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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-03-29 13:57 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:





Clone Macaque  克隆猴


By December, the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences had created two clone macaques named "Zhong Zhong" and "Hua Hua" by nuclear transferring of somatic cells -- any cell in the organism other than reproductive cells. 


这里的“体细胞核转移(somatic cell nuclear transfer, SCNT)”其实就是我们所说的克隆技术(clone),中国科学院神经科学研究所孙强研究员介绍称,克隆的过程就是,取到(猴子的)一个卵母细胞(egg cell),把细胞核去掉(remove the nucleus),再把体细胞跟去核的卵母细胞融合,重新构建一个胚胎(embryo),并且把这个胚胎激活,让它像早期的正常受精卵一样去发育,然后经过卵裂(cleavage)、着床(implantation),最后变成个体。

自1996年第一只克隆羊“多利”(Dolly the Cloned Sheep)诞生以来,20多年间,各国科学家利用体细胞先后克隆了牛、鼠、猫、狗等动物,但一直没有克服与人类最相近的非人灵长类动物克隆(nonhuman primate cloning)的难题。


Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua were the result of 79 attempts. Two other monkeys were initially cloned from a different type of cell, but failed to survive.

体细胞克隆猴的成功,将推动我国率先发展出基于非人灵长类疾病动物模型的全新医药研发产业链,促进针对阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer disease)、自闭症(autism)等脑疾病,以及免疫缺陷(immune disorders)、肿瘤(tumors)、代谢性疾病(metabolic disorders)的新药研发进程。

这个生物学前沿的难题的突破也意味着,以我国科学家为主导的灵长类全脑图谱计划的实施和灵长类脑科学的前沿研究(implementation of international science projects related to neural mapping of primate brains and leadning-edge research of primate brain science),将进一步使我国成为世界脑科学人才的汇聚高地。

中国科学院院长白春礼指出:“体细胞克隆猴的成功,以及未来基于体细胞克隆猴的疾病模型的创建,将有效缩短药物研发周期(shorten drug development cycle),提高药物研发成功率(improve success rate of drug research and development),使我国率先发展出基于非人灵长类疾病动物模型(animal model of nonhuman primate disease)的全新医药研发产业链(industry chain of new drug research and development based on ),有力推动我国新药创制与研发,助力“健康中国2030(Healthy China 2030)”目标实现。”


China's Arctic Policy whitepaper  《中国北极政策》白皮书


China's Belt and Road Initiative will bring opportunities for parties concerned to jointly build a "Polar Silk Road", and facilitate connectivity and sustainable economic and social development of the Arctic, said a whitepaper issued on Friday.


《中国的北极政策》白皮书(China's Arctic Policy whitepaper)共包括四个部分,分别为北极的形势与变化(The Arctic Situation and Recent Changes)、中国与北极的关系(China and the Arctic)、中国的北极政策目标和基本原则(China's Policy Goals and Basic Principles on the Arctic)、中国参与北极事务的主要政策主张(China's Policies and Positions on Participating in Arctic Affairs)。



The Arctic has abundant resources, but a fragile ecosystem. China advocates protection and rational use of the region and encourages its enterprises to engage in international cooperation on the exploration for and utilization of Arctic resources by making the best use of their advantages in capital, technology and domestic market.


China encourages its enterprises to participate in the infrastructure construction for the Arctic shipping routes and conduct commercial trial voyages in accordance with the law to pave the way for their commercial and regularized operation.

据白皮书介绍,北极航道(the Arctic shipping routes)包括东北航道(the Northeast Passage)、西北航道(Northwest Passage)和中央航道(the Central Passage)。全球变暖使北极航道有望成为国际贸易的重要运输干线(important transport routes for international trade)。


Yangtze River Economic Belt   长江经济带

The Yangtze River Economic Belt consists of nine provinces and two municipalities that cover roughly one-fifth of China's land.


《经济参考报》记者日前从工信部(Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)获悉,为进一步落实《依托黄金水道推动长江经济带发展的指导意见》、《加强长江经济带工业绿色发展的指导意见》等指导性文件,推动长江经济带(Yangtze River Economic Belt)整体发展,我国将在2018年年内,发布并实施长江经济带世界级产业集群(world-class industrial clusters)指南,重点打造电子信息、高端装备(high-end equipment)、汽车(automobiles)、家电(home appliances)、纺织服装五大产业集群。

据悉,培育上述五大产业集群将主要依托于长江经济带区内上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、湖北、湖南、重庆、四川、云南、贵州等11省市具有一定产业基础的核心城市,并利用整个长江经济带区域内的国家级、省级开发区(development zone)和产业园区(industrial park),形成产业协同,共同打造产业链(industrial chain)完备的跨区域产业集群。据《经济参考报》报道,相关工作涉及园区总计超过100个。其中,电子信息产业涉及各地52个开发区和产业园区;高端装备产业涉及82个;汽车产业涉及20个;家电产业涉及6个;纺织服装产业涉及35个。


Elsagate  爱莎门

China on Monday launched a campaign to crack down on "Elsagate" videos, which utilize well-known animated characters to spread violent and pornographic content.


全国"扫黄打非"办公室(The National Office Against Pornography and Illegal Publications)22日发布通知,称已在全国开展打击暴力色情卡通片的行动,以确保干净健康的文化环境。这些以经典卡通人物为主角的邪典视频(cult videos that feature well-known cartoon characters)最先出现在YouTube等国外视频网站上,由于2013年迪士尼电影《冰雪奇缘(Frozen)》主人公(main character)爱莎公主(Princess Elsa)常被用作视频主角,这类视频的流传被称作"爱莎门(Elsagate)"。近日,邪典卡通视频开始在国内视频网站上传播。

全国"扫黄打非"办公室要求国内各大视频网站开展自查并清理相关视频(carry out self-examination and clean up the videos)。对任何不履行企业主体责任(fulfill its corporate responsibility),继续传播有害视频的企业将予严惩。北京市公安局及网信办等相关部门还要求各搜索引擎(search engines)屏蔽相关关键词(block related keywords)。


Travel Frog  旅行青蛙

A Japanese mobile game about a frog who regularly disappears on vacation has struck a note with young Chinese for its "Buddha-style" gameplay. "Travel Frog" has been among the most searched topics on Sina Weibo this week.


旅行青蛙(Travel Frog)是一款放置类游戏(waiting game),玩家需要做的事情很少:只需在青蛙开启旅程前,收割三叶草作为购买道具的货币(harvest clover as currency to buy props),以及为青蛙准备行囊(make a backpack for the frog)。青蛙会寄来明信片并带回纪念品(send postcards and bring back souvenirs)。

许多网友喜欢这款游戏是因为它节奏慢(slow pace)、不易上瘾、无需技巧(requires no skills)、也没有任何玩家排名(there is no ranking list among players),但却又不可预料,这与当前中国年轻一代追捧的佛系生活(Buddhist lifestyle)十分契合。也有专家称,这款游戏令许多在陌生城市为生计打拼的白领(white-collars who are striving for a living in an unfamiliar city)产生共鸣,是因为这只青蛙也有着完全不受控于玩家的、属于它自己的冒险(has its own adventure which is completely out of the player's hands)。


Most Searched Hashtags  微博热搜榜

The Beijing office of the Cyberspace Administration of China issued the weeklong ban after accusing Sina Weibo of promoting improper materials uploaded by users, including pornography and ethnic discrimination.


新浪微博负责人表示,将严格落实网信部门管理要求,对问题突出的热搜榜(most searched hashtags)、热门话题榜(hottest topics)、微博问答功能(question-and-answer service )、热门微博榜明星和情感板块(a section of hot weibo ranking that focuses on celebrity and relationships)、广场头条栏目情感板块(headline section that focuses on relationships)暂时下线一周进行整改。下线时间从2018年1月27日21时至2月3日21时。

The company said it had fully accepted the authority's criticism, and would make serious efforts to learn from the lesson and reinforce its management to become more responsible.



Executive Time  行政时间

美国方言协会(American Dialect Society,ADS)在线推出年度词汇候选词供人们投票,并在今年1月5日公布fake news为年度词汇,这在很大程度上要归因于唐纳德•特朗普使它表示“被认为是假的真实新闻”。词汇fake news击败其他子类别的获奖者,包括年度委婉词alternative facts(另类事实)。

ADS新词委员会主席、词典学家Ben Zimmer近期在推特上观察到,新年伊始就贡献出2018年年度委婉语的一个候选词:executive time。

Zimmer对英国广播公司说到特朗普如何影响到我们的词汇。BBC很好地总结了新生短语executive time:

据白宫的总统私人日程透露,总统在每日早上11点前来到美国总统椭圆办公室前的两个小时被称为“executive time 行政时间”。


不管如何,人们突然开始用“executive time”作为委婉语,指使用社交媒体、给朋友打电话和小憩。换句话说,看起来除了特朗普的工作人员,甚至白宫发言人,其他人都相信“行政时间”就是看看新闻和发发推文。

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