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The East Wind Brings Full Vitality of Spring


---- Wang Y1 Talks About X1's Trip to Russia to Attend the Fourth Eastern Economic Forum (EEF

新华社符拉迪沃斯托克9月12日电 2018年9月11日至12日, X1应邀赴俄出席第四届东方经济论坛。行程结束之际, 王Y1向随行记者介绍此访情况。

From September 11 to 12, 2018, X1 travelled to Russia to attend the Fourth Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) upon invitation. At the end of the trip, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Y1 introduced the visit to the accompanying reporters.

王Y1说,9月以来,中国外交高潮迭起、精彩纷呈。中非合作论坛北京峰会刚刚落下帷幕,X1旋即赴俄出席东方经济论坛,同 普共同引领新时代中俄关系发展,同东北亚各方共商区域和平与发展大计。在符拉迪沃斯托克停留约30个小时里,X1密集出席10余场活动,既登高望远指引方向,也脚踏实地推进合作;既有坦诚深入的战略沟通,也有温馨感人的亲民交流。“东方风来满眼春。”X1此访高举和平、发展、合作、共赢旗帜,为中俄关系增添新动力,为区域合作开辟新前景,为国际关系注入新气象。值此世界政治经济形势错综复杂的多事之秋,中国特色大国外交再次显示旺盛的生命力,释放强劲的正能量,展现宽广的大格局。

Wang Y1 said that since September, China's diplomatic climax has been popping up constantly and filled with brilliance and wonder. The 2018 Beijing summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation had just come to an end and then X1 immediately went to Russia to attend the EEF. He and President Vladimir Putin jointly led the development of China-Russia relations in the new era and discussed regional peace and development plans with all parties of Northeast Asia. During his 30-hour stay in Vladivostok, X1 attended 10-odd events, giving guidance at a great height and promoting cooperation in a down-to-earth manner; meanwhile, he had both frank and in-depth strategic communication, and warm and touching communication with the public. "The east wind brings full vitality of spring." X1's visit holds high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and win-win situation, adding new impetus to China-Russia relations, opening up new prospects for sub-national cooperation and injecting new momentum into international relations. In a complicated and eventful global political and economic context, China as a major country once again shows strong vitality in its diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, releasing strong positive energy and showcasing a broad outlook.


Wang Y1 pointed out that X1's visit was tense in scheduling, rich in meaning and connotation and far-reaching in its influence. It is a trip to deepen mutual trust, enhance friendship, expand cooperation, and promote win-win situation.


I. Intensify the exchanges between the Chinese and Russian heads of state and improve the level of strategic collaboration

中俄元首的战略引领和密切交往是两国关系深入发展的强劲动力。此访是X1担任中国国家主席以来第七次到访俄,也是首次出席东方经济论坛,延续了中俄相互支持对方举办大型活动的传统,受到 普盛情接待。两国元首举行4个月内第三次会晤,在亲密友好的氛围中大范围、小范围、一对一地长时间沟通交流,讲得透彻,谈得投契,对中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系进一步发展作出部署,就重大国际和地区问题进行对表,体现了中俄关系的高水平和特殊性。X1强调,无论国际形势如何变化,中俄都将坚定发展好两国关系,坚定维护好世界和平稳定。 普表示,俄方愿同中方进一步加强双多边框架下合作,深化俄中全面战略协作伙伴关系,以应对共同挑战。双方同意保持战略定力,密切战略协作,彼此互为牢固稳定依托,相互给予有力支持,捍卫中俄两国自身和国际社会共同利益。双方将继续加强在国际事务中的良好协作,同国际社会一道,推动各种热点问题的政治解决进程,共同反对单边主义和贸易保护主义,秉持人类命运共同体理念,推进构建新型国际关系。这一系列共识充分表明,中俄密切关系是双方的战略决断和长远选择,经得起国际风云变幻的考验,不会受外部因素影响而动摇,在国际事务中的积极影响不断扩大,战略稳定作用日益突出,树立了大国、邻国关系典范。

The strategic leadership and close exchanges between the Chinese and Russian heads of state are a vigorous driving force for the in-depth development of bilateral relations. This visit was the seventh visit to Russia since X1 took office as the Chinese president. It was also the first time for him to attend the EEF, which has continued the tradition of China and Russia supporting each other to hold large-scale events. X1 was warmly received by President Vladimir Putin. The two heads of state held three meetings altogether within four months. In a close and friendly atmosphere, they held large-scale, small-scale, and one-to-one talks which are thorough and smooth for quite a long time. They have made some deployments in developing a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation between China and Russia, and exchanged views on major international and regional issues. Such gestures have reflected the high-level feature and particularity of China-Russian relations. X1 emphasized that no matter how the international situation changes, China and Russia will firmly develop bilateral relations and staunchly safeguard world peace and stability. President Vladimir Putin expressed that Russia is willing to further strengthen cooperation with the Chinese side under the bilateral and multilateral frameworks and deepen Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation in order to meet common challenges. The two sides agreed to maintain strategic strength, intensify strategic cooperation, firmly support each other and give each other solid fulcrum to defend the common interests of China and Russia and those of the international community. The two sides will continuously strengthen favorable collaboration in international affairs, work with the international community to advance the political settlement process of various hot spot issues, jointly oppose unilateralism and trade protectionism, uphold the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, and promote the construction of the new international relations. These consensuses fully demonstrate that intensifying relations between China and Russia is the strategic decision and long-term choice of both sides. It can withstand the test of international vicissitudes, and will never be shaken by any external factor. The positive influence of China and Russia in international affairs has been expanding and the strategic stability role of both countries has become increasingly prominent. China and Russia have set an exemplary model for the relations among major countries and neighboring countries.


II. Inherit China-Russia everlasting friendship and continue the much-told story of exchanges between the two peoples

国之交在于民相亲。X1和 普高度重视巩固中俄人民传统友谊,专门抽出时间出席两国友好交流活动,成为此访一大亮点。今年适逢中国四川汶川地震灾区儿童赴俄疗养10周年。震灾发生后,共有900多名灾区中小学生在“海洋”全俄儿童中心受到热情接待和悉心照料,成为中俄人民患难与共的真实写照。时隔10年,中俄元首共同接见曾在“海洋”中心结下深厚情谊的两国青少年代表,聆听他们诉说重逢感言,观看他们同台表演,见证他们发起《中俄青少年世代友好宣言》,并同他们亲切互动交流。真挚温暖的气氛打动了在场所有人。X1感谢俄方教职工帮助中国孩子们驱散灾难阴霾,勉励两国青少年做国家栋梁和友谊使者,让中俄世代友好的事业薪火相传、生生不息。X1邀请“海洋”中心师生来华做客,续写两国友好交往新的佳话。X1应 普邀请出席“远东杯”国际帆船拉力赛颁奖仪式,支持中俄积极举办大型赛事活动,加强体育人文交流。X1强调,要推动中俄地方人文交流机制化、常态化,加深对彼此文化传统的了解和认知。我们相信,在中俄两国元首关怀培育下,两国民众相知相亲的涓涓细流将不断汇聚成中俄世代友好的浩荡长河,成为两国关系发展的不竭动力。

Friendship between the peoples holds the key to sound state-to-state relations. Attaching great importance to consolidating the traditional friendship between the Chinese and the Russian people, X1 and President Vladimir Putin specially took time out of their busy schedules to attend friendly exchange activities between the two countries, which became one of the major highlights of this visit. This year coincides with the 10th anniversary of the event that children from the affected areas in Wenchuan earthquake of Sichuan Province went to Russia for recuperation. After that earthquake, more than 900 primary and secondary school students of the affected areas were warmly received and devotedly looked after at the Ocean All-Russia Children's Care Center, which had become a real reflection of sharing weal and woe between the two peoples. 10 years later, the two heads of state jointly met with the representatives of the two countries' teenagers who had forged profound friendship at the Ocean All-Russia Children's Care Center, listened to their expression of feelings about the reunion, watched them performing together, witnessed their initiative of the declaration of permanent friendship between Chinese and Russian teenagers, and warmly interacted and exchanged with them. The sincere and warm atmosphere moved all people present. X1 thanked the Russian teaching and administrative staff for helping the Chinese teenagers dispel the gloom of disaster, and encouraged the two countries' teenagers to strive to be the pillars of their nations and the envoys of bilateral friendship, so as to make the cause of China-Russia everlasting friendship be carried forward from generation to generation with continuous progress. X1 also invited the teachers and students at the Ocean All-Russia Children's Care Center to visit China to continue the new much-told story of bilateral friendly exchanges. At the invitation of President Vladimir Putin, X1 attended the awarding ceremony of the Fareast Cup International Regatta 2018. The two heads of state supported the two countries in actively holding large-scale sports events to enhance exchanges in sports and people-to-people and cultural engagement. X1 stressed that the two sides should promote the institutionalization and normalization of sub-national people-to-people and cultural exchanges between China and Russia, and deepen understanding and perception on each other's cultural traditions. We believe that under the care and cultivation of the two heads of state, the trickles of mutual understanding and affinity between the two peoples will constantly converge into the magnificent river of China-Russia everlasting friendship, and become the inexhaustible driving force for the development of bilateral relations.


III. Deepen the convergence of interests between China and Russia and bring out the potential for sub-national cooperation

中俄互为最大邻国,各领域合作具有强大内生动力。此访期间,X1同 普规划下阶段两国务实合作方向,商定继续深入开展共建“一带一路”和欧亚经济联盟对接,重点加强能源、农业、科技创新、金融等领域合作,稳步推进战略性大项目,积极打造合作新增长点,将两国高水平政治关系优势转化为更多务实合作成果。X1邀请 普明年来华出席第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛, 普当场欣然接受。两国元首共同参观中俄经贸合作图片展,并见证签署一系列双边合作文件,昭示着双方广阔的合作空间。地方合作是中俄合作的主线之一。两国元首共同出席中俄地方领导人对话会,还一道在远东风采街参观考察,亲力亲为推动地方合作。X1强调,要借助今明两年中俄地方合作交流年的东风,加强统筹协调、创新合作思路、深挖互补优势,开启两国地方合作新时代。要用好“东北-远东”、“长江-伏尔加河”两大地方合作机制,要推动中方“京津冀”、“长三角”、“粤港澳大湾区”等区域发展规划同俄方各联邦区发展战略对接,使地方合作由毗邻地区向腹地延伸。X1此访有力拓展了中俄地方合作格局,对于推进中国国内协调发展战略、对于提升远东开发合作水平、对于深化两国利益融合均有重要意义。

As each other's biggest neighboring country, China and Russia share strong endogenous driving force for cooperation in various fields. During this visit, X1 and President Vladimir Putin charted the course for China-Russia practical cooperation in the next phase, and decided through consultation to continue deepening the integration between the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union. The two sides agreed to focus on strengthening cooperation in such fields as energy, agriculture, scientific and technological innovation and finance, steadily advance major strategic projects, and actively foster new growth points for cooperation, so as to translate the advantage of high-level political relations between both countries into more outcomes of practical cooperation. X1 invited President Vladimir Putin to attend the 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in China next year, and President Vladimir Putin agreed immediately with pleasure. The two heads of state jointly visited a photo exhibition of economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia, and witnessed the signing of a series of bilateral cooperation documents, showing the broad space of bilateral cooperation. Sub-national cooperation is one of the main lines of China-Russia cooperation. The two heads of state jointly attended the dialogue between Chinese and Russian regional leaders, and also visited and inspected the Far East Street exhibition, and personally promoted sub-national cooperation. X1 stressed that the two sides should ride the trend of the years of China-Russia local cooperation and exchange in 2018 and 2019 to strengthen overall coordination, make innovation in cooperation thoughts, and deeply explore complementary advantages, so as to open the new era for bilateral sub-national cooperation. The two sides should make good use of the two major sub-national cooperation mechanisms, namely China's Northeast-Russia's Far East and the Yangtze River-Volga River, and promote the integration of the Chinese side's regional development plans including the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with the development strategies of various federal districts of the Russian side, so as to make sub-regional cooperation extend from adjacent areas to inland areas. X1's visit this time vigorously expanded the China-Russia sub-national cooperation pattern, and was of important significance for advancing China's domestic coordinated development strategies, for improving the development and cooperation in the Far East, and for deepening the convergence of interests between the two countries.


IV. Steer the direction of sub-national cooperation and open up the prospects for mutual benefit and win-win results


The EEF is an important platform for international cooperation in the Far East of Russia, and also an important opportunity for Northeast Asian countries to pool wisdom and discuss cooperation. As Northeast Asia enjoys generally stable and sound situation at present, strengthening sub-national cooperation faces more favorable conditions. In his speech at the plenary session of the EEF, X1 put forward four propositions: enhance mutual trust to safeguard regional peace and tranquility; deepen cooperation to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results for all countries; learn from each other to consolidate the traditional friendship of the people; and take a long-term perspective to realize integrated and coordinated development. These important propositions conform to the development trend of the times and meet the interests of all parties in the region, formulating a clear and feasible roadmap for creating a better future in Northeast Asia. On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, X1 focused on regional sustainable development, upheld the concept of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and advocated that all parties should actively carry out the alignment of development strategies, focus on improving the level of cross-border infrastructure connectivity and trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and vigorously promote mini-lateral cooperation and sub-regional cooperation, which received support and response from all parties present at the Forum. As a Chinese saying goes, "Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors." As an important member of Northeast Asia, China has always been committed to participating in sub-national cooperation, promoting exchanges and dialogues among various countries, and creating a harmonious and friendly neighboring environment, which demonstrates the image of a responsible and constructive major country with commitment. Such gestures make China's space for cooperation with foreign countries become broader and wider, and the path of peaceful development become smoother, as well as the concept of mutual benefit and win-win results get deeper in the hearts of the people.


On the sidelines of the EEF, X1 also conducted friendly exchanges with the leaders of the participating countries to deepen mutual trust and cooperation. When meeting with President Khaltmaa Battulga of Mongolia, the two sides agreed to well grasp the right direction of China-Mongolia relations, well safeguard the political foundation with practical actions, vigorously promote the integration of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Development Road Initiative, and expand exchanges and cooperation in the adjoining border areas. X1 held a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, during which he pointed out that China-Japan relations are entering a normal track and face important opportunities for improvement and development. China and Japan should consolidate the political foundation, grasp the right direction, enhance mutual understanding, expand common interests, manage and control differences in a constructive manner, and carry out benign interactions. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that the Japanese side's desire to improve and develop relations with China is sincere and the Japanese side determines to make efforts in this regard to promote new and greater development of the relations between the two countries.


At last, Wang Y1 said that X1's visit this time is a practical, targeted and efficient "acupoint stimulating" visit, which is conducive to the benign interactions of major-country relations and to the greater intensity of the neighborhood diplomacy. It is an important practice for China to build a community with a shared future for its neighboring countries and mankind. It demonstrates the broad and great international vision and the manner and demeanor of a confident and calm leader of a major country. The world today is facing huge changes that have never been seen in the past hundred years. Diversification is the solution to the numerous and complicated international affairs and one should have high aspirations to handle them with great ease. We should take X1's thought on diplomacy of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era as the guide, observe the general trend, plan the overall situation, seize opportunities, properly deal with challenges, and advance external work in a well-planned and coordinated way, so as to provide a better guarantee for realizing the two centenary goals and the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and make greater contributions to the advancement of the cause of human progress of peace and development.

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