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新时代跨越大洋的牵手 ——王毅外长在中拉论坛第二届部长级会议开幕式上的致辞

Join Hands Across the Ocean in a New Era

Remarks by Foreign Minister Wang Yi 
At the Opening Ceremony of the Second Ministerial Meeting of the 
China-CELAC Forum

23 January 2018


Your Excellency President Michelle Bachelet,


Colleagues from the Latin American and Caribbean Countries,


Distinguished Guests from the International and Regional Organizations,


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Chinese President Xi Jinping attaches high importance to this meeting and sends his congratulatory message. Allow me to read it to you.


"As the second ministerial meeting of the China-CELAC Forum opens, I wish to express, on behalf the government and people of China and in my own name, warm congratulations and extend sincere greetings to President Michelle Bachelet and the delegates of the participating countries and international and regional organizations.

2015年1月论坛首届部长级会议在北京召开,我出席了开幕式。我高兴地看到,3年来,在中拉双方共同努力下,中拉论坛已成为中拉整体合作的主渠道,带动各领域合作取得丰硕成果。今天,中拉双方再度聚首,总结合作经验,共谋发展大计,将推动中拉关系迈上更高水平。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

When the first ministerial meeting of the Forum was held in Beijing in January 2015, I attended its opening ceremony. I am happy to see that with our joint efforts in the past three years, the China-CELAC Forum has developed into the main channel for the overall cooperation between China and Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries and fruitful progress has been made in wide areas. Today, the two sides are meeting again to review past experience and plan the future, in an effort to elevate China-LAC relations to a higher level.


Our world is undergoing major development, transformation, and adjustment. Countries are increasingly interconnected and interdependent and humankind faces many common challenges. Despite the geographical distance, China and LAC countries are all developing countries, and share the dream of world peace, prosperity and happiness of the people. The Chinese people are ready to join hands with the people of LAC countries to further contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for humankind.

4年前,我提出“一带一路”国际合作倡议,就是要同有关各方一道,建设互联互通国际合作新平台,增添共同发展新动力。倡议提出后,得到包括许多拉美和加勒比国家在内的国际社会积极热烈响应。历史上,我们的先辈劈波斩浪,远涉重洋,开辟了中拉“太平洋海上丝绸之路”。今天,我们要描绘共建“一带一路”新蓝图,打造一条跨越太平洋的合作之路,把中国和拉美两块富饶的土地更加紧密地联通起来,开启中拉关系崭新时代。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The aim of the Belt and Road Initiative that I put forward four years ago is for China and all interested parties to build a new platform for international cooperation on connectivity and lend fresh impetus to common development. The Initiative has been warmly received by the international community, including many LAC countries. Historically, our ancestors, braving waves of the vast ocean, blazed the trans-Pacific maritime Silk Road between China and LAC countries. Today, we need to draw a new blueprint for our joint effort under the Belt and Road Initiative and open a path of cooperation across the Pacific Ocean that will better connect the richly endowed lands of China and Latin America and usher in a new era of China-LAC relations.


Let us join hands and set sail toward a better future for China-LAC relations and for all humankind!


I wish the meeting a full success!"


That is the end of the message.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


In his congratulatory message, President Xi Jinping commended the progress the Forum made in the past three years, and put forward the important proposal of advancing China-LAC relations with Belt and Road cooperation. President Xi's message speaks to China's sincerity in deepening its cooperation with LAC countries in pursuing common development.


-Over the past three years, with the institutional pillars of the Forum put in place, we have steered the Forum onto a track of sound growth. The foreign ministers of China and the CELAC Quartet have held two rounds of dialogue. Our national coordinators have met annually. Dialogue and cooperation platforms have been established in over ten areas including political parties, infrastructure, agriculture, business, scientific and technological innovation, youth, think-tanks, legal affairs, the environment, local government cooperation and non-governmental exchanges. Seventeen sub-forum events have been held, involving the direct participation of over 20,000 people. These events provide us the institutional guarantees in implementing our political consensus and cooperation plans.

——三年来,我们深耕细作论坛框架下合作,取得实实在在成果,积累了许多宝贵经验。根据论坛首届部长级会议通过的《中拉合作规划(2015-2019)》,双方积极推进政治与安全、贸易投资金融等13个重点领域合作。中拉政治互信向深入发展,中国在地区建交国增至22个,全面战略伙伴和战略伙伴增至9个。中拉经贸合作规模和水平持续攀升,在全球经济低迷的情况下,贸易额始终保持在2000亿美元以上,中国对拉非金融类投资存量突破2000亿美元,三年翻了一番,对拉融资合作惠及20多个国家的80多个民生项目。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

-Over the past three years, thanks to our meticulous efforts, cooperation under the Forum has yielded tangible outcomes and helped us gain valuable experience. Following the China-CELAC Cooperation Plan 2015-2019 adopted at the first ministerial meeting, we have vigorously advanced our cooperation in 13 key areas including, among others, political and security affairs, trade, investment and finance. Our mutual political trust has deepened. Twenty-two CELAC countries have established diplomatic ties with China and nine have forged either strategic or comprehensive strategic partnerships with China. Our business cooperation has kept expanding and improving. Despite a sluggish world economy, our annual trade volume has stayed above US$200 billion. The stock of China's non-financial investment in the LAC region has doubled in three years and exceeded US$200 billion. Our financing cooperation has supported over 80 livelihood projects in more than 20 countries.

——三年来,我们通过论坛平台加强人文交流,夯实了中拉关系的民意基础。中方邀请了拉方1000多位政党领导人访华,4000多名拉方人才赴华学习深造。“中拉科技伙伴计划”和“中拉青年科学家交流计划”顺利实施,每年15名拉美科学家赴中方科研单位短期工作。中拉联合实验室、示范农场、新闻交流中心等项目开花结果。“中拉文化交流年”精彩纷呈,覆盖中国多个省市和近30个拉美和加勒比国家,是迄今中拉共同举办的最大规模文化盛事。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

-Over the past three years, by strengthening people-to-people ties through the Forum, we have consolidated the public support for our relations. Over 1,000 leaders of the political parties from LAC countries have visited China, and 4,000-plus professionals have been to China for training or further education. The China-LAC Science and Technology Partnership and the China-LAC Scientist Exchange Program have been successfully implemented, with 15 scientists from LAC countries going to Chinese research institutes for short-term exchange programs every year. Projects like the China-LAC joint laboratories, demonstration farms and Press Center have come to fruition. The splendid China-LAC Cultural Exchange Year, with its activities across Chinese provinces and cities and in nearly 30 LAC countries, has been the biggest cultural event we jointly hold so far.


The fruitful outcomes we have achieved at the Forum are attributable to our commitment to mutual respect and equality, and to our common pursuit of cooperation and development. Building on the solid foundation we have laid, we need to strive for new progress to take the building of the Forum and our cooperation to a new high, and open up new prospects for China-LAC cooperation. We need to set a new exemplary model for the South-South cooperation, and bring more certainty and positive energy to world peace, stability and prosperity.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


At the end of last year, the Communist Party of China successfully convened its 19th National Congress, and outlined an ambitious blueprint for building China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful by the middle of this century. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that, the Communist Party of China strives for both the wellbeing of the Chinese people and progress of the entire humankind. He also declared to the world that China will stay committed to peaceful development and to a win-win strategy of opening up. China stands ready to share its development dividends with all other countries and achieve common prosperity together with fellow developing countries. China has the resolve and confidence to explore a way of building a great country, that is different from the one followed by the traditional powers, and will always stand side by side with the LAC countries and all other developing countries. The mission of China's diplomacy in the new era has been identified, that is to work with all other countries to forge a new form of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation, and to build a community with a shared future for humankind.


The Chinese people believe that actions speak louder than words. Since President Xi first put forward the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013, it has gained wide support from around the world. Last May, senior officials from over 140 countries and representatives of over 80 international organizations attended in Beijing the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. At the forum, we reached a consensus to jointly promote BRI cooperation. To date, China has signed intergovernmental agreements on Belt and Road cooperation with more than 80 countries and organizations. China has made over US$50 billion of outbound investment under the Initiative, which has brought nearly 200,000 jobs to relevant countries. A cooperation platform originating from Eurasia, extending to every continent and linking the oceans, the Belt and Road Initiative has shown broad prospects and enormous potential.

中方倡议共建“一带一路”,是向世界提供的公共产品。聚焦的是国际经济合作,没有也不搞地缘争夺;奉行的是共商、共建和共享,没有也不搞零和博弈。共商,就是大小国家一律平等,好事大家商量着办;共建,就是各施所长,把各自优势和潜能充分发挥出来;共享,就是让建设成果惠及各国人民,实现互利共赢。“一带一路”是一个开放、透明和包容的国际合作平台,不论哪个国家,只要认同丝路精神,我们都张开双臂欢迎。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China is aimed at providing the world with public goods. It focuses on international economic cooperation and follows the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits; geopolitical contest or a zero-sum game is neither our purpose nor our practice. We encourage all countries, big and small, to discuss the BRI as equals, to draw on each other's comparative advantages, to tap our potential and to secure win-win cooperation outcomes for all our peoples. The Belt and Road is a platform for open, transparent and inclusive cooperation. We welcome all countries that endorse the Silk Road Spirit to join us.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


The consensus we will reach on Belt and Road cooperation at this meeting will be reflected in a special declaration. We hope it will gather fresh momentum and open new prospects for the China-LAC comprehensive cooperative partnership. As we see it, China and LAC countries are well placed to take full advantage of the BRI.

首先,我们有着深厚历史积淀。习近平主席曾多次提及中拉“太平洋海上丝绸之路”和“中国之船”。这条海上丝路始于16世纪中叶,以中国福建为起点,途经菲律宾马尼拉,横跨太平洋,抵达墨西哥阿卡普尔科。中拉通过这条海上丝路,以东方的丝绸、瓷器、香料交换美洲的玉米、土豆、辣椒,促进了两大文明的交流。“中国之船”航行在蓝色的大洋里,连结起中拉人民的情感,成为双方共同的美好记忆。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

First, we enjoy a time-honored friendship. President Xi has repeatedly mentioned the trans-Pacific maritime Silk Road which connected China and LAC countries. Often referred to as the Nao de China, it started in the mid-16th century, with ships setting out from Fujian, stopping over in Manila and sailing all the way across the Pacific to its final destination-Acapulco. This route enabled the exchange of the East Asia's silk, porcelain and spices for Latin America's corn, potato and chili, and facilitated exchanges between our civilizations. The Nao de China, creating a bond between our peoples, has become part of our collective memory.


Second, we have a solid foundation of cooperation. Since the turn of the century, China-LAC relations have made rapid headway, with our cooperation reaching new heights and our converging interests continuing to expand. China has established free trade areas with Chile, Peru and Costa Rica, concluded trade and investment facilitation arrangements and signed industrial cooperation agreements with many LAC countries. The boom of e-commerce and the digital economy in recent years is creating new opportunities for expanding China-LAC economic ties. Our two sides are also engaged in diverse forms of financial cooperation: over US$17 billion has been allocated as part of China's US$35 billion financial package towards LAC countries, and the US$30 billion China-LAC Industrial Cooperation Investment Fund has been launched, together with the creation of a company that will run the fund.


Third, we have a strong need for mutual cooperation. Latin America and the Caribbean is a region of emerging economies. The LAC countries are striving for development, revitalization and people's wellbeing, and have made ambitious development plans with a strategic vision. It falls to us to seek greater complementarity, to sharpen our economic competitiveness, and to move our industries up the value chain. To this end, Belt and Road cooperation will be a "golden key" that unlocks a brighter future for both sides.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

中拉合作好比一棵果树,如果我们引来“一带一路”的清泉悉心灌溉,中拉整体合作和双边合作就能更加枝繁叶茂,结出更多甘甜的果实。下一阶段,中方愿与拉方一道,按照习近平主席和拉方领导人确定的建立平等互利、共同发展的全面合作伙伴关系目标,深化中拉“1+3+6”合作框架,推动中拉合作优化升级、创新发展,打造领域更宽、结构更优、动力更强、质量更好的合作新局。为此,中方建议重点深化以下领域合作。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

I think it would be appropriate to compare China-LAC cooperation to a fruit tree. If we can nourish it with Belt and Road cooperation, it will be more exuberant and bear more fruits, both bilaterally and collectively. Going forward, China stands ready to work with you towards the goal of building a comprehensive cooperative partnership of equality, mutual benefit and common development, which was set by President Xi and the leaders of LAC countries. We hope to deepen the 1+3+6 framework, develop more effective and innovative ways of cooperation, and see to it that it will expand into more areas, improve its structure, gather more momentum and feature higher quality. To this end, China would like to make the following proposals:

一是建设陆洋一体的大联通。“道路通,百业兴”。中方将积极参与拉美地区交通运输、基础设施、能源等硬件建设和互联互通,支持拉美国家建设两洋铁路、两洋隧道等关键通道,开辟更多中拉海洋航道、直航航线,不断提升中拉联通网络的密度和容量。我们愿同更多地区国家商签“一带一路”合作文件,推动更多项目得以启动,早见成效。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

First, building a transportation network connecting lands and oceans. As we Chinese often say, prosperity comes with roads and railways. China would like to be your active partner in transportation, infrastructure and energy connectivity projects, support you in building the bi-oceanic railway and the bi-oceanic tunnel, and open more sea routes and direct air links, so as to increase the capacity and density of the transportation networks connecting China and LAC countries. China also stands ready to conclude Belt and Road agreements with more LAC countries, and launch more Belt and Road projects with a view to reaping an "early harvest".


Second, fostering a large market open and beneficial to both sides. China will facilitate trade and investment with LAC countries to develop our combined market of two billion consumers. China will host an international import expo every year to open its market to and share its opportunities with the world. We welcome the participation of LAC countries in the inaugural expo to be held this November, and encourage you to export more niche, high-quality goods to China.


Third, developing competitive home-grown industries. To break developmental bottlenecks, LAC countries need to foster home-grown pillar industries with a competitive edge. China has the equipment, technology, funding and training opportunities you need. Our two sides may speed up industrial cooperation; work to build logistics, power and information passages; leverage the synergy of businesses, the public and the government; broaden the financing channels of funds, credit and insurance, and explore the establishment of a consortium of development financial institutions; and build more industrial parks and special economic zones. Hopefully, all this will contribute to the early establishment of an independent and diversified industrial system in LAC countries.


Fourth, seizing the opportunity of innovation-driven growth. China hopes to enhance coordination between the Belt and Road Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Action Plan and the development strategies of LAC countries, and build a China-LAC online Silk Road and a digital Silk Road. Our two sides may advance cooperation in the emerging areas such as aerospace and aviation, renewable energy, artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet and bio-medicine. China is ready to help train more researchers from LAC countries through the China-LAC Science and Technology Partnership and the China-LAC Young Scientists Exchange Program. China is working on a big data service platform for ecological and environmental protection and an international coalition for green development, both under the BRI, and welcomes the participation of LAC countries in both initiatives. China also supports small- and medium-sized LAC countries in enhancing their capacity to deal with climate change.

五是开展平等互信的大交流。中拉都是发展中国家和新兴经济体,都处在发展振兴的重要阶段,都在探索符合自身国情的发展道路。中方愿同拉方加强治国理政经验交流,扩大政党、地方、媒体、智库、人文、青年等各领域往来,互设更多文化中心,开设更多孔子学院,加深相互了解和友谊。中方将在未来三年间邀请拉美和加勒比国家600名以上政党领导人访华,同时提供6000个政府奖学金名额,让中拉民心相通的桥梁更加宽广。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Fifth, carrying out extensive exchanges based on equality and mutual trust. China and LAC countries are all developing countries and emerging economies at a crucial stage of development and revitalization; our countries are exploring development paths suited to our own circumstances. China is ready to share more governance experience with LAC countries, enhance people-to-people ties and exchanges between our political parties, sub-national entities, media organizations, think tanks and youths; and establish more culture centers in each other's countries and more Confucius Institutes in LAC countries to deepen mutual understanding and friendship. In the next three years, we will invite over 600 leaders of political parties from LAC countries to visit China and provide 6,000 government scholarships to LAC countries to strengthen the bonds of friendship between our peoples.


Ladies and Gentlemen, 


As a Chinese poem reads, "True friends value their promises to each other and will travel a thousand miles to be together." Let us make this meeting a new starting point in our relations, seize the opportunity offered by the Belt and Road Initiative, and join hands across the ocean to open a splendid new era of China-LAC relations.


In closing, I wish the second Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum a great success!

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