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Antarctica: plastic contamination reaches Earth's last wilderness

——Traces of microplastics and hazardous chemicals found in majority of snow and ice samples taken earlier this year




1. microplastics:微塑料;

2. hazardous:adj. 有危险的;有害的;冒险的;碰运气的;hazardous chemicals:有害化学物质;

3. the majority of(标题中省略了定冠词the):大量;……的大多数;多数;

e.g. As a fuel it is preferred by top chefs and is used in the majority of British homes. 这种燃料得到了顶级大厨的青睐,并得以在英国大多数家庭里广泛使用。

4. earlier this year:今年年初/今年较早时候/今年早些时候;


1. 微塑料,是指粒径很小的塑料颗粒以及纺织纤维。现在在学术界对于微塑料的尺寸还没有普遍的共识,通常认为粒径小于5mm的塑料颗粒为微塑料。

2. 化学危险物质是具有易燃、易爆、有毒、有害及有腐蚀特性,对人员、设施、环境造成伤害或损害的化学品(包括原料、辅料、中间体、产品、催化剂等)。其中危险化学品须经国家或国际组织认定。由于危险化学品的认定总是滞后于化学物质的研发,因此危险化学物质是广义的危险化学品。化学危险物质的危险性主要表现为化学活性、物理危险、生物危险和环境危险,而化学物质的活性是其危险性(特别是物理危险)的根源。所以正文中翻译成“化学物质”更好。

3. 有毒有害物质是指在其生产、使用或处置的任何阶段中,具有会对人、其他生物或环境带来潜在危害特性的物质。所以正文中翻译成“危险化学物质”或“有害化学物质”均可,因为hazardous既可以表示危险,也可以表示有害。


1. 新闻标题必须短小精悍,因此不能像普通的英语一样遵循常规的语法规则,而是常常省略非关键性的虚词,如冠词、连词、系动词、助动词等,以突出关键词,达到言简意赅、节省版面的目的;

2. 所以副标题found in majority of snow and ice samples前面省略了系动词were;majority前面省去了the。taken earlier this year作snow and ice samples的后置定语。


1. 被动句的翻译思维:第一思维是先翻译为主动,增译主语或者也可以主语模糊化出来,所以我们在翻译时可以处理成完整的句子,可以补充主语“研究人员”,那么found和taken都应该翻译成主动语态;模糊化处理的话就是直接可以省去研究人员,翻译为“在今年年初采集的大量冰雪样本中,发现了微塑料和有害化学物质(的痕迹)”,这样也是可以的。

2. in the majority of snow and ice samples:大量/大多数冰雪样本;

3. “发现了某种物质”或者“发现了某种物质的痕迹”都是可以的。

第一段原文:Plastic and traces of hazardous chemicals have been found in Antarctica, one of the world’s last great wildernesses, according to a new study.





1. plastic:[U, C, usually pl.] 塑料 :可数和不可数均可,可数多指具体的塑料物质,不可数多为抽象的,比如由什么制作的。所以今天的原文里面碰到好几次plastics。不可数的用法如下:

e.g. The pipes should be made of plastic. 这些管子应该是用塑料制作的。

a sheet of clear plastic:一张透明的塑料

the plastic industry:塑料工业

2. Antarctica:南极洲;

3. wilderness:n. 荒地;荒原;大量,茫茫一片;

句子结构分析:主句是Plastic and traces of hazardous chemicals have been found in Antarctica,其中Plastic和traces of hazardous chemicals是并列成分,而不是Plastic和traces并列;one of the world’s last great wildernesses是Antarctica的同位语,起补充说明的作用。


1. according to的翻译思维是考试必考项。According to sth一般会翻译为根据……或……显示/表明。According to sb一般会翻译为某人指出/称/根据某人所言。According to某公司或单位组织一般会翻译为某机构指出/表明或者某机构的数据表明/指出。所言译文应该先翻译according to a new study:“一项新的研究显示/表明”;

2. 把握好主次问题。既然是强调主句,那么同位语one of the world’s last great wildernesses就不能单独成句,而应该直接加在“南极洲”前面作补充说明,即“在世界上最后几片荒野之一南极洲”,“南极洲”前面也可以加破折号引出;如果将“南极洲是世界上最后几片荒野之一”单独成句,那么译文的主次和原文的主次就不一致了;

3. 被动句的翻译思维。原文主句是被动语态,缺少主语,英译汉时我们常转换成主动语态,不过在译文中,主语“研究人员”加不加均可,这篇里面提到好几处,不过下面一段加了,第三段里面又提到了,我觉得这段可以不加,显得语言灵活多变,而不是非要加上主语,有些不言而喻的主语是可以省去的,模糊化处理。

第二段原文:Researchers spent three months taking water and snow samples from remote areas of the continent earlier this year.


第三段原文:These have now been analysed and researchers have confirmed the majority contained “persistent hazardous chemicals” or microplastics.

第四段原文:The findings come amid growing concern about the extent of the plastic pollution crisis which scientists have warned risks “permanent contamination” of the planet.

第五段原文:Earlier this week, the UN warned it is one of the world’s biggest environmental threats and said although 60 countries were taking urgent action more needed to be done.


第六段原文:The new report by researchers at Greenpeace is part of global campaign to create the world’s biggest ocean sanctuary in the seas around Antarctica to protect the fragile ecosystem from industrial fishing and climate change.


第七段原文:Frida Bengtsson, of Greenpeace’s Protect the Antarctic campaign, said the findings proved that even the most remote areas of the planet were not immune from the impact of manmade pollution.

第八段原文:“We need action at source, to stop these pollutants ending up in the Antarctic in the first place, and we need an Antarctic ocean sanctuary to give space for penguins, whales and the entire ecosystem to recover from the pressures they’re facing,” she said.

第九段原文:Seven of the eight sea-surface water samples tested contained microplastics such as microfibres. Seven of the nine snow samples tested contained detectable concentrations of the persistent hazardous chemicals.

第十段原文:Researchers said the chemicals are widely used in many industrial processes and consumer products and have been linked to reproductive and developmental issues in wildlife. They said the snow samples gathered included freshly fallen snow, suggesting the hazardous chemicals had come from contaminated rain or snowfall.

第十一段原文:Prof Alex Rogers, a specialist in sustainable oceans at the Oxford Martin school, Oxford University, said the discovery of plastics and chemicals in Antarctica confirmed that manmade pollutants were now affecting ecosystems in every corner of the world. And he warned the consequences of this pervasive contamination remained largely unknown.

第十二段原文:“The big question now is what are the actual consequences of finding this stuff here? Many of these chemicals are pretty nasty and as they move up the food chain they may be having serious consequences for the health of wildlife, and ultimately humans. The effects of microplastics on marine life, likewise, are largely not understood,” he said.

第十三段原文:There is relatively little data on the extent of microplastics in Antarctic waters, and researchers said they hoped this new study would lead to a greater understanding of the global extent of plastic and chemical pollutants.

第十四段原文:Bengtsson said: “Plastic has now been found in all corners of our oceans, from the Antarctic to the Arctic and at the deepest point of the ocean, the Mariana trench. We need urgent action to reduce the flow of plastic into our seas and we need large-scale marine reserves - like a huge Antarctic ocean sanctuary which over 1.6m people are calling for - to protect marine life and our oceans for future generations.”

汉译英 50 points

出处:搜狐旅游板块河南省介绍 讲解只随便截取了部分,明年年会员细讲。


Henan Province is an important cradle of Chinese civilization. Of the four great inventions in China, the compass, papermaking and gunpowder were invented in Henan.


1) 这句主要讲的是历史文化遗迹遗址,但是中文原文又重复了“文物”,这汉语都不知道咋写的,反正今天的这个汉语原文真的是重复太多。所以我们直接忽略不翻译前面刚说过,这里又重复的内容。

5)国家级风景名胜:National Parks of China

中国国家级风景名胜区是指具有观赏、文化或者科学价值,自然景观、人文景观比较集中,环境优美,可供人们游览或者进行科学、文化活动的区域,原称国家重点风景名胜区。早在1994年,由原中华人民共和国建设部所发布的《中国风景名胜区形势与展望》绿皮书即明确指出,“中国风景名胜区与国际上的国家公园(National Park)相对应,同时又有自己的特点。 中国国家级风景名胜区的英文名称为National Park of China。如:the Huangguoshu National Park of China。这样写是错误的national scenic spots

6)国家重点文物保护单位:Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the National Level

A Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level (Chinese: 全国重点文物保护单位), often abbreviated as guobao (Chinese: 国保), is one of 4,295 monuments listed as of significant historical, artistic or scientific value by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, which is the cultural relics administrative department of the State Council of China.

注意不要写为 units,这个指的保护文物的单位,而不是被保护的对象,所以这里的“单位”不是units,而是sites

7)世界级地质公园:UNESCO Global Geoparks

地质公园是geopark:A geopark is a unified area that advances the protection and use of geological heritage in a sustainable way, and promotes the economic well-being of the people who live there. There are global geoparks and national geoparks.

但是世界级地质公园是联合国教科文世界地质公园的意思,是专有名词UNESCO Global Geoparks

8)国家级自然保护区: National Nature Reserves

National Nature Reserves (NNRs) were established to protect some of our most important habitats, species and geology:National Nature Reserves




1. 种植面积:抽象的种植面积有好几个表达,有个表达直接是grain areage表示种植面积,但是10.135 million hectares of grain acreage是错的,grain acreage是抽象名词,不能跟在具体数字之后。还有doubling the land under cultivation增加可可种植面积;31 communities cultivatingabout 3, 250 hectares在31个社区中的总种植面积已达到了3250公顷;increase planting areas 扩大了种植面积;slashed plantings 减少了种植面积。但是这几个不能直接放在hectares of后面,如果有具体数字,就只能用名词area来表示面积。

1. 种植面积:所以可以使用area planted in/with grain crops粮食种植面积,如the total area planted with grain crops in Brazil is forecasted to reach 60.62 million hectares in the 2016/2017 crop year. (statista)


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