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坚持实现无核化目标 维护半岛和平与稳定

Stay Committed to the Goal of Denuclearization Uphold Peace and Stability on the Peninsula


--Statement by Foreign Minister Wang Yi At the UN Security Council Ministerial Session On the Nuclear Issue on the Korean Peninsula


Mr. President,

朝鲜半岛局势近来持续紧张升级,引发国际社会普遍关注和忧虑。如果半岛问题得不到有效管控,如果发生擦枪走火,局势很可能急转直下,不可收拾。历史上不乏这样的惨痛教训,我们必须对此发出警示。鉴此,中方认为今天在安理会专门召开这一会议是必要的。希望各方能就更加严格和完整执行安理会涉朝决议,更加加大劝和促谈力度,使半岛核问题重回谈判解决轨道形成共识。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The continued escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula in the recent period has been a source of deep concern for the international community. If the issue of the Peninsula cannot be put under effective control, and should unintended incidents occur, the situation is highly likely to take a drastic turn and spiral out of control. There is no lack of such painful lessons in history. We must sound the alarm now. In view of this, today's Session at the Security Council is indeed necessary. We hope it will lead to consensus on more strictly and fully implementing DPRK-related Security Council resolutions, intensifying efforts to promote dialogue for peace, and bringing the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula back to the track of negotiated resolution.


China's position regarding the nuclear issue on the Peninsula is clear-cut. No matter how the situation may evolve, we must work steadfastly in the following two basic directions.

第一是坚持无核化的既定目标。半岛实现无核化,是半岛得以长治久安的基本前提,也是捍卫国际核不扩散体系的应有之义。不管发生什么情况,这一既定目标都绝不能动摇。鉴此,中方坚决反对朝鲜研发和拥有核武器,坚定执行安理会各项涉朝决议。我们敦促朝鲜停止核导开发活动,重回无核化承诺,履行无核化义务。同时,我们呼吁其他有关各方发挥政治智慧,作出政治决断,共同为实现半岛无核化作出建设性努力。 First, we must stay committed to the long-held goal of denuclearization. Denuclearization is the basic precondition for long-term peace and stability on the Peninsula and a natural step for safeguarding the international nuclear non-proliferation regime. No matter what happens, we should never waver in our commitment to this goal.

To this end, China resolutely opposes the DPRK's research, development and possession of nuclear weapons, and firmly implements all DPRK-related Security Council resolutions. We urge the DPRK to stop its nuclear and missile development activities, come back to its denuclearization commitment and honor its denuclearization obligations. Meanwhile, we call on other parties concerned to demonstrate political wisdom, make the political decision and join hands in working constructively toward the denuclearization of the Peninsula.

第二是坚持对话谈判的解决道路。武力解决不了分歧,反而会造成更大灾难,对话谈判是唯一出路,也是各方明智选择。回顾解决半岛核问题的历程,只要对话谈判仍在进行,半岛局势就能保持基本稳定,无核化的努力就有望取得进展。2003年到2007年5年对话谈判期间,各方相继达成三份共同文件,特别是2005年的《9•19共同声明》,制定了朝鲜全面弃核以及实现半岛和平的路线图,至今仍具有重大积极意义,也被历次安理会涉朝决议所重申肯定。而在2008年对话谈判中断之后,半岛形势逐渐失控,朝鲜不断加快核导开发进程,连续进行了4次核试验和数十次导弹试射。因此,我们希望各方都根据安理会决议的要求,切实加大对政治解决与对话协商的投入。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Second, we must stay committed to the path of dialogue and negotiation. The use of force does not resolve differences, and will only lead to bigger disasters. Dialogue and negotiation is the only viable means for a solution. It is also the best option for all parties. Our past experience of tackling the nuclear issue on the Peninsula shows, whenever there were dialogue and negotiation, the situation on the Peninsula would maintain overall stability and progress in denuclearization would be possible.

During the five years between 2003 and 2007 when the parties were engaged in dialogue and negotiation, three joint documents were agreed. In particular, the September 19th Joint Statement of 2005 set out the roadmap for the DPRK's abandonment of all nuclear programs and the realization of peace on the Peninsula. The Joint Statement has remained a milestone agreement to this day, and has been acknowledged and reaffirmed by all DPRK-related resolutions of the Security Council.

In contrast, since dialogue and negotiation broke off in 2008, the situation on the Peninsula has been mired in a downward spiral, and the DPRK has accelerated its nuclear and missile development process by successively conducting four nuclear tests and dozens of missile launches. In view of this, we hope all parties could dedicate greater efforts to seeking a political settlement through dialogue and consultation as required by the Security Council resolutions.


Mr. President,


China is not a focal point in the Peninsula issue. The key to solving the nuclear issue on the Peninsula does not lie in the hands of the Chinese side. That said, as a close neighbor to the Peninsula and well aware of its responsibilities for peace on the Peninsula and stability in the wider region, China has over the years made unremitting efforts and played a unique role in promoting a negotiated solution of the issue. It was through China's efforts and the support of all parties that the Three-Party Talks on the Peninsula nuclear issue was expanded to the Six-Party Talks. Under the current circumstances, China is still ready to work with all parties to make new contribution to the resolution of the nuclear issue on the Peninsula.

最近,中方根据半岛形势的发展,在此前提出“双轨并行”思路以外,又提出了“双暂停”倡议。“双轨并行”旨在按照同步对等原则,并行推进实现半岛无核化和建立半岛和平机制两条轨道,最终予以一并解决。“双暂停”倡议则是通过朝鲜暂停核导活动,美韩暂停大规模军演,推动双方回到谈判桌前,启动“双轨并行”的第一步。中方提出的上述方案使短期目标与长期目标相互结合,相辅相成,既侧重解决各方最紧迫的关切,又藉此铺设通往无核化的道路。这符合安理会决议的要求,符合包括美朝在内各方的根本利益,客观公正,合情合理,务实可行,正在得到越来越多国家的理解和支持。同时我们知道,仍有一些国家对此存有这样那样的疑虑。我在此要说明的是,当前最要紧的是把朝鲜核导开发的进程停下来。为此,我们有必要放下谁先谁后的较量,搁置谁对谁错的争论,从低垂的果实摘起,为半岛和平排雷止爆,为地区稳定创造条件。 微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

In view of recent developments on the Peninsula, China has put forward the proposal of "suspension for suspension", which builds on the "dual-track" approach we proposed earlier. The "dual-track" approach aims to promote parallel progress in denuclearization and the establishment of a peace mechanism on the Peninsula in a synchronized and reciprocal manner, ultimately achieving both goals simultaneously. The "suspension for suspension" proposal, which calls for the suspension of nuclear and missile activities by the DPRK and the suspension of massive military exercises by the US and the ROK, seeks to bring the two sides back to the negotiating table, thus initiating the first step of the "dual-track" approach.

China's above-mentioned proposals help to promote short-term and long-term goals in a complementary and mutually reinforcing way. While they are designed to address the most pressing concerns of the parties, they also help pave the way for denuclearization. They are consistent with the requirement of the Security Council resolutions and the fundamental interests of all parties, including the US and the DPRK. The proposals are objective, fair, reasonable and feasible, and are gaining understanding and support from more and more countries.

Some countries may still have doubts about these proposals. Yet the point I want to make is this: The most urgent task at hand is to halt the DPRK's nuclear and missile programs; To achieve this, it is worthwhile to put aside the contention over who should take the first step and who is right, who is wrong. Rather, we should start from reaching for low-hanging fruits, defuse any flashpoint endangering peace on the Peninsula and create conditions for stability in the region.


I also want to stress here that the current state of the Peninsula issue cannot be blamed on any single party. Nor should any party be asked to take all responsibilities for resolving the issue. As President Xi Jinping stated, only with all parties shouldering their due responsibilities and working in the same direction, will there be an early solution to the nuclear issue on the Peninsula. We call on all parties, especially the DPRK and the US as directly concerned parties in the Peninsula nuclear issue, to demonstrate sincerity for dialogue and restart the dialogue process. We also look to the Security Council to build up consensus and convey a more unified message in this regard. In the meantime, China will be open to all useful proposals from the parties. All ideas conducive to resuming dialogue and negotiation, to denuclearization and peace and stability on the Peninsula can be explored and discussed.



值此安理会专题会议召开之际,中方认为有两件事是当务之急,需要各方相向而行,共同努力。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

As we meet for this Ministerial Session, China calls on all parties to make concerted efforts to address two urgent tasks.


First, we must cool down tensions on the Peninsula as quickly as possible. Given the grave situation there, China strongly urges all parties to remain cool-headed and exercise restraint, and avoid provocative rhetoric or actions that would lead to miscalculation. I want to stress that, there isn't and should not be any double standard in this regard. We ask the DPRK to observe the Security Council resolutions and stop advancing its nuclear and missile development. At the same time, we ask the US, the ROK and other parties to refrain from conducting or even expanding military exercises and deployment against the DPRK.

二是各方应全面理解和完整执行安理会涉朝决议。迄今各项决议除了规定一系列对朝制裁措施外,也明确要求恢复六方会谈,避免紧张升级,坚持对话解决方向。也就是说,落实制裁是执行安理会决议,推动复谈同样是执行安理会决议。二者不可偏废,不能相互替代,不能只取所需。针对朝鲜加快推进核导开发,国际社会有必要加大防扩散力度。同时,针对半岛局势轮番升级,各方也有必要加大促和谈力度。通过“双加强”推进半岛核问题和平解决。中文的“危机”一词包含“危急和机遇”两方面内容,危中有机,危而生机。中方认为,现在是到了认真考虑恢复对话的时候了。 微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Second, all parties should observe and implement DPRK-related Security Council resolutions in their entirety. In addition to imposing sanctions on the DPRK, the resolutions adopted to date also call for the resumption of the Six-Party Talks, avoidance of escalating tensions and commitment to resolution through dialogue. In other words, carrying out sanctions and promoting resumption of talks are both part of the Security Council resolutions, which should not be implemented in a partial or selective way as one sees fit.

As a response to the accelerated progress of DPRK's nuclear and missile development, the international community needs to step up non-proliferation efforts. Likewise, to prevent the escalation of tensions on the Peninsula, the parties should step up efforts to promote dialogue for peace. Stepping up efforts on both fronts will help facilitate the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue on the Peninsula. The Chinese word for "crisis" contains two characters meaning "danger" and "opportunity". It shows if one can seize the opportunity amidst danger, a crisis may be turned into an opportunity. In China's view, now is the time to seriously consider resuming talks.


Last but certainly not least, I want to reiterate China's firm opposition to the US deployment of THAAD anti-missile system in the ROK. Such a move seriously undermines the strategic security of China and other countries in the region, and damages the trust and cooperation among the parties on the Peninsula issue. It is neither helpful for achieving denuclearization nor conducive to long-term stability on the Peninsula. China once again urges the relevant parties to immediately stop the deployment process. Let us make joint efforts to promote denuclearization and uphold peace on the Peninsula on the basis of mutual respect and mutual trust.


Thank you, Mr. President.

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