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文章来源:UN 发布时间:2019-12-26 17:07 作者:UN 点击:



Chapter I



1. From the ashes of war through seven decades of profound turbulence and change, the vision articulated in the Charter of the United Nations has stood the test of time, even as the world has become transformed beyond anything our founders imagined. That vision — of Member States “uniting their strength” in pursuit of peace, prosperity and dignity for all — continues to underpin our global work.


2. As we mark the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations, we have much to be proud of. The world has avoided global conflict on the scale seen twice in the first half of the twentieth century. Numerous smaller wars were averted or brought to an earlier end. We have made enormous strides in building the long-term foundations of peace by lifting millions out of extreme poverty, empowering women, advancing human rights, international law and efforts to ensure justice for heinous crimes, and spearheading the decolonization movement.


3. In spite of all this, however, age-old problems persist, from poverty to discrimination. Inequalities are growing in all societies, and the poorest of the poor are being left farther behind. Shocking crimes of violence against women and girls continue to occur, especially in conflict situations, where sexual violence becomes a tool of war. The newer threat of climate change has only begun to show the potential severity of its impacts. In an increasingly fast-paced and interconnected world, problems have become more complex. Opportunities abound but risks are greater and more contagious. Never before have the most pressing concerns and problems been so common to us all. Never has the need for the United Nations been greater. Never have Member States had more reason to heed the Charter’s call to “unite our strength”.


4. People around the world looked to their Governments and to the United Nations for leadership in preventing and responding to these problems. Looking forward, we have a confluence of opportunities to set the world on a better course. We have the chance to end poverty, bring climate change under control, and agree on shared approaches to funding and implementing a new development agenda.


5. Already in the past year we made significant progress towards these interconnected ends. Political momentum on climate change was greatly accelerated by the Climate Summit that I hosted in September 2014 in New York and by the twentieth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Lima in December. An inspiring set of sustainable development goals has been put forward to guide our work for the next generation, and a comprehensive framework for funding these plans was adopted at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development. The panels on peace operations and peacebuilding produced important reports on how the United Nations can more effectively respond to the security challenges of the future. My Human Rights up Front initiative is designed to enhance our efforts to identify and respond to serious violations of human rights and international human rights law at an earlier stage.


6. Finally, we have made progress on a number of key transformational initiatives designed to make the Organization truly global and to maximize our capacity to deliver on mandates effectively and efficiently.


7. Looking forward to the year ahead, I am optimistic that we will soon arrive at a new vision for sustainable development, new directions for the maintenance of peace and security, a renewed embrace of human rights, and a stronger United Nations to help bring our goals to life.


Chapter II

The work of the Organization


A. Promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development

A. 促进持续经济增长和可持续发展

1. The Millennium Development Goals

1.  千年发展目标

8. Experience with the Millennium Development Goals has shown the value of a clear, collective vision for galvanizing action, combined with focused targets for measuring progress. We have made enormous progress. Several targets have been met (see annex). The global extreme poverty rate has been halved and continues to decline. More children than ever are attending primary school. Child deaths have dropped dramatically. About 2.6 billion people gained access to an improved drinking water source. Targeted investments in fighting malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis have saved millions. Coherent national policies aligned to global agreements have resulted in progress in combating both non-communicable and acute diseases.

我们在千年发展目标方面的经验表明,为促进行动而有一个明确的集体愿景,并辅之以衡量进展的针对性指标,这具有重要意义。我们已取得巨大进展。若干千年发展目标已经落实(见附件)。全球极端贫穷率已经减半并继续下降。就读小学的儿童人数超过以往任何时候。儿童死亡人数急剧减少。约26亿人获得了改良饮用水源。用于防治疟疾、艾滋病毒/艾滋病和结核病的针对性投资挽救了数百万个生命。连贯一致的国家政策与全球协定相衔接,使得非传染性疾病和急性病防治工作取得进展。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

9. Significant gaps remain, however, including in improving maternal and reproductive health, achieving gender equality, achieving full and productive employment especially for women and youth, stemming the alarming global rate of deforestation, and accelerating progress across the board in least developed countries. In many cases, these lags have been mutually reinforcing. For example, gender equality and empowerment of women are preconditions for overcoming poverty, hunger and disease, but progress towards Goal 3 has been slow on many fronts. Deforestation exacerbates greenhouse gas emissions and climate change and undermines the attainment of other targets, since forest resources contribute to poverty eradication, food security and the distribution of wealth, especially for the rural poor. The measurement of regional and national averages can mask large differences across and within regions and countries. Advances in many areas often bypass the poor and the most vulnerable. Policies and interventions will be needed to eliminate the persistent or even increasing inequalities between the rich and the poor, between rural and urban areas, and to improve the conditions of those disadvantaged by gender, age, disability, ethnicity, or geographic location, and those who experience multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, such as women and girls.


10. Bolder and more focused action is also needed to accelerate progress in the least developed countries. If recommended by the High-level Panel of Experts on the feasibility study, a technology bank for the least developed countries will be operationalized during the seventieth session of the General Assembly. Many least developed countries still depend heavily on official development assistance (ODA) as the primary source of external and public financing and, while overall flows may be stable, flows to the poorest countries are still falling, the distribution among those countries has been uneven and the impact has not always been as successful as envisaged. Only 5 of the 29 members of the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development have met the United Nations ODA target of 0.7 per cent of their gross national income, while 9 meet the lower bound of the target by providing more than 0.15 per cent of their gross national income as ODA to the least developed countries.

还需要采取更大胆和更有针对性的行动,在最不发达国家加快取得进展。如果可行性研究高级别专家小组提出建议,最不发达国家技术库将在大会第七十届会议期间得以落实。许多最不发达国家仍严重依赖官方发展援助,将其作为外部和公共融资的主要来源。虽然官方发展援助资金总量可能保持稳定,但最贫穷国家所获款项继续减少,对这些国家的供资分布并不均衡,而且并非总能实现预期的成功影响。在经济合作与发展组织发展援助委员会29个成员中,仅有5个达到占国民总收入0.7%这一联合国官方发展援助指标,9个达到对最不发达国家援助目标下限,即把超过0.15%的国民总收入作为对最不发达国家的官方发展援助。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

11. Landlocked developing countries have continued to face important challenges, but have nevertheless made tangible progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, particularly in reducing the proportion of people living in extreme poverty.


2. Sustainable development


12. The year 2015 provides an unprecedented opportunity to put the world on a sustainable development path. The post-2015 development and climate processes, which ultimately aim to eradicate poverty, improve people’s lives, and rapidly transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy, are mutually reinforcing: when acted on together, they can provide prosperity and security for present and future generations.   


13. This new agenda aims to address both existing and emerging challenges. Growing global inequality, increasing exposure to natural hazards, rapid urbanization, new patterns of migration, and the overconsumption of energy and natural resources by some threaten to drive disaster risk to dangerous levels with systemic global impacts. Annual economic losses from disasters are estimated at an average of $250-300 billion.


14. By building and expanding on the lessons learned from the experience of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed commitments, the post-2015 development agenda will chart development efforts, for the next 15 years and beyond, in pursuit of poverty eradication and sustainable development in its social, economic and environmental dimensions. It will be an agenda to improve people’s lives and realize their human rights, in full harmony with nature. In a new departure, it will be a universal agenda entailing national and global responsibilities for all countries. Each and every country will have a responsibility towards its own citizens and towards the international community for implementing this agenda. The inclusion of all stakeholders in the implementation of the post-2015 agenda, including monitoring and review, is of the utmost importance to ensure ownership at all levels.

2015年后发展议程将借鉴千年发展目标以及其他国际商定承诺的经验教训并在此基础上补充扩大,引领今后15年乃至其后时期的发展工作,力求消除贫穷并实现社会、经济和环境的可持续发展。这将是一个谋求在与自然充分和谐相处基础上改善人民生活和实现其人权的议程。作为一个新起点,这将是一个载列所有各国的国家和全球责任的全球议程。每个国家对本国公民和国际社会都负有实施该议程的责任。把所有利益攸关方纳入2015年后议程的执行工作,包括监测和审查工作,这对确保所有各级的自主权极为重要。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

15. The proposed 17 sustainable development goals and 169 targets developed by the Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals will be at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda. They are ambitious. They have the potential to transform societies and mobilize people and countries. They integrate the unfinished business of the Millennium Development Goals and go beyond them by addressing inequality, new challenges and structural issues such as climate change, sustainable economic growth, productive capacities, peace and security and effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. They take a proactive approach to achieving gender equality. They capture the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development in a balanced way. They also spell out means of implementation under each specific goal and in one stand-alone goal on the global partnership, bringing together Governments, civil society and other actors for a truly integrated approach to international development for people and planet.

大会可持续发展目标开放工作组拟定的17项可持续发展目标和169项指标将是2015年后发展议程的核心。这些目标雄心勃勃,有可能借以改造社会和调动民众和国家。它们整合千年发展目标的未竟事业并更进一步,着眼于解决不平等现象以及气候变化、可持续经济增长、生产能力、和平与安全以及有效、负责、包容的各级结构等新挑战和结构性问题。它们在实现性别平等方面采取积极主动的办法。它们均衡抓住了可持续发展的经济、社会和环境层面。它们还针对每个具体目标和关于全球伙伴关系的一个单独目标阐明执行手段,汇集各国政府、民间社会和其他行为体,采取真正的统筹办法推动有利于人民和地球的国际发展。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

16. Implementation of the post-2015 development agenda will require renewed efforts by all Governments to strengthen public institutions by enhancing their responsiveness and accountability in order to meet growing demands on service delivery, as set forth in the proposed goals and targets. Governments must therefore be ready to innovate and develop effective, accountable, participatory and transparent institutions at all levels, to ensure efficient and effective use of public resources for the services and benefits of all citizens, particularly women and girls and marginalized groups.


17. To be realized, these goals must be matched by an equally ambitious agreement on financing for development, technology facilitation and capacity-building, and by a universal and ambitious climate change agreement. New ways must be found to mobilize and allocate financial resources and other means of implementation such as information and communications technologies more effectively. Only by making progress on these tracks together can we achieve a better future for humanity.

要实现这些目标,还必须达成同样雄心勃勃的关于发展筹资、技术促进和能力建设的协定以及普遍和目标远大的气候变化协定。必须寻找更有效调动和分配财政资源以及信息和通信技术等其他执行手段的新途径。只有在这些领域齐头并进,我们才能实现更美好的人类未来。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

18. On 13 July, I joined with Heads of State and other high-ranking Government officials, the heads of international organizations, business leaders, nongovernmental organizations and prominent academics for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, at which Member States adopted the Addis Ababa Action Agenda as the outcome document. The Action Agenda establishes a strong foundation to support implementation of the post-2015 development agenda including the sustainable development goals. It provides a new global framework for financing sustainable development. It includes a policy agenda that incentivizes a shift in investment towards areas of global need, and that aligns all financing flows and policies with economic, social and environmental priorities. It contains agreement on a comprehensive set of policy actions by Member States, with a package of over 100 concrete measures that are related to all sources of public, private, national and international finance, trade, debt, systemic issues, science, technology, innovation and capacity-building. The Action Agenda also serves as a guide for actions by the private sector, civil society, and philanthropic organizations. Deliverables announced at the sidelines of the Conference, along with additional initiatives to be launched in the coming months, will further contribute to reaching our global goals. Together, they should support a revitalized and strengthened global partnership for sustainable development. The Action Agenda also strengthens data, monitoring and follow-up for the financing for development process. It establishes an annual Financing for Development Forum as part of the Economic and Social Council, with intergovernmentally agreed conclusions and recommendations that will feed into the high-level political forum.


19. During the dialogue in the Economic and Social Council on the longer-term positioning of the United Nations development system, Governments sought to ensure a coherent approach in responding to the new and emerging challenges that the United Nations system will face while implementing the post-2015 development agenda. The dialogue analysed the interlinkages between functions, funding, governance, organizational arrangements, capacity, impact and partnership approaches and explored ideas for further analysis and action to make the United Nations development system fit to deliver the new agenda.

在经济及社会理事会关于联合国发展系统长期定位的对话期间,各国政府努力确保以协调一致的方式应对联合国系统在执行2015年后发展议程时将面临的新的和正在出现的挑战。对话分析了职能、供资、治理、组织安排、能力、影响和伙伴合作办法之间的相互联系,并探讨了可进一步分析和采取行动的各种想法,以使联合国发展系统有能力实施新议程。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

20. In addition to new sustainable development goals, Member States have a historic opportunity to finalize a meaningful, universal climate agreement in Paris in December 2015. In so doing, we will build a safer, healthier, more equitable world for present and future generations. To that end, the Climate Summit I hosted on 23 September 2014 created strong political momentum and advanced solutions to reduce emissions and strengthen resilience. At the Summit, more than 100 Heads of State or Government and 800 leaders from finance, business and civil society announced significant new actions on forests, energy, transport, cities and other key issues. Public and private sector leaders pledged to mobilize over $200 billion in climate finance by the end of 2015 to finance low-carbon, climate-resilient growth.


21. The Lima Work Programme on Gender was also adopted, with the aims, inter alia, of increasing awareness and capacity to address the gender dimensions of climate change, improving women’s participation and ensuring that climate policies and measures are gender responsive.


22. Progress is still needed on several fronts, however. Climate finance is critical for catalysing action and building political trust. Developed countries must define a politically credible trajectory for achieving the goal of $100 billion per year by 2020 announced in 2009 in Copenhagen. Adaptation and resilience efforts must be strengthened and supported, especially in the small island developing States and the least developed countries. All countries should submit ambitious national contributions that detail how they will address climate change in the post-2020 period.

然而,仍需在若干方面取得进展。气候融资对促进行动和建立政治信任至关重要。发达国家必须界定一个政治上可信的轨道,以实现2009年在哥本哈根宣布的到2020年每年筹款1000亿美元的目标。必须加强和支持适应与复原工作,特别是在小岛屿发展中国家和最不发达国家。所有国家都应提交雄心勃勃的国家文件,详述在2020年以后期间将如何应对气候变化。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

23. Action must accelerate at every level, from the local to the global. We have no time to waste, and much to gain by moving quickly down a lower-carbon pathway. All countries must be part of the solution if we are to stay within the global temperature rise threshold of 2°C. Working together, we can turn the climate challenge into a powerful opportunity to reduce poverty and inequality, strengthen sustainable growth, improve public health and promote sustainable development.


B. Maintenance of international peace and security


24. In the past year we faced increasingly complex, interconnected threats to international peace and security. Some were new. Others were long-standing threats that had intensified or taken on more virulent forms. Extremist groups captured large swathes of territory in the Middle East and West Africa and significant sources of revenue while terrorizing and abusing millions of people. Conflicts became increasingly transnational. Tensions between Member States rose in some regions. The Security Council’s agenda was dominated by concerns about terrorism and violent extremism. The 37 United Nations peace operations deployed around the world had to adapt to increasingly non-permissive environments, while the outbreak of Ebola virus disease raised serious concern about the potential security risks posed by health emergencies.


1. Conflict prevention and mediation

1. 冲突预防和调解

25. Preventive efforts are also at the heart of my Human Rights up Front initiative, which aligns the actions of the United Nations system to ensure that we meet our most fundamental collective responsibilities to prevent serious human rights violations. Over the past year, efforts were made to improve the United Nations early warning and early action capabilities at both Headquarters and in the field as part of this initiative. Additional support was provided to several United Nations field presences to strengthen the Organization’s preparedness to meet its mandated obligations.


2. Democratic transitions and elections


26. Inclusivity was also a key goal in our efforts to support democracy around the world, where we advised many Governments on ways to increase political participation, for instance by removing barriers to the participation of women as voters, candidates and election officials. In cases where the United Nations actively supported government and State formation processes, as in Iraq and Somalia, we advocated particularly strongly the inclusion of women, youth and minority groups, as well as for the formation of an inclusive government which would represent the interests of all components in society.


C. Development of Africa


27. Africa’s development gains continued in the reporting period. The economic growth rate is projected to rise to 4.6 per cent in 2015, up from 3.5 per cent in 2014. With support from the United Nations, progress was made in priority sectors of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, including infrastructure, agriculture and food security, health, education, science and technology, transport, gender equality and governance. Within the framework of the United Nations monitoring mechanism, the Organization worked to strengthen international support to Africa’s development through a review of implementation of commitments. The first biennial report of the United Nations monitoring mechanism was submitted to the General Assembly at its sixty-ninth session. Through the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa and the interdepartmental task force on African affairs, the Organization worked to ensure coherent and better coordinated United Nations system-wide support to Africa.

在本报告所述期间,非洲的发展继续取得成果。2015年经济增长率预计为4.6%,2014年的增长率为3.5%。在联合国支持下,非洲发展新伙伴关系的重点领域取得了进展,包括基础设施、农业和粮食安全、卫生、教育、科学和技术、交通、性别平等和治理等领域。在联合国监测机制框架内,通过审查各项承诺的落实情况,本组织努力加强国际社会对非洲发展的支持。联合国监测机制的首份两年期报告已提交大会第六十九届会议。本组织通过非洲区域协调机制和非洲事务部门间工作队,努力确保联合国全系统向非洲提供一致和更加协调的支助。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

28. Despite the persistence of security threats and the impact of climate change in some parts of the continent, some progress was made in addressing election-related threats and in strengthening the nexus between peace, security and development. Given the importance of women’s and girls’ empowerment and leadership in peace, security and development, the United Nations also worked to enhance global visibility and awareness of the African Union’s agendas in this regard, including through a possible continental results framework on women and peace and security in Africa, and 2015 was proclaimed by the African Union as the Year of Women’s Empowerment and Development towards Africa’s Agenda 2063.


D. Promotion and protection of human rights


29. More priority to timely, effective prevention is one of the purposes of the Human Rights up Front initiative. This was an important component of United Nations efforts to prevent and respond to serious human rights violations throughout the year, and led to much more consistent integration of a human rights perspective in the peace and security, humanitarian and other work of the Organization both at Headquarters and at country levels. The initiative helped to ensure that the risk of serious human rights violations — including violations of economic, social and cultural rights — were recognized early and that the whole United Nations system understood them as possible threats to development or to peace and security, and as a shared responsibility.


E. Effective coordination of humanitarian assistance efforts


30. This reporting period saw several deplorable humanitarian benchmarks. More than 76 million people from 31 countries needed assistance. The number of people displaced by conflict exceeded 51 million — the highest number since the Second World War. There were more than 400 natural disasters in 2014, which led to the loss of over 17,000 lives and which cost over $82 billion in damages. They unfolded in tandem with many other ongoing crises that caused tremendous suffering. While funding grew, so too did the funding shortfall, from 37 per cent ($3.3 billion) in 2011 to 40 per cent ($7.4 billion) in 2014. Nearly $11 billion was received for interagency appeals, an unprecedented $479 million for the global Central Emergency Response Fund and $600 million for 22 country-based pooled funds. Growing humanitarian needs continue to outpace the resources available to meet them.

在本报告所述期间,一些人道主义基准的情况很差。在31个国家中,有7600多万人需要援助。冲突造成的流离失所人数超过5 100万,是第二次世界大战以来最高的。2014年发生了400多起自然灾害,致使17000多人丧生,造成的损失超过820亿美元。这些情况是与其他许多持续危机同时发生的,造成了深重的苦难。供资有所增加,但短缺的资金也在增加,2011年短缺37%(33亿美元),2014年则短缺40%(74亿美元)。机构间呼吁收到近110亿美元,中央应急基金收到4.79亿美元,数额空前,22个国家集资基金共收到6亿美元。现有的用于满足人道主义需求的资金仍然赶不上人道主义需求的增加。 

31. Despite the scale of the challenges, many Governments have greater capacity to handle crises, and therefore are requesting assistance less frequently, preferring that the international humanitarian system work in a more tailored manner to fill specific gaps, provide specific services, or further develop national expertise. There are many more actors, including national and local civil society groups and private sector companies. While this can pose a challenge to coherence, it can also be an opportunity to increase effectiveness if everyone works together towards the shared goal of meeting the needs of the affected population.


32. To address the growing gap between needs and resources, the donor base must expand. Increased funding alone is not the answer, however, and I have appointed a High-level Panel on Humanitarian Financing to consider necessary changes. We need to operate differently, including working towards reducing and not just meeting humanitarian needs. The average length of a humanitarian appeal is now 7 years, and the average time that people are displaced is 17 years. Planning and raising money on a yearly basis for protracted crises, such as long-term displacement crises, is not the most effective or efficient approach. A longer-term, outcome-driven approach that brings humanitarian and development planning closer together is needed. However, without substantially higher political commitment to address the underlying causes, it will not be possible to cover constantly increasing needs. The post-2015 development agenda, the new disaster risk reduction framework, and the ongoing discussions around climate change and the new urban agenda are unique opportunities to better address these global challenges common to the development and humanitarian sectors. The World Humanitarian Summit to be held in May 2016, in Istanbul, Turkey, will set an ambitious and bold forward agenda for humanitarian work and will address some of these fundamental challenges.


F. Promotion of justice and international law


33. War crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and other gross violations of human rights undermine the very foundations of the rule of law at both the international and national levels. While the International Criminal Court was established to investigate and prosecute those crimes, the primary responsibility rests with the Member States. For that reason, we continue to accord high priority to activities in support of strengthening national capacity to combat impunity for those crimes, in line with international law.

战争罪、危害人类罪、灭绝种族罪及其他严重侵犯人权的罪行在国际和国家层面破坏法治的根基。尽管成立了国际刑事法院来调查和起诉这些罪行,但会员国负有首要职责。有鉴于此,我们继续高度重视开展活动,帮助各国加强根据国际法消除这些罪行未受惩处现象的能力。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

34. The Organization has continued to support the efforts of Member States to strengthen the legal regime for oceans, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and its implementing agreements. The implementation of those instruments contributes to sustained and inclusive economic growth, social development and environmental protection. Oceans have featured prominently in the work of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals. The Organization has also continued to strengthen inter-agency coordination and the coherence of United Nations system activities related to ocean and coastal areas, in particular through UN-Oceans.


G. Disarmament


35. Humanitarian approaches to disarmament saw momentum in the reporting period. I am particularly encouraged by the growing interest in addressing the humanitarian, legal, military and ethical dimensions of autonomous weapon systems and other emerging technologies under the auspices of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. I commissioned a study on armed unmanned aerial vehicles, which included a focus on humanitarian and human rights issues related to their use. The Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, held in December 2014, contributed to growing awareness of the risks posed by nuclear weapons. Such conferences deepen our knowledge of the risks of use and the fundamental challenges to our emergency response capability. The more we understand about the humanitarian impacts, the more it becomes clear that we must pursue disarmament as an urgent imperative.


36. I deeply regret the inability of the 2015 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to reach consensus on a substantive outcome. While increasing international tension demonstrates the need for tangible progress in nuclear disarmament, a wide gap persists on how to move this agenda forward. States must not let this setback stop the momentum they have built in recent years for new initiatives in the pursuit of nuclear disarmament and continuing efforts to strengthen nuclear non-proliferation.


37. More sobering was the continuing inability — after 19 years — of the Conference >’s single negotiating forum for multilateral disarmament.


38. Finally, the United Nations responded to an increasing number of requests from Member States to support strengthening of national capacities to fulfil their obligations under multilateral disarmament treaties and other instruments.


H. Drug control, crime prevention and combating international terrorism in all its forms and manifestations


39. International terrorism rose to the top of the international agenda in the past year, consuming a greater portion of Security Council attention and world headlines and, most tragically, affecting a larger number of lives than in the past. I found myself having to repeatedly condemn brutal acts perpetrated against innocent civilians by a new generation of transnational terrorist groups. Too often, though, I also found it necessary to recall that failure to address conditions conducive to terrorism produces environments in which extremist groups prove alluring, while responses that are not human rights compliant undermine the very values we hold most dear and can inadvertently fuel radicalization. I continued to advocate counter-terrorism activities that respect all their obligations under international law.

国际恐怖主义问题在过去这一年中上升为国际议程中的首要事项,与以往相比,更多地引起安全理事会的注意,更多地成为世界媒体的头条新闻,而且最为不幸的是,影响到更多的人。我不得不一再谴责新的一代跨国恐怖主义团体对无辜平民实施的野蛮行为。但是,我也常常发现有必要指出,不去除滋生恐怖主义的条件,就会产生让极端主义团体有吸引力的环境,如果采取的对策不尊重人权,我们最为珍视的价值就会受到损害,并可能在无意中助长激进主义。我继续提倡在遵守国际法规定的所有义务的情况下开展反恐活动。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

40. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), each year, some 200,000 people die from the use of drugs and approximately 27 million people in the world suffer from drug use disorders. According to the estimates of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, WHO, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World Bank, 1.7 million and 6.6 million people who inject drugs are infected with HIV and hepatitis C, respectively. Many more die as a result of the violence that permeates the illicit drug trade. The Organization, including through the United Nations system task force on transnational organized crime and drug trafficking, has continued to support Member States in the lead-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem to be held in 2016, including in ensuring that it would consider the issue from a perspective that is grounded in a concern for health and well-being while continuing to provide an effective multilateral space to address the root causes of drug production, trafficking and related transnational organized crime. The session will provide a valuable opportunity for a comprehensive and inclusive exchange of ideas and lessons on what has and has not worked in addressing the world drug problem. The United Nations advocates a rebalancing of the international policy on drugs, to increase the focus on public health, human rights, prevention, treatment and care, and economic, social and cultural measures.

根据世界卫生组织(世卫组织)的资料,世界上每年约有20万人死于吸毒,约2 700万人滥用药物。据联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室、世卫组织、联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署和世界银行估计,分别有170万和660万注射毒品者感染了艾滋病毒和丙型肝炎。更多人死于非法毒品交易过程中无处不在的暴力。本组织,包括联合国系统跨国有组织犯罪和贩毒问题工作队,继续支持会员国进行2016年关于世界毒品问题的大会特别会议的会前工作,包括确保会议从关注健康和福祉的角度审议该问题,同时继续切实提供多边协商的空间,以便消除毒品生产、贩运和相关的跨国有组织犯罪的根源。会议将为各方一起全面交流处理世界毒品问题的成败经验和看法提供宝贵机会。联合国主张重新权衡国际毒品问题政策,更加注重公共卫生、人权、预防、治疗和护理以及经济、社会和文化措施。

41. The Organization continued efforts to mainstream issues related to drug abuse prevention, drug dependence treatment, HIV prevention, treatment and care and, in close coordination with WHO, piloted programmes to ensure the availability of pain medication in countries with low levels of access.


Chapter III

Strengthening the Organization


42. The General Assembly made important strides in the past year to enhance the Organization’s decision-making capabilities and to make it more reflective of the twenty-first century. Intergovernmental negotiations continued on Security Council reform and the Assembly placed a new emphasis on coordination among the principal organs on topical issues. Enhanced interaction between the Assembly and civil society was also prioritized. There was a 21 per cent rise in the frequency of Security Council meetings and a 36 per cent increase in the number of General Assembly meetings, and the Secretariat provided quantitatively more but qualitatively consistent conference service support. Delivery of conference services was modernized in a variety of ways, including with a global United Nations platform for computer-assisted and machine translation.


43. The Secretariat made notable progress throughout the year on a number of key transformational initiatives designed to make the Organization truly global and to maximize our capacity to deliver on mandates effectively and efficiently. For example, Umoja, the enterprise resource planning system, reached another critical milestone in June with its deployment to the Nairobi-based entities (United Nations Office at Nairobi, United Nations Environment Programme, UN-Habitat) as well as to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. It will be deployed to all other duty stations in November, thereby enabling an integrated and streamlined management of financial, human and physical resources for the global Secretariat. This standardized solution will in turn support a global service delivery model that will provide high-quality, timely and standardized administrative services across the global Secretariat, including services to peacekeeping and special political missions. I will present a framework proposal on the global service delivery model to the General Assembly at its seventieth session.


44. In addition, the mobility and career development framework will soon become a reality with the launch on 1 January 2016 of the first job network (POLNET), which includes departments and offices working on political, peacekeeping and humanitarian affairs. This new approach to staffing will permit the movement of staff to meet the strategic needs of the Organization arising from mandate requirements and organizational priorities.


45. In view of the endorsement by the General Assembly of an information and communications technology strategy, I will continue to address the highly fragmented technology landscape, including by transitioning technology services and programme delivery to a model with both enterprise-wide and regional components that comply with standards, best practice and governance requirements. I continue to accord the highest priority to information security and operational resilience.


46. Given the level of inherent risk the Organization faces as well as the additional risk generated by the magnitude of organizational change under way, the Secretariat is in the process of implementing an enterprise-wide coherent and integrated risk management system to mitigate the risks to our work.


47. The renovation and refurbishment of the Headquarters complex in New York has been successfully concluded with the dissolution of the Office of the Capital Master Plan in July 2015 and the transfer of responsibilities to the Office of Central Support Services in the Department of Management.




48. Multi-stakeholder initiatives such as Sustainable Energy for All, Every Woman, Every Child, Global Education First Initiative, the Zero Hunger Challenge and Global Pulse demonstrate the great potential in partnership to harness the strengths of various actors towards achieving the goals of the United Nations. The Climate Summit in September 2014 mobilized leaders from the private sector, finance and civil society to commit to ambitious actions to reduce emissions and strengthen resilience. The Organization should continue to seize the great potential of partnership, while ensuring oversight and accountability.


49. With respect to existing partnership we continue to focus on increasing the impact of our work with a broad range of partners, including Governments, civil society, the private sector, philanthropy, academia, and other multilateral organizations. Through the United Nations Global Compact, over 8,000 companies in more than 150 countries are already advancing responsible business practices. In addition, consultations were held across the United Nations system to revise the Guidelines on Cooperation between the United Nations and the Business Sector. The Department of Public Information raised global awareness of the work and goals of the Organization through partnerships with traditional and new media outlets across multiple languages, the creative community, and over 1,000 universities that have committed themselves to the United Nations Academic Impact.

关于现有的伙伴关系,我们继续侧重于扩大我们与各国政府、民间社会、私营部门、慈善界、学术界和其他多边组织等众多伙伴合作开展的工作的影响力。已有150多个国家的8 000多家公司通过“联合国全球契约”推进负责任的企业做法。此外,在整个联合国系统开展磋商,以修订《联合国与工商界合作准则》。新闻部与多种语言的传统媒体和新媒体、艺术创作界以及加入了“联合国学术影响”的1 000多所大学结成伙伴关系,推动全球进一步了解本组织的工作和目标。

Chapter IV



50. In this seventieth anniversary year, I am convinced that the world needs the United Nations more than ever before. The Millennium Development Goals we adopted 15 years ago have helped to lift more than a billion people out of extreme poverty, and have saved millions of lives and improved conditions for millions more around the world. Governments have a window of opportunity to chart a sustainable future; they are poised to adopt a new universal development agenda for the next 15 years in September 2015, and to agree on an ambitious climate change agreement in December. The increasingly complex and interconnected threats to international peace and security challenge us to review and update our approach to conflict prevention, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. These are but a few of the challenges that lie ahead, which call for an unprecedented spirit of cooperation among Member States. Let us work together to achieve these common goals.






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