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Chapter I



1. This rising level of demand upon the United Nations is in keeping with the dramatically changing global landscape and the growing number of challenges that  no country can confront alone. It reminds us anew of the  enduring value of the  United Nations as a forum for problem-solving and a tool for burden-sharing. This was a  decade of tectonic turbulence and exponential change. Globalization ushered  in many opportunities for prosperity and for a sense  of  shared  global community and humanity. But with greater opportunity emerged greater risk and unforeseen challenges. Just as goods and people moved seamlessly across borders, so too did diseases, weapons and extremist propaganda. Events in one part of the world reverberated all over the globe. The decade was marked by a series of crises with global repercussions, from the  financial, food  and fuel crises to the  wave of unrest  in the Middle East and North Africa. These setbacks diverted resources away from development towards crisis response and magnified fear and anxiety in many quarters. Throughout my tenure, leaders and global institutions struggled to keep  pace with change and to sustain popular faith in their ability to manage its consequences. This was the first decade of the social media age, in  which the voice  of “we the peoples” was increasingly, resoundingly heard in global affairs. People rightly demanded more of their leaders and more of the United Nations. I trust that they will look back on this decade as a time when the Organization delivered for them, while also adapting to a  profoundly changing world so  that it could continue  to deliver long into the future.

国际局势发生了重大变化,各种挑战越来越多,没有一个国家能够独自应对,因此向联合国提出的要求也相应增加。它再次让我们想起联合国作为一个解决问题的论坛和分担负担的工具所具有的长久价值。在这一个十年中,风云四起,沧桑巨变。全球化带来了许多实现繁荣的机会,让人们有一种世人共济向善的感觉。但机会多了,风险和未可料知的挑战也增加了。货物和人跨越国界畅行,疾病、武器和极端主义宣传也伴随而行。一地发生的事件可对全球产生影响。在这十年中,发生了一系列波及全球的危机,上有金融、粮食和燃料危机,下有中东和北非的一系列动荡局势。这些挫折让原本用于发展的资源被用来应付危机,在许多地方增加了人们的不安和担心。在我的任期中,领导人和国际机构一直在努力紧跟变化,让民众继续信任他们有能力来应对变化的后果。这十年是社会媒体时代的起始十年,在此期间,“我联合国人民”在国际事务中的发言权越来越大。人民自然向他们的领导人和联合国提出了更多的要求。我相信他们会认为联合国在这十年中满足了他们的要求,同时也根据发生巨变的世界做出调整,以便在今后很长的时间内继续这样做。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

2. I took office determined to adapt the United Nations —  and  to support Member States in adapting — to deepening interdependence in a  fast-changing world. To that end, I undertook a series of structural reforms and other steps to improve the Organization’s functioning and effectiveness, while also advocating vigorously for Member States to keep their commitments across all three pillars of the work of the Organization — peace and security, development and human rights. Many of my efforts have borne fruit within this most recent reporting period.

我在就职时下决心促使联合国——并协助会员国——适应相互依赖性在世界迅速变化过程中不断增强的情况。为此,我进行了一系列体制改革并采取其他步骤,改进联合国的运作和提高它的效力,同时积极推动会员国在本组织的和平与安全、发展和人权这三个的主要工作领域中履行它们的承诺。我的许多努力在最近的报告所述期间取得了成果。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

3. In the area of development, throughout my tenure I advocated for keeping the promise of the Millennium Development Goals and accelerating their implementation. We met the first Millennium Development Goal, cutting global poverty by half. We put more girls in school and saved more  mothers from death in  childbirth. These were no small feats but they were not enough to deliver a life of dignity for all.  People around the globe continued to struggle to put food in their children’s mouths, to earn a living wage and to live a life of dignity and peace. As the deadline for the Millennium Development Goals neared, we recognized that their successors would need to more fully integrate economic growth, social justice and environmental stewardship. An impressive global coalition came together to craft a set  of sustainable development goals that were adopted by Member States as part of  Agenda 2030 in September 2015. These goals are designed to be universal, broader, and more inclusive than their precursors, including by encompassing such key aims  as peace, justice and strong institutions.

在发展领域中,我在任职期间一直推动宣传千年发展目标和加快它们的落实。我们实现了第一个千年发展目标:将全球贫穷减半。我们让更多的女孩上学,让更多的母亲安全分娩。虽然这是很大的成果,但还不足以让所有人都过上有尊严的生活。世界各地的人民还不能让自己的孩子吃饱饭,领取能维持生活的工资, 过上有尊严的和平生活。在实现千年发展目标的期限即将到来之际,我们认识到, 接替千年发展目标的目标要更全面地列入经济增长、社会公正和环境管理。世界各方人士携手起草了一组可持续发展目标,由会员国在2015年9月通过,成为2030年议程的一部分。这些目标具有普遍性,比之前的目标更加广泛,更加包容各方,列入了和平、公正和加强机构等关键目标。

4. Recognizing that we were the first generation to truly feel the effects of climate change and the last generation that could take meaningful steps to avert its worst impact, I decided early in my tenure to take a leadership role on this existential threat. When I took office, international climate negotiations were making slow progress and it was not universally accepted that the United Nations Secretary-General had a personal role to play. However, I could not stand by in the face of a faltering global response to the defining challenge of our time, which was already having an effect on all areas of work of the United Nations. I engaged directly with world leaders, paying visits to some of the worst affected parts of the world, and undertaking a wide variety of other initiatives to keep the issue — including that of climate finance — on top of the global agenda. Combined with global action at many levels by world leaders, civil society, the private sector and many other concerned actors, those efforts contributed to the Paris Agreement of 2015. The agreement was a triumph for people, planet and multilateralism itself. On Earth Day 2016, 175 countries signed the agreement, breaking a global record. Much of the hard work lies ahead but I will leave office encouraged that the issue got the attention it deserved in time to make a difference.

我认识到,我们是真正感受到气候变化的影响的第一代人,也是能够采取重大步骤避免它的最严重影响的最后一代人,因此我在任职的初期就决定发挥领导作用,处理这一危及人类生存的威胁。在我上任时,国际气候谈判进展缓慢,人们普遍认为联合国秘书长起不了什么作用。但是,在国际社会应对我们面临的重大挑战不力时,我无法袖手旁观,因为这已经影响到联合国各方面的工作。我直接与世界领导人接触,走访全球受影响最大的一些地方,并采取其他各种举措,把这一问题、包括筹措应对气候变化资金的问题,列为全球议程的优先事项。在全球的领导人、民间社会、私营部门和其他许多相关行动者的配合下,这些努力帮助达成 2015年《巴黎协定》。协定是人民的胜利,地球的胜利,多边主义的胜利。有175个国家在2016年地球日签署了协定,打破了一项世界纪录。虽然今后还有很多事要做,但在离任时我会感到欣慰的是,这一问题及时得到了应有的注意,因此将会有不同的结果。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

5. Women hold the key to driving progress across the international agenda. With that in mind, I made the empowerment of women a cardinal mission throughout my time in office. I ushered UN-Women into existence and undertook special initiatives on issues such as maternal and child health, sexual violence and economic empowerment of women. I tried to set an example through improving the gender balance in senior appointments at the United Nations itself. We did not reach parity but we broke many glass ceilings during my tenure. When I  took office, there were  no women heading peace operations in the field. Now, nearly a quarter of United Nations missions are headed by women. I also appointed the first woman Legal Counsel, the first woman Police Adviser, the first woman Force Commander and more than 100 women at Assistant or Under-Secretary-General level.


6. With the world supporting its largest-ever generation of young people, I also sought to harness the energy of youth. We saw time and again their energy, passion, and keen desire for a voice in their own affairs. I responded by appointing an Envoy on Youth — himself only 28 years old — and making every effort to ensure that the voice of those “succeeding generations” was heard in our decision-making at the United Nations. I made a point of meeting with young people whenever possible, to hear their concerns and to encourage them as the leaders of tomorrow.


7. In the area of peace and security, I made conflict prevention a priority throughout my time in office, beginning with strengthening United Nations capacity in mediation and preventive diplomacy. The proof of these reforms has been in the heightened demand throughout the decade and across the globe from Member States and regional partners for preventive diplomacy, mediation and mediation support from the United  Nations. I am pleased that Member States have responded to the recent series of independent reviews of our action on peace operations, peacebuilding and women and peace and security by pointing to the imperative of conflict prevention. We have much work to do to consistently translate this rhetoric into reality. In that connection, I launched the Rights Up Front initiative to better link the three pillars — peace and security, development and human rights — and to use prevention of violations as a principle for internal decision-making by the United Nations.

在和平与安全领域中,我在任职期间一直把防止冲突当作一个优先事项,首先是着手加强联合国进行调解和开展预防性外交的能力。在这十年中,世界各地的会员国和区域伙伴一直要求联合国提供预防性外交、调解和调解协助,证明了这些改革的成果。我感到高兴的是,会员国最近在回复我们在和平行动、建设和平以及妇女与和平与安全问题上采取的行动进行的一系列独立审查结果时指出,必须防止冲突。还需要做很多工作才能把它变成现实。在这方面,我发起了“人权先行”倡议,更好地把三个主要领域—— 和平与安全、发展、人权——联系起来,把防止侵权行为作为联合国内部决策的一项原则。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

8. During my tenure, the United Nations became the second largest deployer of troops in the world. Peacekeeping deployments hit an all-time high. Deployments were not only bigger, they were far more complex and sometimes more remo te. Operating environments became more and more dangerous as the security situation deteriorated in many regions. This required us to innovate continuously so as  to make peace operations more responsive, effective and accountable. Accordingly, there were important reforms to the architecture of the United Nations in the peace and security realm throughout my tenure. As I took office, the new peacebuilding architecture was getting off the ground and, over the course of my time in office, it made a mark on our work to more successfully build and sustain peace in countries that had suffered the scourge of war. Member States have just adopted ground - breaking resolutions on sustaining peace that enshrine many of the lessons we have learned along the way.

在我任职期间,联合国部署的部队人数是世界上第二多的。维和人员是有史以来最多的。部署不仅人数更多,而且情况更复杂,部署地区时常更加偏僻。由于许多区域的安全情况恶化,行动环境越来越危险。这要求我们不断创新,让和平行动能更加顺应需求,更加有效和更加负责。为此,在我的整个任期中对联合国和平与安全领域的架构进行了重要的改革。在我上任时,新的建设和平架构刚刚起步,在我任职期间,它在我们的工作中产生了影响,在战争肆虐的国家中创建和保持和平的工作取得了更大的成功。会员国刚刚通过了新的意义重大的决议, 列入了我们在这一过程中吸取的许多经验。

11.  The deteriorating security environment required us to innovate in other ways too. The reporting period began with the winding down of the first -ever United Nations emergency health mission. The United Nations Mission for  Ebola Emergency Response was an important and successful example of the flexible and creative use of the United Nations political, logistical and  other  capacities to respond to the kinds of unanticipated crises that our interconnected  world experiences with ever more frequency. Emerging threats such  as  organized crime and violent extremism also required new approaches and a principled collective response. One major output of this effort was my Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism. I was pleased that Member States supported the call in my plan for a comprehensive approach encompassing not only security-based counter-terrorism measures but also systematic preventive steps to address the underlying conditions that radicalize individuals and drive them to join violent extremist groups. I look forward to continuing engagement on this and related issues in follow-up to the General Assembly review of its counter-terrorism strategy.

安全情况的恶化要求我们也在其他方面进行创新。在本报告所述期间开始时,联合国首个紧急卫生特派团已着手结束工作。联合国埃博拉应急特派团是一个重要的成功例子,是灵活和创造性地利用联合国的政治、后勤和其他能力来处理我们这个相互联系更加紧密的世界日益频繁发生的各种无法预料的危机的典范。有组织犯罪和暴力极端主义等新威胁也要求有新的方法,要求集体采取有原则的应对措施。我的防止暴力极端主义行动计划就是这种努力的一大成果。我的计划呼吁采取综合性方法,不仅是采取着眼于安全的反恐措施,而且系统采取预防措施,消除导致激进化和促使人们加入暴力极端主义团体的根本原因。我感到高兴的是,会员国支持这一呼吁。我期待在大会审查反恐战略的后续行动中继续就这一问题和其他问题交换意见。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

12.  My tenure has coincided with unprecedented humanitarian needs across the globe and the highest level of forced displacement since the founding of this Organization. My advocacy for a more global, accountable and robust humanitarian system culminated in 2016 with the World Humanitarian Summit. The effort continues at the high-level plenary meeting on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants to be held in September in New York. My overarching message is for global solidarity in response to the needs of our fellow human beings. This is a theme that I have  tried to  strike since the outset in advocating for the prioritization of human rights, beginning with support for the establishment of the Human Rights Council just as I took office and continuing with my campaigns for the abolition of the death penalty and an end to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as my Rights Up Front initiative. I am heartened, as I leave office, to see the human rights agenda reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals, in our peace and security strategies, and in our efforts to address violent extremism. While our dedicated human rights mechanisms still have an overly full agenda of issues, the effort to place human rights at the core of all our work is a concrete manifestation of the promise to put human rights up front in everything we do, as a matter of course.


13.  I also sought to take advantage of the emergence of new communications technologies, new  media and new actors on the global stage, harnessing the power   of partnerships and using the convening power of the United  Nations to  bring  a  wide range of actors together in pursuit of responses to pressing global challenges. Multi-stakeholder initiatives were established to address challenges  such  as women’s and children’s health, sustainable energy and hunger. I sought to open the doors of the United Nations ever further to parliaments and to civil society organizations, which play such a vital role in advancing critical agendas at the national and global level.


14.  It has been a remarkable decade for the United Nations. As someone who grew up knowing this Organization as a beacon of hope, it has been privilege to serve. I have worked alongside Member States and many dedicated colleagues around the world. Too many staff members have given their lives serving the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. The best way to pay tribute to their sacrifice is to redouble our efforts. I have seen what transformation we can bring about when we pull together. But in my travels as Secretary-General, I have also  seen  despair, misery and hopelessness. Too often, these horrors are man-made. I have done what I can to ensure that the United Nations responds to the needs of the  most vulnerable  but that work is far from over. I will conclude my service at the end of this year and pass the baton to my successor, to whom I wish every success in what is, to quote  the first Secretary-General, the most impossible job in the world. It is also the most uplifting.


Chapter II

The work of the Organization


A. Promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development


15.  This reporting period marked the end of one era in the quest for sustainable development and the beginning of a new and even more promising phase in which there is a real chance for us to eliminate poverty, inequality and exclusion in all corners of the world. The global mobilization behind the Millennium Development Goals helped to lift more than 1 billion people out of extreme poverty, to make inroads against hunger, to enable more girls to attend school than ever before and to protect our planet. They generated new and innovative partnerships, galvanized public opinion and showed the immense value of setting ambitious goals. Yet the landmark commitment entered into by world leaders in the year 2000  —  to  “spare  no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty” — was not fully achieved by the 2015 deadline.

在报告所述期间,谋求可持续发展的时代落下了帷幕,同时开启了一个新的我们真正有机会在世界各地消除贫穷、不平等和排斥的更加充满希望的时代。千年发展目标把全球动员起来,帮助十多亿人摆脱赤贫,减少饥馑,让更多的女孩上学和保护环境。它们促成了新型的伙伴关系,激活了公众舆论,表明了订立宏伟目标的巨大价值。但是,世界领导人在2000年作出的“不遗余力地帮助我们男女老少同胞摆脱目前凄苦可怜和毫无尊严的极端贫穷状况”的重大承诺没有按期在 2015年充分兑现。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

16.  Inequalities persist and progress has been uneven across regions, among and within countries, leaving millions of people behind. This is especially true where violence is reversing or impeding advances in development. The dramatic upsurge and relapse of conflicts in the past decade tremendously reduced the gains that were made. At a time of growing polarization and crises, a new era for sustainable development was needed. The experiences and evidence from the efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals demonstrated that we know what to do, but also indicated a need for deeper approaches that can tackle root causes and do more to integrate the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.


1.The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

1. 2030 年可持续发展议程

17. The Agenda is anchored on 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These goals commit all countries and stakeholders to (1) ending poverty in all its forms everywhere; (2) ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture; (3) ensuring healthy lives and promoting well - being for all at all ages; (4) ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all; (5) achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls; (6) ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all; (7 ) ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and clean energy for all; (8) promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all; (9) building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation; (10) reducing inequality  within  and among countries; (11) making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable; (12) ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns;(13) taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts; (14) conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development; (15) protecting, restoring and promoting sustainable use of terrestria l ecosystems, sustainably managing forests, combating desertification,  and  halting and reversing land degradation and halting biodiversity loss;  (16)  promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels; and, finally, (17) strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. The Goals are accompanied by 169 targets.

《议程》有17个可持续发展目标。所有国家和利益攸关方根据这些目标承诺:⑴ 在全世界消除一切形式的贫困;⑵ 消除饥饿,实现粮食安全,改善营养状况和促进可持续农业;⑶ 确保健康的生活方式,促进各年龄段人群的福祉;⑷ 确保包容和公平的优质教育,让全民终身享有学习机会;⑸ 实现性别平等, 增强所有妇女和女童的权能;⑹ 为所有人提供水和环境卫生并对其进行可持续管理;⑺ 确保人人获得负担得起的、可靠和可持续的现代能源;⑻ 促进持久、包容和可持续的经济增长,促进充分的生产性就业和人人获得体面工作;⑼ 建造具备抵御灾害能力的基础设施,促进具有包容性的可持续工业化,推动创新;⑽ 减少国家内部和国家之间的不平等;⑾ 建设包容、安全、有抵御灾害能力和可持续的城市和人类住区;⑿ 采用可持续的消费和生产模式;⒀ 采取紧急行动应对气候变化及其影响;⒁ 保护和可持续利用海洋和海洋资源以促进可持续发展;⒂ 保护、恢复和促进可持续利用陆地生态系统,可持续管理森林,防治荒漠化,制止和扭转土地退化,遏制生物多样性的丧失;⒃ 创建和平、包容的社会以促进可持续发展,让所有人都能诉诸司法,在各级建立有效、负责和包容的机构;⒄ 加强执行手段,重振可持续发展全球伙伴关系。这些目标下面有169个具体目标。

18. This is an ambitious agenda, integrating the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, and addressing human rights and the interconnected root causes of poverty, hunger, pandemics, inequalities, environmental degradation, climate change, forced migrations, violence and extremism. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was built upon and expanded on the lessons learned from the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed commitments. It is reinforced by and reinforces several other global agreements reached in 2015 and the reporting period, including the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 -2030, and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development.


21. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 -2030 aims to guide management of disaster risk in development at all levels. It focuses on preventing  new and reducing existing disaster risk through proactive measures and investments across all sectors, including education, health, agriculture, water and energy. The focus on increasing the number of countries with national and local disaster risk - reduction strategies by 2020 is a clear opportunity to complement national planning under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change.


22. These mutually reinforcing agendas represent a new departure. The challenge now lies in implementation. This cannot be achieved by any actor alone. Ambition  at the global level needs to translate to action by all communities and nations, on the basis of locally owned, gender-responsive implementation strategies. The systematic integration of a gender perspective into national sustainable development plans, strategies and budgets needs to be a priority. Governments must drive the process. They must show leadership and ownership and align policies, legislation and resources with the Sustainable Development Goals. Tapping into the synergies among the goals will help to fast-track implementation. In this  vein,  the  Addis Ababa Action Agenda commits countries to set the necessary policies and regulatory frameworks and it incentivizes changes in consumption, production and investment patterns. The Action Agenda also reiterates that the fulfilment of all official development assistance (ODA) commitments remains  crucial and  stresses the role  of ODA in catalysing additional resource mobilization from public and private sources. It also welcomes the increased contribution of South-South cooperation to sustainable development.


23. Financing will also be key to implementation. The Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development was a key first step in this regard. As an input to that important discussion, the Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development produced a report that maps the more than 300 commitments and action items contained in the Addis Agenda, including the means of implementation targets for the Sustainable Development Goals. It creates a monitoring framework and presents data sources and tools to monitor their implementation in future years. Another important input was the first Global Infrastructure Forum, held by the multilateral development banks in Washington, D.C.


24. Implementation — and accountability for implementation — will also falter without quality, accessible and timely data. The Statistical Commission of the Economic and Social Council has agreed on a global indicator framework. The implementation of an indicator framework for monitoring and  assessing  progress will present a challenge in many countries, and national statistical capacities  will have to be strengthened. At its forty-sixth session, the Statistical Commission established the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity- Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to provide strategic leadership for statistical monitoring and reporting of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The data revolution is an important enabler for the global indicator framework. The Statistical Commission is already working towards the organization of a  United Nations World Data Forum at the end of 2016  to strengthen the dialogue with a broad range of partners and stakeholders.

没有及时、可以获取的高质量数据也会影响到执行工作和执行工作的问责。经济及社会理事会的统计委员会已经商定了一个全球指标框架。对许多国家来说, 建立一个用于监测和评估进展的指标框架会是一个挑战,需要加强各国的统计能 力。统计委员会第四十六届会议设立一个统计协作、协调和能力建设以促进《2030 年可持续发展议程》的高级别小组,为监测和上报可持续发展目标执行工作的数 据提供战略性指导。数据革命能为全球指标框架提供很大帮助。统计委员会已经 开展工作,以便在2016年底举办一个联合国全球数据论坛,加强同各方面的伙伴和利益攸关方的对话。

2.The need for action on climate change


25. This reporting period saw a new sense of urgency as well as new hope for the most existential quest of our time, to combat climate change and reverse its effects where we can. Climate change represents the greatest threat to achieving sustainable development and the eradication of extreme poverty. The year 2015  was the warmest since modern record-keeping began. The five-year period 2011-2015  was the warmest on record. Carbon dioxide levels — the primary driver of climate change — surpassed 400 parts per million globally for the first time in recorded history. The science is crystal clear. So too are the increasingly visible effects in people’s lives. Each year, we see increasing evidence of the effects, particularly on  the world’s poorest and most vulnerable populations. From the highly vulnerable island nations in the Pacific to the drought-stricken areas throughout the Horn of Africa, impacts of climate change are undermining the ability of developing  countries to achieve sustainable development and in some cases threatening their  very survival. Action on climate will reinforce action on sustainable development. Investments made under the climate agenda are investments in development. Global cooperation across all sectors of society is essential for meeting this challenge.

在本报告所述期间,应对气候变化并在可行时扭转它的影响,有了新的紧迫感和新的希望,因为它是我们时代事关生存的最紧要问题。气候变化是实现可持续发展和消除赤贫的最大威胁。2015年是现代有记录以来最热的一年。2011-2015 年是有史以来最热的五年。全球的二氧化碳——促成气候变化的最大原因——含量有史以来超过了百万分之四百。科学界已经得出了明确无误的结论。人们可以看到的对人民生活的影响也日益明确无误。每年都有越来越多的证据在表明这些影响,特别是对世界上最贫穷最容易受其影响的人的影响。从太平洋非常容易受其影响的岛国到非洲之角干旱肆行的区域,气候变化的影响削弱了发展中国家实现可持续发展的能力,有时还危及它们的生存。在气候问题上采取行动会加强在可持续发展问题上采取的行动。在气候议程下投资就是对发展投资。要应对这一挑战,全球就要开展社会所有阶层都参加的合作。

26. The adoption of the Paris Agreement on 12 December 2015 and the high-level signature ceremony for the Paris Agreement, on 22 April 2016, capped a remarkable year of multilateral achievements for people and the planet. It demonstrated the real commitment and ambition of all countries around the globe to mitigate  climate change by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions by and beyond 2020, and  provides a solid foundation for the climate-resilient transformation of the global economy in a manner that is sensitive to human rights and gender equality.

《巴黎协定》于2015年12月12日获得通过,《巴黎协定》的高级别签字仪式于 2016年4月22日举行,人类和地球在一年中取得了一个非凡的成就。它表明世界所有国家都真正承诺和想往通过在2020年并在其后减少温室气体的排放来缓解气候变化的影响,为全球经济采用顾及人权和性别平等的方式实现顺应气候的转变奠定了坚实的基础。

27. Now it is critical to translate commitment into action. This transformation will help to secure a future that is safer, healthier and more prosperous for all. Action at every level, from the local to the global, must accelerate. We have no time to waste, and much to gain, by moving quickly down a lower-carbon pathway. Climate finance is critical for catalysing action on the ground and for building political trust. The definition of a politically credible trajectory for achieving the goal of$100 billion per year by 2020, and the full operationalization of the Green Climate Fund and the approval of its first projects by the Board of the Fund in November 2015, were crucial for the successful outcome in Paris.

现在必须把承诺变成行动。这一转变将有助于确保每个人都有一个更加安全、健康和繁荣的未来。必须加快从地方到全球的每一个级别的行动。我们没有时间浪费,我们迫切需要迅速走一条降低碳排放的路。筹集处理气候问题的资金对于推动在实地采取行动和建立政治信任至关重要。商定用于实现到2020年时每年提供1千亿美元的目标的具有政治可信性的途径、绿色气候基金全面开展工作和基金理事2015年11月批准第一个项目,对于在巴黎圆满取得成果起了举足轻重的作用。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

28. Successful climate action is a multifaceted global challenge. Recognizing the importance of resilience and adaptive capacity, I also launched a new global initiative on climate resilience: A2R (Anticipate, Absorb, Reshape). A2R is a multi-stakeholder partnership that focuses on accelerating action to strengthen climate resilience prior to 2020, particularly for the most vulnerable countries and people.


B. Maintenance of international peace and security

B. 维护国际和平与安全

29. The reporting period also saw important developments towards a more peaceful future, however. The adoption of Agenda 2030 and the three important peace and security reviews conducted in 2015 — on peace operations, on peacebuilding and on Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) — gave us a road map for collective action to prevent and resolve conflict. Because an increasing proportion of the extreme poor live in conflict-affected countries and 125 million people require humanitarian assistance, the world will not be able to reach the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030 without greater efforts at working on conflict — that is, finding political solutions through  inclusive  political dialogue that addresses the drivers of conflict. Greater efforts at working in conflict  will also be crucial — that is, strengthening the delivery of services in protracted crises in remote locations and reaching the marginalized.


1. Conflict prevention and mediation

1. 冲突的预防和调解

2. Peace operations

2. 和平行动

30. The deployment of United Nations peace operations remained at its highest level in history during this reporting period. With nearly 125,000 uniformed and civilian personnel from more than 100 Member States deployed in 16 peacekeeping missions, and over 3,600 civilian staff working in 37 special political missions, the United Nations continued to make a tangible contribution to peace and security in many parts of the world.

在报告所述期间,联合国部署的和平行动是有史以来最多的。16个维持和平特派团中有100多个会员国的大约125000名军警人员和文职人员,另有3600多名文职人员执行37项特别政治任务,联合国继续对世界许多地区的和平与安全作出重大贡献。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

31. On the support side, continued strides were made in the reporting  period  to take full advantage of technology to assist peace operations in implementing their mandates more effectively and safely and in making mission support more efficient and cost effective, and less labour intensive. There were further reductions in the spending and support costs per mission personnel and more than 70 per cent of mission personnel now benefit from one or more shared services arrangements. We also took significant steps to advance environmental issues in peacekeeping, developing a partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme for technical assistance and creating capacity to coordinate the overall environmental footprint of operations, in the energy, waste, water and waste water sectors, among others. Good environmental management is increasingly a central consideration in mission planning processes, and there are plans to introduce a system for monitoring and managing operational performance in this area across missions.


32. These initiatives sent an important political signal about the commitment to effective peace operations in a changing global landscape. Significant efforts were made to implement as many of the concrete ideas and commitments as possible during the reporting period. A central pillar of the reform agenda is strengthening the planning and conduct of peace operations. As part of this effort, over the past year the Secretariat has intensified efforts to improve the capabilities and performance of peacekeeping operations. This includes ensuring that uniformed personnel are trained and equipped to optimally respond to the operational challenges they face; strengthening a military performance evaluation framework which is accepted by all; and establishing command and control systems that are responsive and effective.


3. Protecting civilians

3. 保护平民

33. In 2015, the Global Study and the high-level review of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on women and peace and security provided strong evidence that women’s empowerment and participation contribute decisively to the success of peace talks, to conflict prevention and economic recovery, as well as to the effectiveness of humanitarian assistance and the likelihood of sustainable peace. All three reviews recognized the centrality of the women and peace and security agenda for the United Nations work. Several recommendations are being implemented, including new initiatives aimed at building gender analysis capacity  in peace operations, boosting women’s representation in peacekeeping, and tracking and scaling-up funding for initiatives related to women and peace and security. Many were reflected in Security Council resolution 2242 (2015), including the establishment of an informal expert group on women and peace and security, to allow the Council to take a more robust approach to the agenda in its own work, and ensuring women’s participation and leadership in developing strategies to counter terrorism and violent extremism.


4. Mission transitions

4. 特派团过渡

5. Sustaining peace

5. 保持和平

6. Democratic transitions and elections

6. 民主过渡和民主选举

C.Development of Africa


34. The slowdown in the economies of major trading partners and low commodity prices decreased growth projections for Africa during the reporting period. However, the remarkable economic performance of past years was sustained in part through improving macroeconomic management and economic diversification. Africa continued to make progress in the implementation of NEPAD. African countries have also continued their efforts to promote regional integration, including through the Tripartite Free Trade Area, which provides a strong foundation for the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area by 2017.

在报告所述期间,因主要贸易伙伴的经济增长放慢,初级商品价格下降,非洲的预计增长率有所降低。然而,过去数年的优异经济业绩因改进宏观经济管理和加强经济多样化而部分得以维持。非洲继续在实施新伙伴关系方面取得进展。非洲国家还继续努力促进区域一体化,包括建立三方自由贸易区。贸易区举措为2017 年建立非洲大陆自由贸易区打下了坚实基础。

35. Both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union Agenda 2063 recognize the importance of peace and stability, not only as critical enablers but also as important components of sustainable development. In line with this aspiration, Africa has also continued, with the support of the United Nations and development partners, to address emerging challenges to peace, security and development, such as the rise of terrorism and violent extremism as well as the growing number of migrants, refugees and internally displaced persons. In this regard, African countries continue to attach great importance to tackling the root causes of conflict such as youth unemployment, inequality, and economic and social exclusion, including through the African Peace and Security Architecture and the African Governance Architecture. Recognizing the critical needs and role  of  women, the African Union declared 2016 the African Year of Human Rights with Particular Focus on the Rights of Women.

《2030 年可持续发展议程》和《非洲联盟2063年议程》均指出和平与稳定具有重大意义,因为它不仅是促进可持续发展的重要因素,也是可持续发展的重要组成部分。非洲还根据这一愿景,继续在联合国及发展伙伴的支助下应对新的和平、安全和发展挑战,例如恐怖主义和暴力极端主义的兴起和移民、难民、国内流离失所者的不断增加。在这方面,非洲国家继续高度重视消除青年失业、不平等、经济和社会排斥等冲突根源,包括通过非洲和平与安全构架和非洲治理架构这样做。非洲联盟意识到妇女的紧迫需求和重要作用,宣布2016年为特别注重妇女权利的非洲人权年。

D. Promotion and protection of human rights

D. 促进和保护人权

36. It pains me that the basic rights of so many people were violated or remained unfulfilled in the past year. The rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants  were a top concern. Thousands lost their lives during journeys in search of safety, protection and a more dignified life. Refugees and migrants were faced with alarming levels of discrimination and abuse in countries of origin, transit and destination and inadequate respect for human rights standards. The forced displacement of people being at levels higher than at any time since the founding of the Organization, this became a pressing global issue. Cooperation between States  on migration, greater sharing of responsibility for refugees, and gender -responsive, human rights-based policies and laws on migration must improve significantly if we are to  protect basic human rights and achieve the  Sustainable Development Goals.


37. Racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance go beyond the issue of migration. They remain too common all over the world. The United Nations endeavoured to enhance equality and counter all forms of discrimination, including  on the grounds of indigenous or minority identity, gender identity and sexual orientation, age, disability, income and albinism. The International Decade for  People of African Descent was launched in 2015. Discrimination against women continues in law and in practice, many women suffering multiple forms of discrimination. Accelerating progress will require the universal ratification and full implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of  Discrimination against Women; removal of discrimination in the law; increased investments in gender equality and women’s human rights; strengthened accountability mechanisms; participation by women in all levels of decision- making; and addressing inequalities.

种族歧视、仇外心理及相关的不容忍并不只是表现在移徙问题上。这些现象在世界各地仍然很常见。联合国致力于促进平等,打击一切形式的歧视,包括基于土著或少数民族身份、性别认同和性取向、年龄、残疾、收入和白化病的歧视。非洲人后裔国际十年于2015年启动。在法律和现实中,妇女仍然受到歧视,许多妇女遭受多种形式的歧视。要加快进展,就要普遍批准和充分执行《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》;消除法律中的歧视;增加对性别平等和妇女权利的投资; 加强问责机制;让妇女参与各级决策;及解决不平等问题。

38. The impact on human rights of growing inequalities, both within and between States, remained of grave concern to me. In view of the 2030 Agenda’s core  objective of reducing inequalities and realizing human rights for all, the past year featured intense efforts to integrate human rights in development and the economy. The United Nations endeavoured to keep human rights concerns front and centre of discussions on monitoring, review and accountability and on financing for development. This focus extended to the United Nations early warning efforts, in the form of initial steps towards an early warning system that recognizes links between conflict and violations of economic, social and cultural rights. Indeed, these elements are at the core of the Rights Up Front initiative that, in consultation with the General Assembly, has been implemented further. The initiative seeks to achieve existing United Nations mandates for prevention and early warning by bringing the three pillars of United Nations action — peace and security, development and human rights — together, through cultural change, operational change and strengthened engagement with Member States. The recent adoption of substantially identical resolutions by the General Assembly and the Security Council on the review of the United Nations peacebuilding architecture further strengthened this approach by recognizing that sustaining peace should flow through all three pillars of the United Nations engagement at all stages of conflict.


E. Effective coordination of humanitarian assistance efforts

E. 有效协调人道主义援助工作

39. We reached a critical juncture in the past year. Humanitarian needs outpaced anything we have seen before, stretching our responses to the breaking -point. During the reporting period, the United Nations and its partners appealed for $19.9 billion to assist 82 million people in 38 countries. This represents a tripling of the number of people targeted for humanitarian assistance in the past 10 years. While funding reached a record high of $10.6 billion in 2015, the resulting shortfall was also the largest ever. Forced displacement also reached unprecedented levels: the number of persons internally displaced owing to conflict and violence was 40.8 million by the end of 2015, and the global refugee total reached 20.2 million.


40. The 2015/16 El Niño, one of the worst on record, has had devastating humanitarian impacts, leaving more than 60 million people in need of humanitarian assistance due to exacerbated droughts, floods and other extreme weather events.


41. While the scale and duration of humanitarian crises around the world has stretched the humanitarian sector to its limit, global challenges such as political impasses in the face of crises, climate change, fragility and growing economic inequality, or pandemics, point to increasing humanitarian need in the future. This is a crucial time to invest in enhancing local capacities, reducing risk and building effective and inclusive institutions, especially in fragile contexts. We must also invest in women and girls, who are often affected differently and disproportionally by humanitarian crises. There was an unequivocal call for action at the Summit.


42. The World Humanitarian Summit and the Agenda for Humanity provided an historic opportunity to put affected people at the centre, but also remind us that we must transcend the humanitarian-development divide by working to reduce people’s vulnerability and risk.


F. Promotion of justice and international law

F. 促进正义和国际法

43. The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women issued its general recommendation No. 33 on women’s access to justice. It stresses the importance of women’s access to justice in diverse legal systems and all areas of law for all women, irrespective of economic or social status, political background, geographical location, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.


44. The topic of oceans has been high on the agenda. Member States have continued their efforts to implement international law as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. This is key to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, as it provides the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources. The first global integrated marine assessment provided a critical scientific basis for this work. The Organization also took steps towards the development of an international legally binding instrument under the Convention on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction.


G. Disarmament


45. The elimination of nuclear and all other weapons of mass destruction remains    a central but elusive objective of the United Nations. Despite commitments from Member States, there has been limited progress on this long-standing goal. For nuclear weapons, this is largely due to growing tensions between nuclear-armed States and sclerotic disarmament machinery. I am deeply disappointed that the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty is not yet in force 20 years after it was negotiated and that a fissile material treaty has not been negotiated.


46. As our world becomes increasingly dependent on information and communications technology, the potential security implications continue to grow. In 2015, a group of governmental experts, as mandated in General Assembly resolution 68/243, produced a report on norms, rules and principles of responsible State behaviour in the cybersphere. The next group of governmental experts will meet late in 2016 and should enhance this baseline framework.


H. Drug control, crime prevention and combating international terrorism in all its forms and manifestations

H. 毒品管制、预防犯罪和打击一切形式和表现的国际恐怖主义

47. Pending the review, work continued during the reporting period on the implementation of all four pillars of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Many United Nations entities assisted Member States in enhancing their capacities to counter terrorism and prevent violent extremism through a  strengthened and coherent, “all-of-United Nations”, approach, including through the Integrated Assistance for Countering Terrorism initiative and the capacity-building implementation plan for countering the flow of foreign terrorist fighters. Support was also provided to Member States in building the capacity of their criminal justice, border control and law enforcement systems, in particular to more effectively address the newly emerging challenges relating to terrorism, such as the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters, the growing nexus between terrorism and transnational organized crime and the financing of terrorism, including through trafficking in cultural property.


48. In support of the implementation of General Assembly resolution 69/314 and in line with its mandate the United Nations conducted the first global wildlife crime threat assessment, highlighting the vulnerability to organized crime of protected species of wild fauna and flora. United Nations entities continue to work together towards a common strategy on combating this illicit and tragic trade by addressing issues relating to demand and supply, creation of robust legal frameworks and effective international cooperation.


49. The Organization continued to support the implementation by States of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto by providing enhanced technical assistance to counter all forms of organized crime, including the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons, especially in the context of conflict areas and the Mediterranean. Efforts were also stepped up to ensure policy coherence while addressing illicit financial flows, issues relating to foreign fighters, and the recovery of stolen assets. The latter are an important part of the discussion on financing for development as the international community embarks upon implementing the 2030 Agenda, which explicitly recognizes the links between governance, the rule of law, justice, security and sustainable and equitable development for all.


Chapter III

Strengthening the Organization


50. The General Assembly made important strides in revitalizing its work during  the reporting period, supported by the Secretariat where appropriate. For instance, it brought forward the elections of non-permanent members of the Security Council  and members of the Economic and Social Council, introduced innovations in the selection process of my successor and enhanced its interaction with civil society. Intergovernmental negotiations continued on Security Council reform even as a commonly agreed formula continued to elude the membership as a whole. The Secretariat, meanwhile, continued to modernize and improve conference services provided to Member States, including through the use of new technologies to improve the timeliness and quality of multilingual documentation.


51. A similarly energetic use of technology and multilingual platforms, both traditional and digital, was applied to public information outreach activities during the reporting period to popularize the achievements and activities of the Organization, particularly the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change. To mark the seventieth anniversary of the Organization, a year-long commemoration was undertaken. The various observances of the seventieth anniversary helped to connect the Organization to local and grassroots audiences worldwide and to engender further support for the United Nations and its work.


52. Enterprise risk management has been a key part of my vision of a strengthened Secretariat. It facilitates effective strategic decision-making across the Organization and stimulates healthy dialogue at the most senior levels on critical issues in an environment of growing complexity and uncertainty. Following a Secretariat-wide risk assessment, the Organization is taking steps to mitigate the top strategic risks to the Organization in areas such as organizational structure; organizational transformation; strategic planning and budget allocation; safety and security; extra budgetary funding and management; and human resources strategy, management and accountability.




53. The United Nations has long recognized the power of partnering as a specific element of its work. Partnerships should include not only Governments but also businesses, private philanthropic foundations, international organizations, civil society, volunteer groups, local authorities, parliaments, trade unions, research institutes and academia. Multi-stakeholder arrangements have proved successful because they expand on traditional partnerships by significantly increasing available resources, improving the effectiveness of their use and increasing policy and operational coherence. Such partnerships can channel commitments and actions, and their success depends on assigning roles, responsibilities and clear accountability. The multi-stakeholder partnership model has emerged as a promising way to share burdens, catalyse action and bring all relevant actors to bear in addressing specific problems.

联合国长期以来一直认为,协作是其工作的一项具体内容,起重大作用。不仅应让各国政府参加协作,还应让企业、私人慈善基金会、国际组织、民间社会、志愿者团体、地方当局、议会、工会、研究机构和学术界参加。事实证明,多方利益攸关方安排十分成功,因为它通过大幅度增加可用资源、提高资源使用实效及增强政策和业务的统一,扩大了传统的协作。这种协作可以促成承诺和行动,但能否取得成功还取决于任务分工、责任归属和有明确的问责。多方利益攸关方协作模式已成为一个很有希望的方式,可用来共担责任,促进采取行动,在处理具体问题时让所有相关行为者发挥作用。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI

54. Multi-stakeholder partnerships are critical for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Engagement with business is proving especially important. Through our main initiative for mobilizing the private sector — the United Nations Global Compact — more than 8,000 companies are advancing principle-based business practices and advancing United Nations goals. A majority  of companies surveyed indicate that they are aware of the Sustainable Development Goals and a similar majority state that they are willing to implement the Goals in their business plans. A clear trend is emerging: business organizations, including investors, seeing themselves as legitimate and involved actors in the broad sustainable development agenda. The Paris Agreement on climate change marks another milestone in terms of our ongoing collaboration with the international business community — and likewise opens new opportunities for partnership and cooperation between the United Nations and business on this most urgent global issue.


55. Enhancing the integrity and accountability of the United Nations in working with the private sector is essential. The revised guidelines on United Nations - business cooperation are serving  as a critical framework for coherent and transparent private sector engagement as the United Nations implements the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. These Guidelines on a Principle-based Approach to the Cooperation between the United Nations and the Business Sector also refer to the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, with clear language on transparency and stakeholder accountability.


Chapter IV



56. Thus concludes my final annual report on the work of the Organization. I have sought to leave the Organization better prepared for the immense challenges ahead, able to serve its entire membership and “we the peoples” in every corner of the world. This report has made clear that the need for the United Nations is greater than ever and seems likely to grow. The Organization is engaged on the full range of pressing global issues across the world. The coming decade will be critical if we are to deliver on our promises to ensure a life of dignity for all and to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war and the threat of irreversible climate change. We must follow through on a host of ongoing reforms across all three pillars of the Organization. But we must not limit ourselves to the ongoing reforms. Continued innovation, openness and creativity will be required if the United Nations is to stay ahead of the changing global landscape and to remain a venue for principled collective action. I encourage Member States to make responsible use of this indispensable institution, with its universal membership and global reach. I look forward to working with them until my very last day in office.





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