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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-06-22 15:41 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:


To enhance the in-depth integration of industries, academia and research. To develop a system of technological innovation built up primarily by enterprises, led by market forces and with an in-depth integration of industries, academia and research, support Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao enterprises, higher education institutions and R&D institutes in jointly developing quality collaborative platforms for coordinated innovation, and promote the commercial application of technological achievements. To implement the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao collaboration programme in innovation and technology and the Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme, and support the establishment of an innovation alliance of industries, academia and research in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.


1. academia  美 [ˌækəˈdiːmiə]  n.学术界。

2. collaborative 美 [kəˈlæbəreɪtɪv]  adj.合作的;协作的;协力的。这里是合作的意思。

3. alliance 美 [əˈlaɪəns]  n.(国家、政党等的)结盟,同盟;结盟团体;联盟。这里是联盟的意思。

第二节 打造高水平科技创新载体和平台
Section 2 Developing Quality Innovation and Technology Carriers and Platforms


To accelerate the development of major technological infrastructure facilities, platforms of cross-study as well as emerging frontier researches in the Greater Bay Area, and focus on raising the standards of basic research. To optimise the allocation of resources for innovation, and develop and nurture a batch of platforms for technological innovation for industries, manufacturing innovation centres and enterprise technological centres. To take forward the development of national innovation demonstration zones, progressively commence the expansion of national high-tech industrial development zones, and develop high-tech industrial development zones into regional nodes of innovation and key bases for the high-end development of industries. To take forward military-civilian integration in innovation development in the nine PRD municipalities, and support the establishment of a demonstration zone of military-civilian integration in innovation development.


1. platforms of cross-study 交叉研究平台

2. a batch of 美 [ə bætʃ əv]  一批;一系列。

3. military-civilian integration 军民融合


To support the development of major carriers for innovation such as the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park and the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, the innovation and technology base in Qingsheng of Nansha, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation between Guangdong and Macao in Hengqin. To support the development of the five Hong Kong R&D Centres respectively for Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech, Textiles and Apparel, Information and Communications Technologies, Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems, and Nano and Advanced Materials, as well as the development of the Hong Kong Science Park and the Hong Kong Cyberport. To support the setting up of a platform for developing the traditional Chinese medicine science and technology industries in Macao. To take forward the development of Partner State Key Laboratories in Hong Kong and Macao.


1. textile  美 [ˈtekstaɪl]  n.纺织品;纺织业

2.apparel  美 [əˈpærəl]  n.(商店出售的)衣服,服装;(尤指正式场合穿的)衣服。

3. Nano 纳诺;奈米;纳米

第三节 优化区域创新环境
Section 3 Enhancing the Environment for Innovation in the Region


To deepen reform of innovation systems and mechanisms in the region. To study policies and measures to implement facilitation relating to immigration and customs clearance, working, living as well as the flow of goods within the Greater Bay Area, and encourage interaction and exchanges between technological and academic talents. To allow eligible higher education institutions and R&D institutes in Hong Kong and Macao to apply for Mainland technology projects, and use relevant funding on the Mainland as well as in Hong Kong and Macao according to the regulations. To support the setting up of special funding schemes for joint innovation projects by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, commence cooperation in major R&D projects, and allow the cross-boundary use of related funds in the Greater Bay Area.


1. eligible 美 [ˈelɪdʒəbl]  adj.有资格的;合格的;具备条件的;(指认为可做夫妻的男女)合意的,合适的,中意的。这里是具备条件的意思。

2. scheme 美 [skiːm]  n.计划;方案;体系;体制;阴谋;诡计;计谋v.密谋;秘密策划;图谋;想;认为。这里隐含了方案的意思。

3. cross-boundary 跨境的


To study and formulate a specialised plan to enhance the management of the cross-boundary use of medical data and bio-samples such as blood necessary for R&D cooperation projects in designated higher education institutions, R&D institutes and laboratories in the Greater Bay Area, and foster the research and development of clinical medicine. To enable Hong Kong and Macao R&D institutes in Guangdong to enjoy the same treatment as other Mainland R&D institutes, enjoy various national and provincial (Guangdong) policies in support of innovation, and encourage as well as support them to participate in Guangdong technology programmes. To initiate pilot projects for the securitisation of intellectual property (IP).


1. bio-sample 生物样品

2. clinical 美 [ˈklɪnɪkl]  adj.临床的;临床诊断的;冷淡的;无动于衷的;无同情心的;简陋的;无装饰的。这里是临床的;临床诊断的意思。

3. securitisation 证券化;资产证券化;安全化;抵押担保。这里是证券化;资产证券化的意思。


To promote the commercial application of technological achievements.To innovate the system as well as improve the environment, and develop the Greater Bay Area into a base for the commercial application of technological achievements with international competitiveness. To support Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in establishing in-depth collaboration in areas such as entrepreneurship and incubation, financial technologies,commercial application of technological achievements, international technology transfer and the technology services industry, and jointly develop platforms for the commercial application of achievements such as national level bases for the incubation of technological achievements and bases for start-up businesses and employment for young people from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.To develop a number of Hong Kong and Macao-oriented incubators of technology enterprises in the nine PRD municipalities, and provide convenience to higher education institutions and R&D institutes in Hong Kong and Macao to transfer and apply their advanced technological achievements.


1. transfer 美 [trænsˈfɜːr , ˈtrænsfɜːr]  v.(使)转移,搬迁;(使)调动;转职;转学;改变(环境);转移(感情);传染(疾病);让与,转让(权力等) n.搬迁;转移;调动;变换;(运动员)转会;(旅途中的)中转,换乘,改变路线。这里是转化的意思。

2. incubator 美 [ˈɪŋkjubeɪtər]  n.(体弱或早产婴儿)恒温箱;孵化器。

3. municipality 美 [mjuːˌnɪsɪˈpæləti]  n.自治市;(市下的)自治区;市(或区)政当局。 the nine PRD municipalities 珠三角九市 这里是市(或区)的意思。


To support the setting up of a national demonstration zone for the transfer and commercial application of technological achievements in the nine PRD municipalities. To fully leverage the roles of capital markets and financial services of Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, etc., and join hands in developing a diversified, international and cross-regional system for innovation and technology investment and financing.To make great efforts in broadening channels of direct financing, rely on the regional equity trading market, and develop a supporting platform for technology, innovation and financial services. To support the engagement of Hong Kong’s private equity funds in the financing of innovation and technology enterprises in the Greater Bay Area, allow eligible innovation and technology enterprises to secure listing in Hong Kong for capital financing, and develop Hong Kong into a financing centre for high-tech industries in the Greater Bay Area.


1. join hands 携手;联手;携手联合;连手;携起手来。

2. diversified 美 [daɪˈvɜːrsɪfaɪd]  v.增加……的品种;从事多种经营;扩大业务范围;(使)多样化,变化,不同diversify的过去分词和过去式。adj. 多种多样的;不同的。 这里是多元化的意思。

3. equity  美 [ˈekwəti]  n.(公司的)股本;资产净值;(公司的)普通股;公平;公正。这里是(公司的)股本;资产净值的意思。


To step up the protection and exploitation of IP. To capitalise on the IP collaboration mechanisms of Hong Kong/Guangdong, Macao/Guangdong and the Pan-PRD region, and strengthen cooperation in areas such as IP protection and training of IP professionals in a comprehensive manner in the Greater Bay Area. To step up IP administrative law enforcement and judicial protection, better leverage the roles of institutions such as the Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court, and strengthen law enforcement actions in key fields and sectors such as e-commerce as well as import and export. To strengthen international cooperation in areas such as IP creation, exploitation, protection and trading, and establish a comprehensive cooperation mechanism for cross-boundary IP cases. To capitalise on existing trading venues, promote IP transactions, and foster a reasonable and effective flow of IP.


1. IP(intellectual property )  知识产权

2. capitalise  v.用大写字母书写;投资于;利用(等于capitalize)。 这里引申为了依托的意思。

3. venue  美 [ˈvenjuː]  n.聚会地点(如音乐厅、体育比赛场馆、会场)。这里有场所的意思。


To launch market publicity on the regulatory regimes for IP protection and take forward the “No Fakes Pledge” Scheme. To leverage the radiating function of zones with a concentration of the IP services industry, promote the integrated development of high-end IP services and industries in the region, and promote alternative dispute resolution (including arbitration, mediation and consultation) as a means to resolve IP disputes. To fully leverage the advantages of Hong Kong in IP protection and related professional services, and support the development of Hong Kong as a regional IP trading centre. To continuously enrich, develop and improve the IP protection system that is conducive to stimulating innovation. To develop a mechanism and platform for the exchange and sharing of IP-related information in the Greater Bay Area.


1. regulatory 美 [ˈreɡjələtɔːri]  adj.(对工商业)具有监管权的,监管的。

2. regime 美 [reɪˈʒiːm]  n.(尤指未通过公正选举的)统治方式,统治制度,政权,政体;组织方法;管理体制。这里暗含了管理体制的意思。

3. the “No Fakes Pledge” Scheme “正版正货”承诺活动 

第五章 加快基础设施互联互通
Chapter Five Expediting Infrastructural Connectivity


To strengthen infrastructural development, enhance external and internal connectivity, take forward the establishment of an infrastructural network with a rational layout, comprehensive functions, smooth connections and efficient operations, and provide solid support for socio-economic development in the Greater Bay Area.


1. infrastructural development  基础设施建设

2. establishment 美 [ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt];大型组织;企业;旅馆;(通常反对变革的)当权派,权势集团;(统称)权威人士;建立;创立;确立。这里是形成的意思。

3. rational 美 [ˈræʃnəl]  adj.合理的;理性的;明智的;理智的;清醒的。这里是合理的意思。

 第一节 构建现代化的综合交通运输体系
Section 1 Building a Modern Comprehensive Transport System


To enhance the international competitiveness of the PRD port cluster. To consolidate and enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international maritime centre, support Hong Kong’s development of high-end maritime services such as ship management and leasing, ship finance, marine insurance as well as maritime law and dispute resolution services, and provide such services to Mainland and Macao enterprises. To increase the overall capacity of international shipping services of Guangzhou and Shenzhen, further enhance the service capacity of infrastructural facilities including ports and fairways, form a complementary and mutually beneficial system of port, shipping, logistics and ancillary services with Hong Kong, and strengthen the port cluster’s overall international competitiveness. To focus on major coastal ports, and improve the cargo distribution and transport network of inland waterways, port railway lines and motorways, etc..


1. lease 美 [liːs]  n.(房屋、设备或土地的)租约,租契v.租用,租借,出租(尤指房地产或设备)。这里是v.租用,租借,出租的意思。

2. fairway  美 [ˈferweɪ]  n.航道。

3. cargo 美 [ˈkɑːrɡoʊ]  n.(船或飞机装载的)货物。


To develop a world-class airport cluster. To consolidate and enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international aviation hub, strengthen its role as an aviation management training centre, raise the competiveness of Guangzhou’s and Shenzhen’s airports as international hubs, strengthen the functions of airports such as those in Macao and Zhuhai, and pursue differential development and positive interaction of airports in the Greater Bay Area. To support the construction of the Three-Runway System at the Hong Kong International Airport as well as the reconstruction and expansion of Macao’s airport, carry out reconstruction and expansion works at the airports in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc., commence a preliminary study for the construction of a new airport in Guangzhou, and study the development of a batch of feeder airports and general aviation airports.


1. differential 美 [ˌdɪfəˈrenʃl]  n.差别;差额;差价;(尤指同行业不同工种的)工资级差;(汽车)差动齿轮,分速器,差速器行星齿轮adj.差别的;以差别而定的;有区别的。这里是错位的意思。

2. the Three-Runway System  第三跑道建设

3. feeder 美 [ˈfiːdər]  n.(动植物)进某种食物者,以……方式进食者;(机器的)进料器,供给装置;鸟食罐;饲料槽adj.汇入主干道(或河等)的;(向大机构)供应商品的,提供服务的;育肥备宰的;供肉食的。这里是(航空或铁路)支线的意思。


To further expand the Greater Bay Area’s domestic and international aviation networks, and proactively take forward inter-modal code sharing service. To leverage Hong Kong’s strengths in financial and logistics services, and develop high value-added freight, aircraft leasing and aviation financing services, etc.. To support Macao’s airport in developing regional business aircraft services. To strengthen airspace coordination and air traffic management collaboration, optimise airspace structure, enhance the efficiency of the utilisation of airspace resources, and enhance air traffic management capacity.To deepen management reform in low-altitude airspace, expedite the development of general aviation, steadily develop cross-boundary helicopter services, and set up general aviation demonstration zones in Shenzhen and Zhuhai.To proceed with the setting up of airport economy zones in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.


1. inter-modal code sharing service 多式联运代码共享

2. high value-added freight 高增值货运

3. freight 美 [freɪt]  n.(海运、空运或陆运的)货物;货运v.寄送,运送(货物);货运;使充满(某种心情或口气)。 这里是货运的意思。


To ensure the smooth flow of comprehensive external transport links. To improve comprehensive transport links connecting the Greater Bay Area with nearby provinces and regions via eastern, western and northern Guangdong. To take forward the construction of railway projects including those between Ganzhou and Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Shanwei, Shenzhen and Maoming as well as Cenxi and Luoding, take forward the preliminary work of regional routes including the railway between Guangzhou and Hai’an via Maoming and Zhanjiang as well as the railway between Liuzhou and Zhaoqing at appropriate junctures, and study the feasibility of further extending the railway between Guangzhou and Qingyuan.


1. route 美 [ruːt]  n.路线;路途;(公共汽车和列车等的)常规路线,固定线路;途径;渠道v.按某路线发送。 这里暗含了(公共汽车和列车等的)常规路线的意思。

2. juncture  美 [ˈdʒʌŋktʃər]  n.特定时刻;关头;接合点。at appropriate junctures 适时这里隐含了特定时刻的意思。

3. feasibility 美 [ˌfizəˈbɪləti]  n.可行性;可能性。


To progressively carry out expansion and modification works for busy sections of national motorways such as the Shenyang-Haikou Expressway (G15) and the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway (G4). To speed up the construction of major international land routes connecting the Pan-PRD region and countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations with Guangdong’s outbound motorways, the high-speed rails and express railway lines as the backbone, as well as Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the hubs.


1. carry out 美 [ˈkæri aʊt]  实施;执行;实行。

2. modification 美 [ˌmɑːdɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]  n.修改;改进;改变。这里是改进的意思。

3. backbone 美 [ˈbækboʊn]  n.脊梁骨;脊柱;支柱;骨干;基础;毅力;骨气。这里是支柱;骨干的意思。


To build a rapid transport network in the Greater Bay Area. To focus on connecting the Mainland with Hong Kong and Macao, as well as connecting the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary, build a rapid inter-city transport network mainly involving high-speed rails, inter-city railway links and high-grade motorways, and strive for reducing travelling time among major cities within the Greater Bay Area to one hour or less. To draw up a development plan for inter-city railway links in the Greater Bay Area, improve the backbone railway networks of the Greater Bay Area, speed up the construction of inter-city railways, and progressively plan urban railway transit projects in major cities of the PRD. To accelerate the construction of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge and the Second Humen Bridge cross-river link.


1. the Pearl River Estuary 美 [ðə pɜːrl ˈrɪvər ˈestʃueri]  珠江口

2. estuary 美 [ˈestʃueri]  河口;河口湾;入海口;海湾;三角湾。

3. the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge and the Second Humen Bridge 深中通道和虎门二桥过江通道 

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