commercial use within Chinese cities but added it was also targeting foreign markets.


百度首席执行官李彦宏近日在北京举行的百度AI开发者大会(artificial intelligence developer conference)上宣布,百度和金龙客车合作的全球首款L4级自动驾驶巴士(level-4 self-driving bus)"阿波龙"(Apolong)正式量产下线。这款8座巴士的大小为普通巴士的1/3,没有驾驶位、方向盘、油门及刹车踏板(It has no driver's seat, steering wheel or pedals)。这款巴士由电力驱动(runs on electric power),充电2小时后最多能行驶100公里(can travel up to 100 km after a two-hour charge)。

根据国际自动机工程师学会(SAE)的自动驾驶分级标准,L4级别为超高度自动驾驶(highly automated driving)级别,在大多数环境下由系统独自完成所有的驾驶操作(systems can cope with most driving conditions)。它比最高等级5级低一级,L5级别则可扩展到所有驾驶场景(extends to all driving scenarios),包括泥路(dirt roads)和异常天气条件(unusual weather conditions)等。

李彦宏表示,2018年将是自动驾驶产品化元年(2018 marks the first year of commercialization for autonomous driving),过去中国向世界出口廉价商品(cheap commodities),未来中国将向世界出口人工智能技术(AI technology)。有国外专家认为,从短期看,此类交通工具比自动驾驶小轿车更有可能被公众接受(such vehicles have a greater chance of public acceptance than self-driving cars)。


Cloud Platform Of City Toilets  城市公厕云平台


A national cloud platform to help people locate toilets has served more than 100,000 users since Nov 19, the day it popped up online as part of China's so-called toilet revolution, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said on Wednesday.

“城市公厕云平台(cloud platform of city toilets)”技术负责人介绍,通过公众号、小程序和APP,可以为广大民众提供公厕一键查询、导航服务(search and navigation)、入厕评论、问题反馈(comments and feedbacks)等服务,并可实现社会厕所资源的共享。



The database comprises 19,000 public restrooms in 216 cities across 19 provinces, the ministry said.

“厕所革命”(toilet revolution)是国家旅游局自2015年起在全国范围内开展的旅游厕所建设和管理行动,旨在用三年时间解决旅游厕所的数量过少(insufficient number of tourist restrooms)、卫生质量低劣(unhygienic conditions)、以及管理缺位(lack of management)问题。

《全国旅游厕所建设管理新三年行动计划(2018-2020)》指出,从2018到2020年,全国将新建、改扩建旅游厕所6.4万座(install or upgrade 64,000 toilets at tourist destinations),达到“数量充足、分布合理,管理有效、服务到位,环保卫生、如厕文明”(to build a sufficient number of reasonably distributed, well-managed, and eco-friendly tourist toilets with considerate services and sound sanitation conditions where civilized behaviors are expected)的新三年目标。


Garbage Charged By Weight  垃圾计量收费

China mulls a new policy of charging for solid waste processing as a means of reducing the amount of waste generated. This is the first time the government has advanced a fee for garbage disposal based on weight.


2日,国家发改委发布《关于创新和完善促进绿色发展价格机制的意见》(guidelines on innovating and improving the price mechanism aimed at promoting green development),要求全面建立覆盖成本并合理盈利的固体废物处理收费机制(build a nationwide solid waste disposal charging mechanism that fully covers the cost and allows reasonable profit for waste processing companies),加快建立有利于促进垃圾分类(garbage classification)和减量化、无害化处理的激励约束机制。

具体措施包括:建立健全城镇生活垃圾处理(urban domestic garbage disposal)收费机制,完善城镇生活垃圾分类和减量化激励机制,探索建立农村垃圾处理收费制度,完善危险废物处置(hazardous waste disposal)收费机制等四个方面。

发改委称,2020年底前,全国城市及建制镇全面建立生活垃圾处理收费制度(a comprehensive charging system for collecting and processing household waste)。


Funeral-Related Fraud  墓地诈骗


China will crack down on cemetery speculators and funeral-related fraud in a three-month campaign starting this month to address the most acute problems in the sector, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said.The crackdown will cover all funeral parlors, cemeteries, morgues, rural nonprofit burial sites and ash storage facilities affiliated with religious sites. 



第一大类是公墓建设运营方面(the construction and operation of cemeteries),主要包括8种违法违规情形:

未经批准擅自兴建公墓设施(unauthorized cemeteries);

公墓未依法办理建设用地手续(cemeteries with incomplete legal documents);

未经批准擅自修改公墓建设规划、扩大建设用地面积(cemetery managers who expand construction beyond what was approved);

除依法向逝者健在配偶等特殊人群预售预租墓穴、骨灰存放格位并确保自用外,向未出具死亡证明、火化证明或迁葬证明的人出售出租墓穴、骨灰存放格位(people who sell graves without asking for proof of death, grave relocation);

建造、出售(租)超规定面积墓穴(墓位)(the building of oversized graves);

违反价格管理规定,对实行政府定价、指导价的墓穴(墓位)超标准收费(overcharging for graves),出售(租)墓穴(墓位)、骨灰存放格位实施价格欺诈、价格垄断等违法行为;

农村公益性墓地违规出售出租墓穴,从事营利活动(profiting from rural nonprofit cemeteries);

宗教活动场所与商业资本合作,擅自设立骨灰存放设施,违规从事营利活动(charging fees for keeping cremated remains at unauthorized religious sites)。

第二大类是殡葬服务、中介服务和丧葬用品销售方面(funeral services , funeral agent services and the sale of funeral items),主要包括2种违法违规情形:

提供殡葬服务、中介服务,及销售丧葬用品不按规定明码标价(lack of transparency in price),强制服务收费(coercive sales)、只收费不服务行为;



Trade War  贸易战

With the 25% additional tariffs on Chinese products worth 34 billion US dollars effective on Friday, the US has ignited the largest trade war in economic history, said a Ministry of Commerce spokesperson.


发言人表示,这种征税行为违反世贸规则(violates the World Trade Organization rules),是典型的贸易霸凌主义(represents a typical "trade bully"),正在严重危害全球产业链和价值链安全(pose a grave threat to the security of global industry and value chains),阻碍全球经济复苏步伐(hamper global economic recovery),引发全球市场动荡(trigger global market turmoil),还将波及全球更多无辜的跨国公司、一般企业和普通消费者(deal a blow to many multinationals, enterprises and ordinary consumers),不但无助、还将有损于美国企业和人民利益。

发言人指出,中方承诺不打第一枪(vowed not to fire the first shot),但为了捍卫国家核心利益和人民群众利益,不得不被迫作出必要反击(is forced to stage counter-attacks to protect the core national interests and interests of its people)。我们将及时向世贸组织通报相关情况,并与世界各国一道,共同维护自由贸易和多边体制(defend free trade and multilateral mechanisms)。

同时,中方再度重申,我们将坚定不移深化改革(deepen reform)、扩大开放(expand opening-up),保护企业家精神(protect entrepreneurship),强化产权保护(strengthen protection of intellectual property rights),为世界各国在华企业创造良好营商环境。我们将持续评估有关企业所受影响,并将努力采取有效措施帮助企业(assess the impact on affected companies and take effective measures to offer them support)。


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