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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:33 作者:官方文章 点击:






High-Quality Development  高质量发展


Heed the requirement that development must be high quality; coordinate efforts to pursue the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy; continue to regard supply-side structural reform as our main task; coordinate all work to maintain stable growth, promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risk.


The above targets take into consideration the need to secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and are fitting given the fact that China's economy is transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development.


Our SOEs should, through reform and innovation, become front-runners in pursuing high-quality development.


China will further expand the scope and raise the quality of its opening up; the structure, layout, institutions, and mechanisms for opening up will be improved, and we will use high-standard opening up to generate high-quality development.


Modernized Economy  现代化经济体系


We will devote attention to addressing unbalanced and insufficient development. Centering on developing amodernized economy, we will put quality first and give priority to performance, and promote economic structural improvement and upgrading. We must respect objective economic laws, consider both long-and near-term needs, ensure the economy performs within a reasonable range, and achieve a situation in which steady economic growth and improvement in quality and performance reinforce each other.


Three Critical Battles Against Potential Risk, Poverty, And Pollution  三大攻坚战(防范化解重大风险、精准脱贫、污染防治)


We will ensure success in the three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution, battles that are important for decisively bringing to completion the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We need to adopt targeted approaches and specific measures, draw up timetables and roadmaps, and set well-defined priorities. We will make sure risks and potential dangers are effectively controlled, make sure poverty alleviation is fully accomplished, and make sure there is an overall improvement in the quality of the environment.


We will improve the structure of budgetary spending, making sure that more financial allocations are used for the public good and universal benefit, increasing support for the three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution, and weighting spending toward innovation-driven development, agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents, and the improvement of living standards.


Fighting three critical battles. To fulfill our key annual tasks, we need to make everyone involved clear about their responsibilities, strengthen policy implementation, and ensure that every element of work is done to good, solid effect.


Change In Quality, Change In Efficiency, And Change In Growth Drivers  



Continue to regard supply-side structural reform as our main task; coordinate all work to maintain stable growth, promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risk; work hard to reform and open up further; explore new ideas on and improve macro regulation; promote achange in quality, change in efficiency, and change in growth drivers.


Rural Revitalization Strategy  乡村振兴战略


Making strong moves in the rural revitalization strategy. Plans will be well designed and the institutions and mechanisms needed to achieve integrated urban-rural development will be improved. We will rely on reform and innovation to build powerful new growth drivers for rural development.


We will continue to pursue a Chinese path to socialist rural revitalization, and work faster to achieve agricultural and rural modernization.


Quality Revolution  品质革命


Taking steps in all sectors to improve quality, we will work toward meeting the highest international standards, encourage the spirit of workmanship, and ignite a revolution in the quality of Chinese-made goods.

“品质革命(quality revolution)”一词首次出现是在2016年5月11日国务院常务会议上,指一系列为了增加消费品种类、提升商品品质、创建知名品牌而进行的改革,旨在满足人们不断升级的消费需求。

做细做实中国制造,就要让品质成为从日用品到高精尖领域等各行各业共同追求的目标,对产品生产到售后的每一个环节都高标准、严要求(every industry link from production to after-sales service should live up to a high standard),一把尺子量到底;做大做强中国“质”造,就要加快培养技能型劳动者大军(a skilled labor force should be cultivated),“向人才要红利”,更要让工匠精神渗入每件产品、每道工序,凡事不做则已,做则做到极致完美;做高做精中国“智”造,就要重视科技创新(focus on technological innovation),摒弃抄袭仿造,专注研发属于自己的、名副其实的原创高附加值产品(develop original high added-value products)。


strengthening the people's congresses' review and supervision over expenditure budget and policies  重点向支出预算和政策拓展


A guideline issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has outlined how Chinese legislatures' review and supervision concerning expenditure budget and relevant policies will be enhanced.


《意见》指出,实施人大预算审查监督重点向支出预算和政策拓展(strengthening the people's congresses' review and supervision over expenditure budget and policies),是依法加强和改进人大预算审查监督工作(review and supervision on budget)的内在要求,是建立和完善中国特色社会主义预算审查监督制度的重要举措(an important measure to establish and perfect the budget review and supervision system with Chinese characteristics)。

《意见》提出,按照党中央改革部署要求和预算法、监督法规定,人大对支出预算和政策开展全口径审查和全过程监管,主要内容包括:支出预算的总量与结构(the total amount and structure of expenditure budget)、重点支出与重大投资项目(key expenditures and major investment projects)、部门预算(budgets of various Party and governmental departments)、财政转移支付(the implementation of transfer payment budgets)、政府债务(government debts)。


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