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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-06-21 09:56 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:

实施职业技能提升行动,从失业保险基金结余中拿出1000亿元,用于1500万人次以上的职工技能提升和转岗转业培训。加快发展现代职业教育,既有利于缓解当前就业压力,也是解决高技能人才短缺的战略之举。改革完善高职院校考试招生办法,鼓励更多应届高中毕业生和退役军人、下岗职工、农民工等报考,今年大规模扩招100万人。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will implement a vocational skills training initiative, and allocate 100 billion yuan from the surplus in unemployment insurance funds to provide training for over 15 million people upgrading their skills or switching jobs or industries.

Stepping up the development of modern vocational education is a strategic move that will not only ease current employment pressure, but also help to address the shortage of highly-skilled personnel. We will reform and improve the ways that vocational colleges conduct examinations and enrollment, encourage more high school graduates, demobilized military personnel, laid-off workers, and rural migrant workers to apply, and this year achieve a large-scale expansion of one million in student enrollments.


1. vocational 美 [voʊˈkeɪʃənl]  adj. 职业的;职业技术的;业务知识的。

2. allocate  美 [ˈæləkeɪt]  v. 拨……(给);划……(归);分配……(给)。 这里是拨……(给)的意思。

3. switch 美 [ˈswɪtʃɪŋ]  v.(使)改变,转变,突变;交换;掉换;转换;对调;调班;临时掉换工作时间。 switching是它的的现在分词。 switching job这里是转岗的意思。


We will expand the coverage of scholarships and grants for vocational college students and raise the level of financial assistance, and speed up work to align vocational technical grade certificates with academic credentials. We will reform the operating mechanisms of vocational colleges and raise the quality of vocational education.


1. the coverage of...  ……的覆盖范围

2. grant 美 [ɡrænt]  v.(尤指正式地或法律上)同意,准予,允许;(勉强)承认,同意 n.(政府、机构的)拨款。scholarships and grants 这里是奖助学金的意思。

3. align 美 [əˈlaɪn]  v.排整齐;校准;(尤指)使成一条直线;使一致。这里是使一致的意思,可以延伸理解为衔接。align... with... 使……与……一致/使……与……衔接起来。

中央财政大幅增加对高职院校的投入,地方财政也要加强支持。设立中等职业教育国家奖学金。支持企业和社会力量兴办职业教育。我们要以现代职业教育的大改革大发展,加快培养国家发展急需的各类技术技能人才,让更多青年凭借一技之长实现人生价值,让三百六十行人才荟萃、繁星璀璨。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

The central government will greatly increase fiscal support for vocational colleges, and local governments should also strengthen their support. A state scholarship for secondary vocational education will be established. We will support enterprises and private actors in providing vocational education. Through major reforms and the development of modern vocational education, we will move faster to train the different types of technicians and skilled workers urgently needed in China's development, enabling more young people to gain professional skills and realize their potential and producing a vast range of talent ready to shine bright.


1. state 美 [steɪt]  n.状态;状况;情况;国家;州;邦   adj.国家提供(或控制)的;国事礼仪(或规格)的;州的;邦的  v.陈述;说明;声明;规定;公布。 这里是国家的意思。

2. actor 美 [ˈæktɚ]  n.演员(尤指男演员);行动者;参与者;变形。 private actor这里的是社会力量的意思。

3. technician 美 [tekˈnɪʃn]  n.技术员;技师;(艺术、体育等的)技巧精湛者,精于技巧者。 technicians and skilled workers 这里是技术技能人才的意思。

 4. a range of  一系列;一些;一套。

(二)激发市场主体活力,着力优化营商环境。我国有上亿市场主体,而且还在不断增加。把市场主体的活跃度保持住、提上去,是促进经济平稳增长的关键所在。要深化“放管服”改革,推动降低制度性交易成本,下硬功夫打造好发展软环境。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

2.We will work to energize market entities and improve the business environment.

There are hundreds of millions of market entities in China, and the number continues to grow. The key to promoting stable economic growth lies in maintaining and increasing their level of activity. We must push forward with reforms that delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services, bring down government-imposed transaction costs, and make every effort to create an enabling environment for development.


1. hundreds of millions of  几亿;数亿;好几亿

2. The key to doing sth. 干某事的关键。 注意这里的to是介词。

3. push forward   推进;推动

4. delegate 美 [ˈdelɪɡət , ˈdelɪɡeɪt]  n.代表;会议代表  v.授(权);把(工作、权力等)委托(给下级);选派(某人做某事)。 delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services  “放管服”因此这里的delegate是把(工作、权力等)委托(给下级)的意思。

5. transaction  [trænˈzækʃn]  n.(一笔)交易,业务,买卖;办理;处理。这里是交易的意思。

以简审批优服务便利投资兴业。市场配置资源是最有效率的形式。要进一步缩减市场准入负面清单,推动“非禁即入”普遍落实。政府要坚决把不该管的事项交给市场,最大限度减少对资源的直接配置,审批事项应减尽减,确需审批的要简化流程和环节,让企业多用时间跑市场、少费功夫跑审批。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will cut government approvals and improve services to create a favorable environment for investment and business startups.

Market allocation is the most efficient form of resource allocation. We will further shorten the negative list on market entry and promote across-the-board implementation of the policy of "entry unless on the list." The government must act with resolve to hand matters it shouldn't manage over to the market, and make maximum reductions to its direct allocation of resources. Every requirement for government approval that should be canceled will be canceled. When approval is required, the procedures and steps involved will be simplified. This will leave companies to spend more time doing business and less time chasing approvals.


1. favorable 美 [ˈfeɪvərəbəl]  adj.赞许的,赞同的;有利的,顺利的;令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的。 a favorable environment for investment这里是便利的投资环境意思。

2. startup  美 [ˈstɑrˌtʌp]  n.启动;新兴公司(尤指新兴网络公司)。 这里是新兴公司(尤指新兴网络公司)的意思。

3. market entry  美 [ˈmɑːrkɪt ˈentri]  市场进入;市场进入战略;市场开发能力;市场准入;市场。 这里是市场准入的意思。

4. "entry unless on the list."   “非禁即入”

5. procedure 美 [prəˈsiːdʒər]  n.(正常)程序,手续,步骤;(商业、法律或政治上的)程序;手术。 这里是流程,(正常)程序的意思。

 6. chase  美 [tʃeɪs]  v.追赶;追逐;追捕;努力获得;争取得到;追求;求爱  n.追赶;追捕;追逐;努力获得;争取;打猎。spend less time chasing approvals这里是“少费功夫跑审批”的意思。

今年,要对所有涉企经营许可事项实行“证照分离”改革,使企业更便捷拿到营业执照并尽快正常运营,坚决克服“准入不准营”的现象;在全国推开工程建设项目审批制度改革,使全流程审批时间大幅缩短。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

This year, all permits required of businesses will be separated from the business license to make it quicker and easier for companies to get a license and start operating as soon as possible; and we will put an end to the phenomenon of "letting firms in but not letting them do business." Reform of the system for construction project approval will be introduced nationwide, and the time of approval needed at every stage of a project will be significantly shortened.


1. be separated from... to...  与……分开/分离

2.  put an end to 终止;结束

3. "letting firms in but not letting them do business."   “准入不准营”

推行网上审批和服务,加快实现一网通办、异地可办,使更多事项不见面办理,确需到现场办的要“一窗受理、限时办结”“最多跑一次”。持续开展“减证便民”改革行动,不能让繁琐证明来回折腾企业和群众。建立政务服务“好差评”制度,服务绩效由企业和群众来评判。政府部门做好服务是本分,服务不好是失职。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will encourage online approvals and services, and work faster to make it possible for such services to be accessed via one website and processed remotely, so that more matters can be handled without the need to be physically present. For matters that do require presence in person, they should be processed at a single window, within a specified time, and without the need for a second visit. We will continue to pursue the Cut Certification to Create Convenience reform initiative, and see that businesses and the public are not saddled with running from pillar to post for certificates.

We will establish a government service evaluation system, and let businesses and the public judge if our service is up to scratch. Delivering good services is what a government is meant to do; failure to do so means failing in its duties.


1. via  美 [ˈvaɪə]  prep.经由,经过(某一地方);通过,凭借(某人、系统等)。这里是通过的意思。

2. the Cut Certification to Create Convenience “减证便民”

3. saddle   [ˈsædl]  n.马鞍;(自行车或摩托车的)车座;(动物的)脊肉 v.给(马)备鞍。 the public are not saddled with running from pillar to post for certificates. 不能让繁琐证明来回折腾企业和群众。

4. up to scratch 达到标准;合格;令人满意。

以公正监管促进公平竞争。公平竞争是市场经济的核心,公正监管是公平竞争的保障。改革完善公平竞争审查和公正监管制度,加快清理妨碍统一市场和公平竞争的各种规定和做法。政简易从。规则越简约透明,监管越有力有效。国家层面重在制定统一的监管规则和标准,地方政府要把主要力量放在公正监管上。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will conduct impartial regulation to promote fair competition.

Fair competition is at the heart of a market economy, and impartial regulation is a safeguard for fair competition. We will reform and improve the fair competition review and impartial regulation systems, and move faster to do away with all regulations and practices that impede the functioning of a unified market and fair competition.

Simple regulations are easy to follow. The simpler and more transparent the rules are, the more robust and effective regulation is. At the national level, the focus is on developing unified regulatory rules and standards, while local governments should concentrate most of their energy on conducting impartial regulation.


1. safeguard 美 [ˈseɪfɡɑːrd]  v.保护;保障;捍卫 n.安全设施;保护措施。这里是保障的意思。

2. do away with 消除;终止;废除;杀死;干掉;自杀。这里是清理的意思。

3. impede 美 [ɪmˈpiːd]  v.阻碍;阻止。

4. transparent  美 [trænsˈpærənt]  adj.透明的;清澈的;易识破的;易看穿的;显而易见的;易懂的。这里是透明的意思。

5. robust 美 [roʊˈbʌst]  adj.强健的;强壮的;结实的;耐用的;坚固的;强劲的;富有活力的。 这里是有力的意思。


We will continue interdepartmental oversight conducted through the random selection of both inspectors and inspection targets and the prompt release of results. We will promote credit rating-based regulation and the Internet Plus Regulation reform initiative, develop better ways of enforcing laws on environmental protection, fire prevention, tax collection, and market oversight, and see that law breakers are punished in accordance with law and the law-abiding are let be.


1. interdepartmental 美 [ˌɪntərˌdiːpɑːrtˈmentl]  adj.各部门(或系)间的;多个部门(或系)的。

2. the Internet Plus Regulation “互联网+监管”

3. in accordance with 符合;依照;和……一致

4. law-abiding  美 [ˈlɔː əbaɪdɪŋ]  adj.遵纪守法的;安分守己的

深化综合行政执法改革,清理规范行政处罚事项,坚决治理多头检查、重复检查。对监管者也要强监管、立规矩,决不允许搞选择性执法、任性执法,决不允许刁难企业和群众。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will deepen the reform of coordinated law enforcement by government departments, overhaul government penalties and punitive measures, and address overlap and duplication in enforcement. Regulators themselves must also be subject to strong oversight and follow rules. There can be no tolerance for selective or arbitrary law enforcement or for making things difficult for businesses and people.


1. enforcement 美 [ɪnˈfɔːrsmənt]  n.执行;实施

2. penalty 美 [ˈpenəlti]  n.惩罚;处罚;刑罚;害处;不利;(对犯规者的)判罚。这里是n.惩罚;处罚;刑罚;(对犯规者的)判罚的意思。

3. overlap 美 [ˌoʊvərˈlæp , ˈoʊvərlæp]  v.(物体)部分重叠,交叠;使部分重叠;(时间上)部分重叠  n.(范围方面的)重叠部分;(物体的)重叠部分,重叠量;(两事发生的)重叠时间,交接时期。address overlap and duplication in enforcement这里是治理多头检查、重复检查的意思。

4. duplication  美 [ˌduːplɪˈkeɪʃn]  n.(不必要的)重复

5. arbitrary 美 [ˈɑːrbɪtreri]  adj.任意的;武断的;随心所欲的;专横的;专制的。这里是任意的;任性的意思。

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