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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-06-22 15:42 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:


To adopt new models for clearance procedures with a view to making better use of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. To take forward the planning and construction of new boundary crossings such as the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point, the new Guangdong-Macao border access (Qingmao Boundary Control Point), Hengqin Port (exploring the relocation of the Cotai Frontier Port of Macao) and West Kowloon Station of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link. To strengthen Hong Kong’s and Macao’s transport connections with the Mainland, pursue the effective connection of various modes of transport including urban railway transit, develop a safe and efficient interchange system, enhance the handling capacity and clearance facilitation of control points in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and promote an efficient and convenient flow of people and goods.


1. procedure  美 [prəˈsiːdʒər]  n.(正常)程序,手续,步骤;(商业、法律或政治上的)程序;手术。这里是(正常)程序,手续,步骤的意思。

2. Kowloon  n.九龙。

3. transit 美 [ˈtrænzɪt]  n.运输;运送;搬运;载运;通过;经过;通行;过境;中转;交通运输系统v.经过;穿过;经过。这里是n.运输的意思。


To raise the standards of passenger and cargo transport services. To pursue the objective of seamless passenger interchange and cargo movements, improve the layout of major transport facilities, proactively connect railway trunk lines, inter-city railway lines and urban/suburban railway lines with airports, and enhance the cargo distribution and transport capacity of airports. To speed up the development of a Guangzhou-Shenzhen international integrated transport hub. To pursue public inter-city passenger transport service operations in the Greater Bay Area, and promote the use of a single ticket for all connecting trips and a single card for all modes of transport. To develop modern freight and logistics systems, and expedite the provision of railway-water, motorway-railway, air-railway and river-sea inter-modal transport, as well as “single cargo manifest” services. To accelerate the development of a smart transport system, and pursue an innovative integrated application of information technology, such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing and big data, in the field of transport.


1. cargo transport货物运输

2. seamless 美 [ˈsiːmləs]  adj.无(接)缝的;(两部分之间)无空隙的,不停顿的。这里是无(接)缝的意思。

3. “single cargo manifest” services  “一单制”联运服务

第二节 优化提升信息基础设施
Section 2 Enhancing and Upgrading Information Infrastructure


To develop a new generation of information infrastructure. To expand the bandwidth capacity of broadband internet among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, make comprehensive planning for the next generation network based on Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), and take forward the IPv6 upgrading and transformation of backbone network, metropolitan area network, access network, internet data centre and support systems. To speed up the expansion of bandwidth capacities of international internet communication gateways, and enhance overall traffic handling capabilities. To promote the development of wireless broadband systems in the PRD city cluster, and achieve full coverage of free high-speed wireless local area network in hotspots and along main transport routes within the Greater Bay Area. To achieve full fibre access for the provision of fixed broadband services in cities. To develop an ultra-high-definition interactive digital family network.


1. protocol  美 [ˈproʊtəkɑːl]  n.礼仪;外交礼节;条约草案;议定书;(协议或条约的)附件;(数据传递的)协议,规程,规约。 这里是(数据传递的)协议的意思。

2. hotspots 热点;热区;热点地区;生物多样性热点;多发区指标计划。 这里是热点;热区;热点地区的意思。

3. ultra-high-definition interactive digital family network 超高清互动数字家庭网络


To build smart city clusters. To take forward new smart city pilot demonstrations as well as the development of a national big data integrated pilot zone in the PRD, strengthen cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao on smart cities, explore the establishment of common standards, open up data ports, develop interconnected public application platforms, develop information infrastructure facilities including a comprehensive sensor network with full coverage and ubiquitous internet, a smart city spatiotemporal cloud platform and a spatial information service platform, and devote great efforts to develop smart transport, smart energy, smart municipal management and smart communities. To take forward the mutual recognition of electronic signature certificates, and promote the use of electronic signature certificates in fields such as public services, finance as well as trade and commerce.


1. smart city clusters 智慧城市群

2. sensor  美 [ˈsensər]  n.(探测光、热、压力等的)传感器,敏感元件,探测设备。 这里是探测设备的意思。

3. spatiotemporal 时空;空间时间;空间与时间的。


To jointly promote connections between electronic payment systems in the Greater Bay Area. To enhance the service capabilities of telecommunications enterprises, take various measures to achieve reasonable reductions in telecommunications service fees, facilitate reductions in long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, proactively launch a feasibility study on removing long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and lay the foundations of as well as provide support for the development of smart cities.


1. electronic payment system 电子支付系统

2. telecommunication 美 [ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn]  n.电信;电信学。

3. roam 美 [roʊm]  v.徜徉;闲逛;漫步;(缓慢地)扫遍,摸遍。这里是漫游的意思。


To enhance the level of cyber security protection. To strengthen the protection of communication networks, major information systems and data resources, enhance the reliability of information infrastructure, and raise the level of information security protection. To proactively promote the use of advanced technology in cities such as Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and facilitate the use of secure communications technology in government departments and financial institutions, etc.. To put in place a sound notification and warning mechanism for cyber and information security matters, step up real-time surveillance, notification and warning as well as emergency response, and establish a comprehensive cybersecurity defence system.


1. cyber security 网络安全

2. notification 美 [ˌnoʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]  n.通知;通告;告示。这里是通知;通告的意思。

3. surveillance 美 [sɜːrˈveɪləns]  n.(对犯罪嫌疑人或可能发生犯罪的地方的)监视。real-time surveillance是实时监测的意思。

第三节 建设能源安全保障体系
Section 3 Developing an Energy Security Protection System


To enhance the energy supply structure. To vigorously carry out supply-side structural reform in the energy sector, improve the energy structure and network in the Greater Bay Area, and develop a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy supply system. To vigorously develop green and low-carbon energy, expedite the use of natural gas and renewable energy, progressively develop wind power resources, develop solar photovoltaic electricity generation and biomass energy with appropriate modifications in accordance with local conditions, develop the safe and efficient use of nuclear power, vigorously take forward the clean and efficient use of coal, control overall coal consumption, and continuously increase the ratio of clean energy.


1. renewable energy 可再生能源

2. photovoltaic 美 [ˌfoʊtəˌvoʊlˈteɪɪk]  adj.光电池的。

3. biomass 美 [ˈbaɪoʊmæs]  n.生物量(以生境面积或容积表示)。


To strengthen the energy storage and transport system. To step up the construction of the main grid that transmits electricity to the Greater Bay Area from peripheral areas as well as among cities in the Greater Bay Area, improve electricity transmission and distribution networks in towns, and enhance the transmission capacity and risk resistance capacity of electricity networks. To expedite the construction of large petroleum reserve bases in the PRD, facilitate the coordinated construction of new liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and the upgrading of the storage and regasification capacities of existing LNG terminals,


1. peripheral 美 [pəˈrɪfərəl]  adj.次要的;附带的;外围的;周边的;与计算机相连的n.外围设备;周边设备。这里是周边的意思。

2. resistance 美 [rɪˈzɪstəns]  n.反对;抵制;抗拒;抵抗;反抗;抗力;抵抗力。 这里是抵制;抵抗的意思。

3. terminal 美 [ˈtɜːrmɪnl]  n.航空站;航空终点站;(火车、公共汽车或船的)终点站;终端;终端机adj.晚期的;不治的;致命的;患绝症的;不可救药的;无可挽回的。这里是接收站的意思。


plan the construction of feeder pipelines based on the national natural gas backbone network, expand the coverage of oil and gas pipelines, and increase oil and gas storage and supply capacities. To pursue the construction of national coal reserve bases in Guangzhou and Zhuhai, and put in place a cascade system of coal reception, transit and storage. To explore ways to improve the electricity transmission networks and gas pipelines from Guangdong to Hong Kong and Macao, and ensure the safe and stable supply of energy to Hong Kong and Macao.


1. pipeline 美 [ˈpaɪplaɪn]  n.输油管道,输气管道,输送管线(通常指地下的)。

2. cascade 美 [kæˈskeɪd]  n.小瀑布(尤指一连串瀑布中的一支);倾泻;流注;大簇的下垂物v.倾泻;流注;大量落下;大量垂悬。a cascade system梯级系统 

3. transit  美 [ˈtrænzɪt]  n.运输;运送;搬运;载运;通过;经过;通行;过境;中转;交通运输系统v.经过;穿过;经过。这里是中转的意思。

第四节 强化水资源安全保障
Section 4 Strengthening Protection for the Security of Water Resources


To improve water infrastructure. To uphold the priority of water conservation, and vigorously pursue works projects for saving and conserving water such as the utilisation of rainwater and floodwater resources. To enforce the most stringent system of water resource management, accelerate the enactment of legislation for the regulation of water volume of the Pearl River, and rigorously enforce the unified regulation and management of water resources of the Pearl River. To expedite the PRD water resource allocation project and the fourth Macao water supply pipeline works, step up construction works relating to the safety standard compliance of potable and emergency water sources and the prevention and control of environmental risks, and ensure the safe supply of water in the PRD as well as Hong Kong and Macao. To enhance cooperation and exchanges in water technology and resources among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.


1. water infrastructure 水利基础设施

2. rainwater and floodwater resources 雨洪资源

3. stringent 美 [ˈstrɪndʒənt]  adj.严格的;严厉的;紧缩的;短缺的;银根紧的。这里是严格的意思。


To improve flood prevention and mitigation systems. To actively pursue major infrastructure works including the strengthening of seawalls and river banks of the Pearl River and its tributaries, and strive to improve the integrated prevention and mitigation systems for floods and typhoons. To strengthen the integrated management and protection of the Pearl River Estuary, and take forward the management of the system of rivers and lakes in the PRD. To enhance the internal drainage systems and water holding capacity in cities, develop and improve the flood and storm surge prevention as well as drainage systems in Macao, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, etc., and effectively solve the problem of urban flooding. To pursue reinforcement works for high-risk reservoirs and sluices, and comprehensively remove safety hazards. To step up hydrological and water resource monitoring at the Pearl River Estuary, jointly develop a system for disaster monitoring and warning, collaborative prevention and control as well as emergency response, and increase the ability to respond to disasters such as floods and storm surges.


1. flood prevention and mitigation systems 水利防灾减灾体系。

2. the flood and storm surge prevention as well as drainage systems 防洪(潮)排涝体系

3. sluice 美 [sluːs]  n.水闸;闸门v.冲洗;(大量地)流,泻。

第六章 构建具有国际竞争力的现代产业体系
Chapter Six Building a Globally Competitive Modern Industrial System


To deepen supply-side structural reform, strive to nurture new industries, new types and new models of businesses, support the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, expedite the development of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, raise industries’ levels of development to advanced international standards, promote the complementarity, close cooperation and interconnected development of industries, and nurture the development of a number of world-class industry clusters.


1. supply-side structural reform 供给侧结构性改革

2. complementarity n. 互补性,并协性。

3. world-class industry clusters 世界级产业集群

第一节 加快发展先进制造业
Section 1 Expediting the Development of the Advanced Manufacturing Industry


To enhance the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. To concentrate efforts in expediting the development of the country into a leading manufacturing power, and enhance the ecosystem of innovation development for the manufacturing industry in the PRD. To actively promote in-depth integration of the internet, big data and artificial intelligence with the real economy, vigorously pursue the transformation, upgrading and optimised development of the manufacturing industry, strengthen the division of labour and collaboration among different industries, enhance in-depth cooperation between upstream and downstream industries along the industry chain, and develop an advanced manufacturing base with international competitiveness.


1. core competitiveness 核心竞争力

2. artificial intelligence 人工智能

3. upstream and downstream industries along the industry chain 产业链上下游


To optimise the layout of the manufacturing industry. To raise the development level of the national demonstration bases for new industrialisation, develop an industrial belt for advanced equipment manufacturing on the west bank of the Pearl River spearheaded by Zhuhai and Foshan, and develop a globally influential and competitive cluster of world-class high-end manufacturing industries, such as electronic communications, on the east bank of the Pearl River with Shenzhen and Dongguan as its core. To leverage the strengths of Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in innovation and R&D as well as their high concentration of headquarters bases for enterprises, together with the advantages of having complete industry chains in Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, etc., enhance collaboration and connectivity among industries in the Greater Bay Area, and raise the level of coordinated development. To support municipalities such as Dongguan in transforming and upgrading traditional industries, and support Foshan in launching pilot projects for integrated reform in manufacturing transformation and upgrading. To support Hong Kong’s efforts in exploring “re-industrialisation” in sectors where it enjoys advantages.


1. industrial belt for advanced equipment  先进装备制造产业带

2. high-end 美 [ˌhaɪ ˈend]  adj.高档的;高端的;价高质优的。 high-end manufacturing industries 先进制造业

3. “re-industrialisation”  “再工业化”

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