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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-06-21 10:22 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:

依法打击制售假冒伪劣商品等违法行为,让违法者付出付不起的代价。用公正监管管出公平、管出效率、管出活力。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will, in accordance with law, crack down on violations of law such as the production and sale of counterfeit and substandard goods, and make the price to pay for law breakers too dear to afford. We will use impartial regulation to ensure a fair, efficient, and dynamic market.


1. crack down 美 [kræk daʊn]  严厉打击;镇压

2. counterfeit 美 [ˈkaʊntərfɪt]  adj.伪造的;仿造的;假冒的 v.伪造;仿造;制假 n.仿制品,伪造物;肖像,画像。 这里是adj.伪造的;仿造的;假冒的意思。

3. substandard  美 [ˌsʌbˈstændərd]  adj.不达标的;不合格的

4. dear 美 [dɪr]  adj.亲爱的;宝贵的;珍视的;(用于信函抬头的名字或头衔前)亲爱的;昂贵;价格高  int.(惊奇、不安、烦恼、担忧等时说)啊,哎呀,糟糕,天哪  n.仁慈的人;可爱的人;(称呼所爱的人)亲爱的;(对较年轻的人或孩子说话时用)亲爱的,乖乖  adv.高价地;昂贵地。 这里是付不起的的意思。

以改革推动降低涉企收费。深化电力市场化改革,清理电价附加收费,降低制造业用电成本,一般工商业平均电价再降低10%。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will earn; out reforms to promote reductions in business-related charges.

We will deepen market-oriented reforms in the electric power sector, overhaul surcharges on electricity prices, lower electricity costs in manufacturing, and cut the average electricity price for general industrial and commercial businesses by another 10 percent.


1. business-related 商务的;与商业相关的

2. market-oriented reform 市场化改革

3. surcharge 美 [ˈsɜːrtʃɑːrdʒ]  n.额外费用;附加费;增收费 v.向(某人)收取额外费用。 这里是n.额外费用;附加费;增收费的意思。

深化收费公路制度改革,推动降低过路过桥费用,治理对客货运车辆不合理审批和乱收费、乱罚款。两年内基本取消全国高速公路省界收费站,实现不停车快捷收费,减少拥堵、便利群众。取消或降低一批铁路、港口收费。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will advance the reform of the toll roads system, move to cut tolls on highways and bridges, and put a stop to unjustified requirements for approval as well as arbitrary charges and fines on passenger and freight transport vehicles. Within two years, we will remove almost all expressway toll booths at provincial borders and make nonstop, swift collection a reality. This will cut traffic congestion and make road transport more convenient. A number of railway and port charges will be abolished or lowered.


1. toll 美 [toʊl]  n.(道路、桥梁的)通行费;(战争、灾难等造成的)毁坏;伤亡人数;(缓慢而有规律的)钟声 v.(缓慢而有规律地)敲(钟);(尤指)鸣(丧钟)。 这里是 n.(道路、桥梁的)通行费的意思。

2. freight 美 [freɪt]  n.(海运、空运或陆运的)货物;货运 v.寄送,运送(货物);货运;使充满(某种心情或口气) 。 passenger and freight transport vehicles这里是客货运车辆的意思。

3. nonstop  美 [ˌnɑnˈstɑp]  adj.不停的;不间断的。

4. swift  美 [swɪft]  adj.迅即发生的;马上做出的;迅速的;速度快的;敏捷的;矫健的 n.雨燕。 swift collection这里是快捷收费的意思。

专项治理中介服务收费。继续清理规范行政事业性收费。加快收费清单“一张网”建设,让收费公开透明,让乱收费无处藏身。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will launch an initiative to address the collection of charges by intermediary organizations. We will continue reviewing and standardizing government levied charges. We will speed up the development of a comprehensive listing system for the collection of fees and charges, making charge collecting open and transparent and leaving unauthorized charges no place to hide.


1. initiative  美 [ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]  n.倡议;新方案;主动性;积极性;自发性;掌握有利条件的能力(或机会);主动权。 这里隐含的是方案、行动的意思。

2. standardize 美 [ˈstændərdaɪz]  v.使标准化;使符合标准(或规格)。这里是规范的意思。

3. levy 美 [ˈlevi]  n.征收额;(尤指)税款 v.征收;征(税). 这里是v.征收;征(税).的意思。

(三)坚持创新引领发展,培育壮大新动能。发挥我国人力人才资源丰富、国内市场巨大等综合优势,改革创新科技研发和产业化应用机制,大力培育专业精神,促进新旧动能接续转换。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

3. We will continue to pursue innovation-driven development and foster new growth drivers.

We will make full use of our country's combined strengths-its abundant human resources and talent and vast domestic market, reform and develop new mechanisms for scientific and technological R&D and industrial application, and foster professionalism, to speed up the replacement of old growth drivers with new ones.


1.  innovation-driven development创新驱动发展

2. foster 美 [ˈfɑːstər]  v.促进;助长;培养;鼓励;代养,抚育,照料(他人子女一段时间)  adj.与某些代养有关的名词连用。 这里是培养、培育的意思。

3. abundant 美 [əˈbʌndənt]  adj.大量的;丰盛的;充裕的。 这里是丰富的意思。

推动传统产业改造提升。围绕推动制造业高质量发展,强化工业基础和技术创新能力,促进先进制造业和现代服务业融合发展,加快建设制造强国。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will work to transform and upgrade traditional industries.

To promote the development of high-quality manufacturing, we will strengthen the foundations of industry and the capacity for technological innovation, boost the integrated development of advanced manufacturing and modernized services, and work faster to make China strong in manufacturing.


1. transform  美 [trænsˈfɔːrm]  v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);使改观。这里是改造的意思。

2. integrated  美 [ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd]  adj.各部分密切协调的;综合的;完整统一的 v.(使)合并,成为一体;(使)加入,融入群体 integrate的过去分词和过去式。 integrated development 这里是融合发展的意思。

3. modernized  美 [ˈmɑːdərnaɪzd]  v.使(制度、方法等)现代化;使(设备、概念等)现代化  modernized service 现代服务业

打造工业互联网平台,拓展“智能+”,为制造业转型升级赋能。支持企业加快技术改造和设备更新,将固定资产加速折旧优惠政策扩大至全部制造业领域。强化质量基础支撑,推动标准与国际先进水平对接,提升产品和服务品质,让更多国内外用户选择中国制造、中国服务。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will create industrial internet platforms and expand Intelligent Plus initiatives to facilitate transformation and upgrading in manufacturing. We will support enterprises in speeding up technological transformation and equipment upgrading by extending the preferential policy of accelerated depreciation of fixed assets to the entire manufacturing sector.

We will strengthen the supporting capacity of quality infrastructure, upgrade our standards to meet advanced international ones, and improve the quality of products and services to encourage more domestic and foreign users to choose Chinese goods and services.


1. internet platform  互联网平台

2. Intelligent Plus initiatives  “智能+”

3. infrastructure  美 [ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃər]  n.(国家或机构的)基础设施,基础建设

促进新兴产业加快发展。深化大数据、人工智能等研发应用,培育新一代信息技术、高端装备、生物医药、新能源汽车、新材料等新兴产业集群,壮大数字经济。坚持包容审慎监管,支持新业态新模式发展,促进平台经济、共享经济健康成长。加快在各行业各领域推进“互联网+”。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will work to speed up the growth of emerging industries

We will strengthen R&D and the application of big data and artificial intelligence technologies, foster clusters of emerging industries like next-generation information technology, high-end equipment, bio-medicine, new-energy automobiles, and new materials, and expand the digital economy. We will continue accommodative and prudential regulation, support the growth of new forms and models of business, and stimulate the healthy development of the platform economy and the sharing economy. We will speed up efforts to pursue Internet Plus initiatives in all industries and sectors.


1. application 美 [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn]  n.申请;请求;申请书;申请表;(尤指理论、发现等的)应用,运用;涂抹;敷用;施用。 这里是应用的意思。

2.  big data 大数据

3. cluster 美 [ˈklʌstər]  n.(同类物丛生或聚集的)簇,团,束,串;(人或动物的)群,组;辅音丛;辅音连缀 v.群聚;聚集。 这里是n.(同类物丛生或聚集的)簇,团,束的意思。 the clusters of 有...的集群的意思。clusters of emerging industries是新兴产业集群的意思。

4. accommodative  美 [əˈkɑməˌdeɪtɪv]  adj.适合(应)的;调节(和)的。这里是包容的意思。

5. prudential 美 [pruˈdɛntʃəl]  adj.审慎的;明辨的;小心的n.(复数)必须慎重考虑的事;慎重的考虑。 这里是 adj.审慎的意思。

持续推动网络提速降费。开展城市千兆宽带入户示范,改造提升远程教育、远程医疗网络,推动移动网络基站扩容升级,让用户切实感受到网速更快更稳定。今年中小企业宽带平均资费再降低15%,移动网络流量平均资费再降低20%以上,在全国实行“携号转网”,规范套餐设置,使降费实实在在、消费者明明白白。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will continue to speed up broadband and lower internet rates. We will launch demo projects to extend 1,000M broadband connectivity to urban homes, upgrade networks for distance education and telemedicine, and expand the capacity of mobile telecommunication base stations and upgrade them, to provide faster and more reliable broadband com1ections for internet users.

This year, average broadband service rates for small and medium enterprises will be lowered by another 15 percent, and average rates for mobile internet services will be further cut by more than 20 percent. Cellphone subscribers nationwide will be able to keep their numbers while switching carriers, and cellphone packages will be regulated to achieve solid fee cuts for all consumers to see.



1. broadband 美 [ˈbrɔːdbænd]  n.宽频带;宽波段;(互联网的)宽带连接 

2. demo 美 [ˈdemoʊ]  n.试样唱片;录音样带。 此处可以延伸理解为示范的意思。demo project示范工程

3. telemedicine 美 [ˌtɛlɪˈmɛdɪsən]  远程医疗;远程医学;远距医疗;远距医疗照护;遥医学。

4. base station 基站

5. switch 美 [swɪtʃ]  n.(电路的)开关,闸,转换器;(尤指突然彻底的)改变,转变;(铁路的)转辙器,道岔 v.(使)改变,转变,突变;交换;掉换;转换;对调;调班;临时掉换工作时间。 keep their numbers while switching carriers这里是“携号转网”意思。

6. solid fee固定费用

提升科技支撑能力。加大基础研究和应用基础研究支持力度,强化原始创新,加强关键核心技术攻关。健全以企业为主体的产学研一体化创新机制。扩大国际创新合作。全面加强知识产权保护,健全知识产权侵权惩罚性赔偿制度,促进发明创造和转化运用。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will increase our ability to provide scientific and technological support.

We will increase support for basic research and application-oriented basic research, step up original innovation, and work harder to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields.

We will build enterprise-led mechanisms for bringing together firms, universities, and research institutes to engage in innovation. Innovation cooperation with other countries will be expanded. We will strengthen intellectual property protection across the board, improve the system of punitive compensation for IP infringements, and promote invention and creation and their industrial application.


1. application-oriented basic research 应用基础研究

2. step up 美 [step ʌp]  增加(数量);提高(速度、强度等)step up original innovation这里是强化原始创新的意思。

3. institute 美 [ˈɪnstɪtuːt]  n.(教育、专业等)机构,机构建筑v.建立,制定(体系、政策等);开始;实行。 research institute是研究机构的意思。

4. infringement 美 [ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt]  n.(对他人权利等的)侵犯,侵害;(对法律、规则等的)违反,违背。这里是侵犯的意思。

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