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Contents Forward I. Promoting Balanced Development of Trade II. Expanding Mutual Investment Fields III. Attaching Importance to Infrastructure Construction IV. Strengthening Building of Development Capacity V. Helping to Improve People's Livelihood VI. Broadening the Scope of China-Africa Cooperation VII. Giving Full Play to the Guidance Role of FOCAC Conclusion Appendix I Appendix II 目 前 言 录 一、促进贸易平衡发展 二、拓展相互投资领域 三、重视基础设施建设 四、加强发展能力建设 五、帮助提升民生水准 六、拓宽中非合作领域 七、发挥中非合作论坛引领作用 结 附 束 录 语 中华人民共和国 国务院新闻办公室 二○一○年十二月 北京

 Forward China is the largest developing country in the world, and Africa is home to the largest number of developing countries. The combined population of China and Africa accounts for over one-third of the world's total. Promoting economic development and social progress is the common task China and Africa are facing. During their years of development, China and Africa give full play to the complementary advantages in each other's resources and economic structures, abiding by the principles of equality, effectiveness, mutual benefit and reciprocity, and mutual development, and keep enhancing economic and trade
cooperation to achieve mutual benefit and progress. Practice proves that China-Africa economic and trade cooperation serves the common interests of the two sides, helps Africa to reach the UN Millennium Development Goals, and boosts common prosperity and progress for China and Africa. In the 1950s, China-Africa economic and trade cooperation centered on bilateral trade and China' s aid to Africa. Through joint efforts of both sides, cooperation has been developed in ever-expanding fields and with increasingly richer contents. Especially since the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was established in 2000, economic and trade cooperation has been further enhanced and revitalized; trade, investment, infrastructure and capacity building have been pushed forward in an all-round way; and cooperation in finance and tourism has been gradually expanded, thereby forming a multi-tiered and wide-ranging cooperation pattern on a new historical starting point. China-Africa economic and trade cooperation is a major component of South-South cooperation, infuses new life into the latter, and elevates the political and economic status of developing countries in the world, playing a significant role in promoting the establishment of a fair and rational new international political and economic order. China would like to work with other countries and international organizations to enhance consultation and coordination with African countries, participate in the construction of Africa, and jointly promote peace, development and progress in Africa. 前 言 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,非洲是发展中国家最集中的大陆,中国和非洲的人口占世界人口三分之 一以上。发展经济和推动社会进步是中国与非洲共同面临的任务。 多年来,在发展过程中,中国与非洲充分发挥双方资源条件和经济结构等方面的互补性,按照平等相待、 讲求实效、互惠互利、共同发展的原则,不断加强经贸合作,努力实现互利共赢。实践证明,中非经贸合 作符合双方共同利益,有助于非洲实现联合国千年发展目标,促进了中非共同繁荣和进步。 20世纪50年代,中非经贸合作以贸易和对非援助为主。在双方共同努力下,合作领域不断拓宽,合作 内容日益丰富。特别是2000年中非合作论坛成立后,双方经贸合作进一步加强和活跃,贸易、投资、 基础设施、能力建设全面推进,金融、旅游等领域的合作逐步拓展,形成了多层次、宽领域的格局,处在 新的历史起点上。 中非经贸合作是南南合作的重要组成部分,为南南合作注入新的活力,提升了发展中国家在国际政治经济 格局中的地位,为推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序发挥着重要作用。中国也愿与其他国家和国际 组织一道,加强与非洲国家的磋商与协调,共同参与非洲建设,共同推动非洲的和平、发展与进步。 微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

I. Promoting Balanced Development of Trade Trade was the earliest form of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. With the development of China-Africa relations and increased exchanges between China and African countries, the scale of China-Africa trade has increasingly expanded. China-Africa bilateral trade volume was only US$12.14 million in 1950, it rose to US$100 million in 1960, and exceeded US$1 billion in 1980. After reaching the US$10 billion mark in 2000, China-Africa trade has maintained a momentum of rapid growth ever since. In 2008, China-Africa bilateral trade volume exceeded US$100 billion, of which US$50.8 billion is China's
exports to Africa and US$56 billion is imports from Africa. The average annual growth rate of China-Africa trade between 2000 and 2008 reached 33.5%, with its proportion in China's total foreign trade volume rising from 2.2% to 4.2%, and its proportion in Africa's total foreign trade volume increasing from 3.8% to 10.4%. Although China-Africa trade volume dropped to US$91.07 billion in 2009 as a result of the international financial crisis, China became Africa' s largest trade partner that year for the first time. As the global economy recovered, China-Africa trade also maintained a favorable recovery and development momentum. From January to November in 2010, China-Africa trade volume reached US$114.81 billion, a year-on-year growth of 43.5%. With the expansion in the scale of trade, the China-Africa trade structure has been gradually optimized, and advantageous products have successively entered each other's market. During the 1980s and 1990s, China's exports to Africa were mainly light industrial products, food, chemical products, native produce and animal by-products. Since 2000, the export of machinery, automobiles and electronic items has been dramatically increasing, with product quality and technology markedly improved. Currently, the proportion of machinery and electronic products accounts for more than half of China's exports to Africa. Africa's major export products to China used to be cotton and phosphate, among other primary products. In recent years, steel, cop-per, chemical fertilizers and electronic items produced in Africa have successively entered China's market. In addition, Africa's export of agricultural products to China has been increasing rapidly. Local specialties such as oranges from Egypt, wine from South Africa, cocoa beans from Ghana, coffee from Uganda, olive oil from Tunisia and sesame from Ethiopia have become familiar to and popular among Chinese consumers. Because of the impact of the international financial crisis, China saw its imports from Africa dropped in 2009, but import of agricultural products increased by 25%. Following the principle of mutual benefit and reciprocity, China has been promoting trade facilitation, and all-round, comprehensive and balanced China-Africa trade for years. China has signed bilateral trade agreements with 45 African countries, and enhanced cooperation in customs, taxation, inspection and quarantine, so as to create favorable conditions for China-Africa trade development. In support of African countries' export expansion to China, the latter has offered the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) of Africa that have diplomatic relations with China zero tariffs on some of their exports to China since 2005. By July 2010, African products that enjoy zero-tariff treatment had increased to 4,700 taxable items, and are expected to cover 95% of the total taxable items mentioned in the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Duties. Thanks to this zero-tariff policy, the export of African products to China that are free from Chinese customs duties has been growing rapidly. From 2005 to the end of June 2010, China had imported African products with an accumulated value of US$1.32 billion under zero-tariff terms, including agricultural products, leather, stone materials, textiles and garments, machine spare parts, base metals and wood products. China has also been helping African enterprises enter the Chinese market by holding African commodity exhibitions, establishing African products exhibition centers, and offering free stalls or reducing stall rents and other preferential terms. Now China and Africa are both in the process of industrialization and urbanization, a time characteristic of great market demand, hence China-Africa trade has great potential. For China, Africa's exports of crude oil, minerals, steel and agricultural products plays an active role in promoting China's economic development and improving the Chinese people' s livelihood. For Africa, China's products and technology meet the need of Africa's development, while the vast Chinese market provides wide space for African products.
Especially, China's continued rapid economic growth has created a stable export market for Africa's resource products. Similarly, good-quality and reasonably-priced Chinese commodities entering Africa help to improve African people's standard of living and help some African countries to constrain and relieve inflation. 一、促进贸易平衡发展 贸易是中非经贸合作最初的形式。伴随着中非关系的发展和交往的增多,中非贸易规模日益扩大。195 0年,中非双边贸易额仅为1214万美元,1960年达到1亿美元,1980年超过10亿美元。2 000年迈上百亿美元台阶后,中非贸易呈现快速增长势头。2008年突破了1000亿美元,其中中 国对非洲出口508亿美元,自非洲进口560亿美元。2000年至2008年,中非贸易年均增长率 高达33.5%,占中国对外贸易总额的比重由2.2%升至4.2%,占非洲对外贸易总额的比重由3.8% 升至10.4%。2009年,虽然受国际金融危机影响,中非贸易额下降到910.7亿美元,但中国在当 年首次成为非洲第一大贸易伙伴国。随着世界经济复苏,中非贸易呈现良好的恢复发展态势。2010年 1月至11月,中非贸易额达1148.1亿美元,同比增长43.5%。 在规模扩大的同时,中非贸易结构逐步优化,双方具有比较优势的产品相继进入对方市场。20世纪80 年代至90年代,中国对非洲出口商品以轻工、食品、化工、土畜产等为主。2000年以来,机械设备、 汽车、电子产品等机电产品出口显著增长,商品质量和技术含量大幅提高。目前,机电产品占中国对非出 口的比例已超过50%。在非洲对中国出口方面,棉花、磷酸盐等初级产品曾经是主要商品。近年来,非 洲的钢材、铜材、化肥、电子产品等工业制成品陆续进入中国市场。同时,非洲农产品对中国出口增长加 快。埃及的柑橘、南非的葡萄酒、加纳的可可豆、乌干达的咖啡、突尼斯的橄榄油、埃塞俄比亚的芝麻等 特色产品,逐渐为中国消费者熟悉和喜爱。受国际金融危机影响,2009年中国从非洲进口有所下降, 但农产品进口增长了25%。 多年来,中国遵循互惠互利的原则,推进贸易便利化,推动中非贸易全面综合平衡发展。中国已与45个 非洲国家签订双边贸易协定, 加强在海关、 税务、 检验检疫等领域的合作, 为中非贸易发展创造良好条件。 为支持非洲国家扩大对华出口,从2005年起,中国给予与中国建交的非洲最不发达国家部分对华出口 商品零关税待遇。截至2010年7月,受惠商品已扩大到4700多个税目,今后将逐步涵盖《中华人 民共和国海关进出口税则》全部税目95%的商品。在零关税政策带动下,非洲受惠商品对华出口快速增 长。从2005年至2010年6月底,中国在零关税待遇项下累计进口非洲商品13.2亿美元,包括农 产品、皮革、石材、纺织服装、机械零部件、贱金属、木制品等。中国还通过举办非洲商品展、设立非洲 产品展销中心,并提供摊位费减免等优惠便利措施,帮助非洲企业开拓中国市场。 当前,中国和非洲同处于工业化、城市化进程中,市场需求旺盛,中非贸易具有很大潜力。就中国而言, 非洲原油、矿产、钢材、农产品等商品对华出口,对促进中国经济发展和提高人民生活水平发挥出积极作 用。 就非洲而言, 中国的产品和技术适合非洲发展的需要, 中国巨大的市场也为非洲产品提供了广阔空间。 特别是中国经济持续快速发展为非洲资源产品提供了稳定的出口市场。同时,物美价廉的中国商品进入非 洲,可以帮助提高非洲民众的生活水平,并且有助于一些非洲国家控制和缓解通货膨胀。 微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

II. Expanding Mutual Investment Fields China began to invest in African countries in the 1980s, and on a small scale at the beginning. In the 1990s China kept expanding its investment scale, widening the fields of investment and diversifying investment approaches in Africa. Since 2000, driven by the FOCAC, China's investment in Africa has been
growing rapidly, gradually forming a pluralized investment pattern. Meanwhile, Africa has also become active in its investment in China, and the business of a number of African enterprises is fast growing in the Chinese market. In recent years, China' s investment in Africa has shown new characteristics. First, rapid growth. By the end of 2003 China's direct investment in Africa had reached US$490 million, rocketing to US$9.33 billion by the end of 2009. Second, wide distribution. China's investment in Africa is distributed in 49 African countries, and most of which is in South Africa, Nigeria, Zambia, Sudan, Algeria and Egypt. Third, wide range of areas. China's investment in Africa covers mining, financing, manufacturing, construction, tourism, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries. Fourth, multiform methods. In addition to sole proprietorship and joint-venture ownership, investment methods are also being increasingly diversified, such as equity participation, merger and acquisition, and joint-venture cooperation with third-country enterprises for resources development. Fifth, diverse investors. State-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, private enterprises and individuals have all invested and started business in Africa, complementing each other with their own advantages. The Chinese government encourages and supports Chinese enterprises with strength and good reputation to expand their investment in Africa, and has adopted necessary measures to guide them in this respect. The result is satisfactory. First, a favorable investment environment has been created by signing agreements and other approaches. So far, China has signed bilateral agreements with 33 African countries regarding the promotion and protection of investment, and it has signed agreements with 11 African countries on avoiding double taxation, thereby creating favorable conditions for China-Africa enterprise cooperation. Second, China has set up the China-Africa Development Fund. This is a stock equity fund created by China's financial organizations to give special support to Chinese enterprises when they invest in Africa. Over the three years since its establishment, the fund has approved investment in over 30 projects, covering agricultural development, machinery manufacturing, electric power, building materials, industrial parks, mining and port logistics, among other fields. Now the arrangement of the first-stage fund of US$1 billion has been completed, and the fund is expected to be increased to US$5 billion. Third, China has been pushing forward the building of overseas economic and trade cooperation zones in Africa. Supported by governments of the two sides, Chinese enterprises take charge of infrastructure construction in the operation zones, and attract Chinese and foreign enterprises to move in and gradually form industrial clusters. At present, China is building six economic and trade cooperation zones in Zambia, Mauritius, Nigeria, Egypt and Ethiopia, having invested US$250 million in infrastructure construction. The Zambia-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone was the first overseas economic and trade cooperation zone launched by China. So far 13 companies have moved in; they engage in mining, prospecting, nonferrous metals processing, chemical engineering, and construction, having made investment worth US$600 million, and providing more than 6,000 jobs for local people. African countries possess rich resources, hence cooperation in resource development is a significant part of China-Africa investment cooperation. In recent years, in accordance with the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation and development, a number of Chinese enterprises have actively involved in the development of African resources, and have been assisting African countries to develop resource processing industries to increase the added value of their resources, so as to convert resource advantages into driving forces of social and economic development. In the course of cooperation, Chinese enterprises
strictly stick to universally acknowledged rules, adopt open, transparent and multiform ways of cooperation to jointly exploit and utilize resources with African countries and international enterprises against monopoly and exclusiveness. The investment by Chinese enterprises in this field has expanded the financial sources for African development, raised the value of such resources, and facilitated local infrastructure construction and economic development, thus winning the approval and support of local governments and people. For instance, Chinese and Malaysian enterprises have cooperated with Sudan in oil exploitation, and helped that country establish a modern petroleum industry featuring integrated upstream and downstream operation, which substantially increased Sudan's financial revenue and played an essential role in improving the livelihood of the local people. Chinese enterprises operating in Africa pay special attention to good relations with the local people, by operating within the rule of law, adhering to credibility, and enhancing resource conservation and environment protection. They are localizing their operations by employing a large number of local workers, and making efforts to strengthen the African countries' capabilities to develop without outside help, thus contributing to the economic development of Africa while accelerating their own growth. For example, a Chinese mining enterprise in Zambia has invested in setting up metallurgical plants to improve the utilization efficiency of local copper resources. After the outbreak of the international financial crisis, it promises that it "will not slash production, not lay off workers and not reduce investment," thus becoming the only one that doesn't reduce either production or staff among the seven foreign-invested mining enterprises in Zambia. In recent years, as the African economy develops and China's market potential grows, African enterprises have been investing more vigorously in China. Mauritius, South Africa, Seychelles, Nigeria and Tunisia are the major African countries investing in China. A beer joint venture started by a South African enterprise in China is operating nearly 70 breweries. A chemical fertilizer joint venture formed by Tunis and Chinese enterprises has become a leading compound fertilizer producer in China. By the end of 2009 African countries' accumulated direct investment in China amounted to US$9.93 billion, covering petrochemical engineering, machinery and electronics, transportation and telecommunications, light industry and household appliances, garments and textiles, bio-pharmaceuticals, agricultural development, entertainment and catering, real estate, and other sectors. Africa's investment in China features mutually complementary advantages, thereby promoting China's exports to Africa and other regions. 二、拓展相互投资领域 中国对非洲国家的投资始于20世纪80年代,初始阶段规模普遍较小。进入90年代后,中国对非投资 规模逐步扩大,领域不断拓宽,方式日趋多样。2000年以来,在中非合作论坛带动下,中国对非投资 快速增长,逐步形成多元化的投资格局。与此同时,非洲对中国的投资也日渐活跃,一批非洲企业在中国 市场中发展壮大。 近年来,中国对非投资呈现出新的特点。一是增长迅速。2003年底中国对非直接投资存量为4.9亿美 元,而截至2009年底,中国对非直接投资存量已大幅增长到93.3亿美元。二是分布广泛。中国对非 投资分布在49个非洲国家,主要流向南非、尼日利亚、赞比亚、苏丹、阿尔及利亚、埃及等国家。三是 领域丰富。主要涉及采矿、金融、制造、建筑、旅游、农林牧渔业等。四是方式多样。除独资、合资外, 参股、并购以及与第三国企业合资开发资源等方式也逐渐增多。五是主体多元。国有大中型企业、民营企 业和个体从业者等,均在非洲投资兴业,各有所长,相互补益。
中国政府鼓励和支持有实力、信誉好的中国企业扩大对非投资,并采取措施加以引导,起到了明显带动效 应。一是通过签订协定等方式营造良好投资环境。截至目前,中国已与33个非洲国家签署双边促进和保 护投资协定,与11个非洲国家签订避免双重征税协定,为中非企业合作创造条件。二是设立中非发展基 金。该基金是由中国金融机构设立的专门用于支持国内企业对非投资的股权基金,成立3年来已决策投资 30多个项目,涉及农业开发、机械制造、电力、建材、工业园区、矿业、港口物流等领域。目前基金一 期10亿美元额度已安排完毕,将逐步扩大到50亿美元。三是推动建设境外经贸合作区。由中国企业在 双方政府支持下进行合作区的基础设施开发, 并负责招商, 吸引中外企业入驻, 逐步形成产业集群。 目前, 中国正在赞比亚、毛里求斯、尼日利亚、埃及和埃塞俄比亚等非洲国家建设6个经贸合作区,园区基础设 施建设已投入2.5亿美元。赞比亚-中国经贸合作区是中国在非洲设立的第一个境外经贸合作区,目前已 引进13 家企业,涉及采矿、勘探、有色金属加工、化工、建筑等领域,完成实际投资6亿美元,为当 地提供就业岗位6000多个。 非洲国家资源丰富,在资源领域的开发合作是中非投资合作的重要内容。近年来,一些中国企业按照互利 共赢、共同发展的原则,积极参与非洲资源开发,帮助非洲国家发展资源加工业,提高资源附加值,将资 源优势转化为社会经济发展的动力。在合作中,中国企业严格遵循国际规则,采取公开透明、形式多样的 合作方式,不垄断、不排他,与非洲国家和国际企业共同开发、利用资源。中国企业在这一领域的投资, 拓宽了非洲发展的资金来源,提升了资源价值,也带动当地基础设施建设和经济发展,赢得了当地政府和 民众的广泛欢迎。如,中国和马来西亚等国家的企业与苏丹合作开发石油资源,帮助苏丹建立了上下游一 体化的现代石油工业体系,苏丹的财政收入由此大幅增加,对改善人民生活发挥重要作用。 中国在非企业在经营过程中,注意处理好与当地民众关系,坚持依法经营、诚实守信,加强资源节约和环 境保护,实施“本土化”经营,雇用大量当地员工,积极提升所在国自主发展能力,在加快自身发展的同时 为当地经济发展作出贡献。如,中国在赞比亚的矿产企业,不仅投资建设冶炼厂,提高当地铜资源的利用 效率,还在国际金融危机发生后承诺,“不减少一吨产量、不裁减一名员工、不减少一分投资”,成为该国 7家外资矿山企业中唯一没有减产、裁员的企业。 近年来,随着非洲经济发展和中国市场潜力扩大,非洲企业对华投资日渐活跃。其中,毛里求斯、南非、 塞舌尔、尼日利亚、突尼斯等是非洲主要的对华投资国家。南非企业在华合资成立的啤酒企业,共经营着 近70家啤酒厂。突尼斯与中国企业在华合资成立的化肥企业,已成为中国大型复合肥生产基地之一。截 至2009年底,非洲国家累计对华直接投资99.3亿美元,涉及石油化工、机械电子、交通通讯、轻工 家电、服装纺织、生物制药、农业开发、娱乐餐饮、房地产等领域。非洲对华投资体现了优势互补,也带 动了中国对非洲和其他地区的商品出口。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

 III. Attaching Importance to Infrastructure Construction As backward infrastructure is the bottleneck that hinders the development of many African countries, infrastructure construction is one important aspect of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. China attaches importance to giving support to African countries to improve their infrastructure, helping them build houses, roads, bridges, railways, airports, ports, telecommunications, power networks, water supply and drainage systems, and hospitals through means such as assistance, project contracting, investment cooperation, and expanding channels of financing, which have positive effects on the development of Africa. China encourages and supports its enterprises to participate in the infrastructure construction of African countries, asking them to finish the projects with guaranteed quality and on the basis of honoring
contracts and upholding a fine reputation. China has helped African countries build a large number of infrastructure projects over the years. In the 1970s China, despite its own economic hardship, provided assistance for the construction of the 1,860-km-long Tanzania-Zambia railway, which is historical evidence of China's selfless help to Africa. The Cairo International Conference Center, aided by China, covers a floor space of 58,000 sq m and hosts more than a hundred international meetings and exhibitions each year, promoting the development of local business and tourism. By the end of 2009, China had provided assistance for the construction of over 500 infrastructure projects in Africa. Other large projects include the Belet Uen-Burao Highway in Somalia, the Friendship Harbor in Mauritania, the Mashta al Anad-Ben Jarw Canal in Tunisia, and the National Stadium in Tanzania. The Convention Center of the African Union and a few other projects are under construction now. In order to help African countries to improve their infrastructure, the Chinese government has offered many preferential loans, and supports its financial institutions to expand the amount of commercial loans to Africa. China has constantly intensified its efforts in financing for Africa since the establishment of the FOCAC. From 2007 to 2009, China provided US$5 billion of preferential loans and preferential export buyer's credit to Africa. It has also promised to provide US$10 billion of preferential loans to Africa from 2010 to 2012. These loans are to be used to finance some of the big projects under construction, such as an airport in Mauritius, housing in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea and the Bui Hydropower Station in Ghana. Chinese engineering companies, in line with international norms, contract projects in Africa through competitive bidding, and help build many needed infrastructure projects with good quality and at low cost. Such projects as houses, roads, airports, refineries, telecommunication networks and hydropower stations are being expanded with improved technology. The Chinese enterprises, from bidding on their own to joint bidding with international businesses, display their strength in Africa and improve their capacity in international management while accumulating experiences and cultivating skilled people. The China-aided large-scale projects which have already been completed include the Sheraton Hotel in Algeria, the telecommunications network in Ethiopia and the Merowe Dam in Sudan. Projects under construction include housing in Angola, a coastal railway in Libya and a light rail in Lagos, Nigeria. Chinese enterprises undertake social responsibilities on their own initiative, and actively participate in programs benefiting local people, which have won them appreciation of the local governments and people. They have provided funds to build roads, bridges, hospitals and schools, and to sink wells. They have also donated materials to make a positive contribution to the development of local communities. For example, the programs for the public good organized by Chinese enterprises have benefited over two million people in Sudan, the friendship schools China aided in Nigeria promoted elementary education in 300 villages, and vocational training centers in Angola and Libya turn out large numbers of skilled workers 三、重视基础设施建设 基础设施落后是制约很多非洲国家发展的瓶颈,基础设施建设是中非经贸合作的重点领域之一。中国重视 支持非洲国家改善基础设施条件,通过援助、工程承包、投资合作、扩大融资等方式,帮助非洲国家兴建 住宅、公路、桥梁、铁路、机场、港口、通讯、电力、给排水、医院等基础设施,对非洲发展产生积极影 响。中国鼓励和支持中国企业参与非洲国家的基础设施建设,并要求企业重合同、守信用,保质完成项目
建设。 多年来, 中国援助非洲国家建成一大批基础设施项目。 20世纪70年代, 在自身经济还很困难的情况下, 中国援建了1860多公里长的坦桑尼亚-赞比亚铁路,成为中国无私援助非洲的历史见证。中国援建的 埃及开罗国际会议中心,总建筑面积5.8万平方米,每年举行上百个国际会议及展览,推动了当地商贸及 旅游业发展。截至2009年底,中国在非洲援建了500多个基础设施项目,较大的项目还有索马里贝 莱特温-布劳公路、毛里塔尼亚友谊港、突尼斯麦热尔德-崩角水渠、坦桑尼亚国家体育场等。正在援建 非洲联盟会议中心等一批项目。 为支持非洲国家改善基础设施条件,中国政府提供了大量优惠性质贷款,并支持中国金融机构扩大对非洲 商业贷款规模。特别是中非合作论坛成立以来,中国不断加大对非融资力度。2007年至2009年, 中国向非洲提供了50亿美元优惠贷款和优惠出口买方信贷。2010年至2012年,中国计划向非洲 提供100亿美元优惠性质贷款。优惠性质贷款支持的在建大型项目,包括毛里求斯机场、赤道几内亚马 拉博住宅、加纳布维水电站等。 中国工程企业按照国际通行规则,通过竞标在非洲承建工程项目,建设了大批质量好、造价低、非洲急需 的基础设施。从住房、道路,到机场、炼油厂、电信网、水电站,项目的技术含量不断提高,规模不断扩 大; 从单一企业投标到组建国际企业联合体投标, 中国企业在非洲展现了实力, 积累了经验, 培养了人才, 提升了国际化经营能力。中国企业建成的大型项目包括阿尔及利亚喜来登酒店、埃塞俄比亚全国电信网、 苏丹麦洛维大坝等。正在建设的大型项目有安哥拉社会住房、利比亚沿海铁路、尼日利亚拉各斯轻轨等。 中国企业主动承担社会责任,积极从事惠及当地民众的公益事业,赢得了所在国政府、公众的充分肯定和 积极评价。中国企业在非洲国家捐资修路、架桥、打水井、建医院、盖学校,还捐赠物资,为当地社区的 发展作出积极贡献。如,中国企业在苏丹的公益事业已使200多万人受益,在尼日利亚捐建的中尼友好 小学缓解了当地300个村庄的基础教育压力,在安哥拉、利比亚等国建设的职业培训中心已培训大批学 员。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

 IV. Strengthening Building of Development Capacity Development is one of the most urgent problems confronting Africa, but lack of technology and skills is the key element that hinders its development. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the building of development capacity in Africa, carrying out human resource development and cooperation with African countries, and sending experts and youth volunteers to Africa to help African countries improve the ability of fostering skilled people. Strengthening educational exchanges and cooperation. China and Africa have conducted fruitful educational cooperation, fostering large numbers of skilled people for Africa. By the end of 2009, 107 schools had been built in Africa with Chinese assistance, and 29,465 African students had received Chinese government scholarships to study in China. At present, the Chinese government offers about 5,000 scholarships to students from African countries each year. It has also intensified its cooperation with African countries in fields such as higher education, vocational education and long-distance education, building specialized laboratories for biology, computer science, analytical chemistry, food preservation and processing, horticulture and civil engineering.
Providing management and technical training programs. China helps cultivate managerial and technical skills for Africa in multiple ways. By June 2010, China had provided training programs for over 30,000 people from African countries, covering over 20 fields such as economy, public administration, agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing industry, medical care and public health, science and technology, and environmental protection. Besides, Chinese enterprises in Africa have trained for those countries large numbers of skilled technical personnel through building training centers and running on-the-job training courses, and bringing African employees to receive training in China. Holding practical skills training courses. China has held in many African countries practical skills training courses on planting, livestock breeding, fishing, weaving, embroidery and leather processing. For example, China held many bamboo and rattan weaving courses for refugees, dropout students, and impoverished peasants in post-war Libya, which helped to promote the development of the local bamboo and rattan weaving handicraft. The trainees later could earn a monthly income of US$150, greatly improving their living conditions. Sending experts and youth volunteers to Africa. By the end of 2009, China had sent 104 senior agricultural technical experts to 33 African countries, helping them to map out agricultural development plans, and offering guidance and training courses on agricultural skills. It sent experts to guide the production and operation of China-aided projects, to train local managerial staff, and to help African countries to manage projects on their own. China also cooperated with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, and signed the South-South Tripartite Agreement with Mauritania, Ghana, Ethiopia, Gabon, Sierra Leone, Mali and Nigeria, sending to these countries over 600 Chinese agricultural experts and technicians. By the end of 2009, China had sent 312 youth volunteers to Africa, providing voluntary services in Chinese language teaching, medical care and public health, physical education teaching, computer training and international rescue. 四、加强发展能力建设 发展是非洲面临的最迫切问题,技术和人才的匮乏是制约非洲发展的重要因素。中国政府高度重视非洲发 展能力建设,通过与非洲国家开展人力资源开发合作、向非洲派遣援外专家和青年志愿者等,努力帮助非 洲国家提升自身“造血”功能。 加强教育交流与合作。中非开展了卓有成效的教育合作,为非洲培养大量人才。截至2009年底,中国 提供援助在非洲建成107所学校,向29465人次非洲留学生提供了政府奖学金。目前,中国政府每 年向非洲国家提供5000个左右奖学金名额。中国还加强与非洲国家在高等教育、职业教育和远程教育 等方面的合作,在非洲建立生物、计算机、分析化学、食品保鲜加工、园艺、土木工程等专业实验室。 开展管理和技术培训。中国通过多种方式帮助非洲培养管理和技术人才。截至2010年6月,中国为非 洲国家培训了各类人员3万多人次,培训内容涵盖经济、公共行政管理、农牧渔业、医疗卫生、科技、环 保等20多个领域。另外,中国在非企业通过建立培训中心、在职培训、选派优秀员工赴华培训等方式, 为所在国培训大批熟练技术人员。 进行实用技术培训。中国在许多非洲国家开展种植业、养殖业、渔业、编织、刺绣、皮革加工等实用技术 培训。如,中国为利比里亚战后难民、辍学学生、贫困农民举办了多期竹藤编技术培训班,推动当地竹藤 产业发展。竹藤编培训班学员通过出售自制产品,月收入可达150美元,有效改善了生活条件。 微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

派遣援外专家和青年志愿者。截至2009年底,中国向33个非洲国家派遣了104名高级农业技术专 家,帮助非洲国家制定农业发展规划、开展农业技术指导和培训等。派遣专家指导中国援建项目的生产运 营,培训当地管理人员,帮助非洲国家掌握独立管理项目的能力。中国还和联合国粮农组织合作,与毛里 塔尼亚、加纳、埃塞俄比亚、加蓬、塞拉利昂、马里、尼日利亚等国分别签署了《南南合作三方协议》 ,累 计向上述国家派出600多名中国农业专家和技术人员。截至2009年底,中国向非洲派出青年志愿者 312名,提供了汉语教学、医疗卫生、体育教学、计算机培训、国际救援等方面的志愿服务。 V. Helping to Improve People's Livelihood If Africa is to reach the UN Millennium Development Goals it must improve its public facilities, solve food shortage problems, improve sanitary conditions and reduce the burden of foreign debt. China shows great concern for the livelihood of African people, helping African countries to build public facilities, increase their agricultural production, improve their medical care and public health service, actively reduce their debts, and provide disaster relief and humanitarian aid. Actively offering assistance for building public welfare facilities. China has offered assistance to African countries in building large numbers of public welfare projects such as low-cost housing, well digging for water supply, sewage treatment, radio and television and telecommunications network, playing a positive role in improving the local people' s living standards. For example, low-cost housing projects in Seychelles, Mozambique, Angola and Ethiopia have improved the dwelling conditions of the local people. The well-digging projects in Nigeria, Senegal and Equatorial Guinea, the water supply systems in Tanzania and Niger have solved the drinking-water problem for many people. The national television center in Equatorial Guinea has made the transmission and coverage of local television signals possible. Conducting multiform agricultural cooperation. Food security is important for stable development and poverty relief efforts in Africa. Agriculture is the pillar industry of most African countries and a priority field for China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. China always regards helping Africa solve its food security problem as its ultimate goal in China-Africa agricultural cooperation. The major fields of China-Africa agricultural cooperation cover infrastructure construction, food production, breeding industry, exchange and transfer of agricultural practical techniques, and processing, storage and transport of agricultural products. By the end of 2009, China had helped to build over 142 agricultural projects in Africa such as pilot agro-technical stations, stations for popularizing agricultural techniques and farms. China has launched 14 agricultural technology demonstration centers in Africa, and provided a large amount of agricultural materials and equipment. The Chinese government also encourages its enterprises to invest in agricultural product processing and agricultural development projects in Africa. Improving medical and health conditions in Africa. The major measures taken by China to help African countries improve their medical and health conditions include offering assistance to build hospitals, sending medical teams to Africa, and providing medicines and medical supplies. By the end of 2009, China had helped to build 54 hospitals, set up 30 malaria prevention and treatment centers, and provided anti-malaria drugs worth 200 million yuan to 35 African countries. Since 1963, China has sent medical teams to 46 African countries with a total number of 18,000 medical workers, treating as many as 200 million patients and training tens of thousands of African medical staff over the decades. They have not
only cured common and frequent diseases but also created the conditions to perform challenging operations like treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, re-attachment of severed limbs and removal of large tumors, saving the lives of many patients in danger and filling the medical gap in the aided countries. At present, over 1,000 Chinese medical workers are providing medical services in 41 African countries. Reducing Africa's debts. The Chinese government has always supported African countries in their effort to reduce their debts, helped relieve their burden of debts to China. From 2000 to 2009, China canceled 312 debts of 35 African countries, totaling 18.96 billion yuan. The above-mentioned debt relief measures demonstrate China's determination and aspiration to help Africa develop, and speed up the process of debt reduction for Africa by other countries. Stepping up efforts for disaster reduction and relief and humanitarian aid. China and Africa actively conduct personnel exchanges in disaster reduction and relief, and promote technical cooperation and experience sharing. When African countries are hit by natural disasters or war, China always promptly offers humanitarian aid to them. With growing national strength, China has increased its humanitarian aid to Africa. In 2003, when Algeria was hit by a 6.8-magnitude earthquake, China immediately sent emergency relief supplies worth a total of US$5.36 million, and dispatched a rescue team to the disaster-hit area. In 2004 China officially established a mechanism of humanitarian emergency response for disaster relief, which made the relief action faster and more efficient. In recent years, China has provided emergency relief supplies such as food and tents to Sudan, Madagascar, Burundi, Tanzania, Somalia, Ethiopia, Lesotho and Zimbabwe, helping these countries to increase their ability to fend off disasters and to reconstruct after disasters. Since 2004 China has provided about 150 million yuan in the form of grants to Sudan for humanitarian supplies, well-digging and water-supply projects in Darfur. 五、帮助提升民生水准 完善公共设施、解决粮食问题、改善卫生条件、减少外债负担等,是关系到非洲实现联合国千年发展目标 的重要民生问题。中国十分关注非洲的民生发展,帮助非洲国家建设公共福利设施,提高农业水平,改善 医疗卫生条件,并积极开展对非减债、救灾和人道主义援助。 积极援建公共福利设施。中国为非洲国家援建了一大批低造价住房、打井供水、污水处理、广播电视和通 讯设施等公共福利项目,对提高当地人民生活水平发挥了积极作用。如,塞舌尔、莫桑比克、安哥拉、埃 塞俄比亚的低造价住房项目,改善了当地民众居住条件;尼日利亚、塞内加尔、赤道几内亚的打井项目、 坦桑尼亚查林兹供水系统、尼日尔津德尔供水工程等,解决了当地居民生活用水问题;赤道几内亚国家电 视中心,满足了当地电视信号传输、覆盖的需求。 开展多种形式农业合作。 粮食安全关系到非洲的稳定发展和脱贫减困。 农业是大部分非洲国家的支柱产业, 也是中非经贸合作的优先领域。中国始终将帮助非洲解决粮食安全问题作为中非农业合作的根本目的。中 非农业合作的主要领域包括农业基础设施建设、粮食生产、养殖业、农业实用技术交流和转让、农产品加 工和储运等。 截至2009年底, 中国共为非洲援建农业技术试验站、 推广站、 农场等农业项目142个, 启动14个农业技术示范中心项目,并向非洲国家提供大批农用物资、农业设备。中国政府还鼓励中国企 业到非洲投资农产品加工、农业开发项目。 改善非洲医疗卫生条件。援建医院、派遣医疗队、提供药品和医疗物资援助,是中国帮助非洲国家改善医
疗卫生条件的主要措施。截至2009年底,中国在非洲援建了54所医院,设立30个疟疾防治中心, 向35个非洲国家提供价值约2亿元人民币的抗疟药品。自1963年起,中国持续向非洲派遣医疗队, 共向46个非洲国家派出过1.8万人次援外医疗队员,累计治疗患者2亿多人次,并为非洲培训数万名医 疗技术人员。中国医疗队不仅诊治常见病、多发病,还创造条件开展心脑血管疾病治疗、断肢再植、巨大 肿瘤切除等高难度手术,挽救众多生命垂危病人,并填补了受援国多项医学空白。目前,有1000多名 中国医疗队队员在41个非洲国家提供医疗服务。 减轻非洲债务负担。中国政府一贯支持非洲国家的减债努力,帮助非洲国家减轻对华债务负担。从200 0年至2009年,中国已免除35个非洲国家的312笔债务,总计189.6亿元人民币。上述减债举 措,体现了中国帮助非洲实现发展的愿望和决心,也推动了国际社会对非减债进程。 开展减灾救灾和人道主义援助。 中国与非洲积极开展减灾、 救灾领域的人员交流、 技术合作以及经验共享。 当非洲国家遭受自然灾害和战乱影响时,中国坚持及时向其提供人道主义援助。随着国力提升,中国对非 洲的人道主义援助力度不断加大。2003年,阿尔及利亚发生6.8级地震,中国迅速向其提供紧急救援 物资并派遣国际救援队,救灾援助总计536万美元。2004年,中国正式建立人道主义紧急救灾援助 应急机制,援助行动更加快捷有效。近年来,中国向苏丹、马达加斯加、布隆迪、坦桑尼亚、索马里、埃 塞俄比亚、莱索托、津巴布韦等国家提供了食品、帐篷等紧急物资援助,帮助这些国家增强抵御灾害以及 灾后重建的能力。自2004年以来,中国向苏丹提供近1.5亿元人民币无偿援助,用于向达尔富尔地区 提供人道主义物资和实施打井供水项目。 VI. Broadening the Scope of China-Africa Cooperation In recent years, new areas in China-Africa cooperation, especially banking, tourism, civil aviation and environmental protection, have shown good momentum for development. Moreover, within a multi-lateral framework China and African nations have strengthened cooperation and mutual support in many areas of global concern, including actions to address climate change. Cooperation in banking. The Chinese government supports the efforts by financial institutions of China and African countries to enhance their exchanges and cooperation, and provide comprehensive financial services for enterprises of both sides. China Development Bank, Export-Import Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China and China Construction Bank are now offering services across the African continent, such as international settlement, trade and financing, and especially financing services in the fields of manufacturing, energy, telecommunications, electric power, water supply, transportation, agriculture and logistics. Chinese financial institutions have set up branches or representative offices in Zambia, South Africa and Egypt. China has joined the African Development Bank and the West African Development Bank in support of the poverty reduction and development of Africa by donating money, canceling debts and establishing funds to shore up bilateral technical cooperation projects. Meanwhile, financial institutions of African countries have also expanded their business in China. By the end of 2009 six banks of five African countries, namely Egypt, Morocco, Cameroon, South Africa and Nigeria, had set up branches or representative offices in China. Cooperation in tourism. Tourism is one of the most important emerging industries of African countries, and a new source of growth of the China-Africa trade in services. The Chinese government actively carries out China-Africa cooperation in tourism. Since Egypt became the first country in Africa to be granted the
Approved Destination Status (ADS) for tourists from China's mainland in 2002, altogether 28 African countries and regions had acquired such status by the end of 2009. In 2009 some 381,000 people from China's mainland visited Africa as the first stop of their travel, up by 18.5% over the previous year, while the number of Africans traveling to China during 2009 increased by 6% over 2008, reaching 401,000. In addition, Chinese enterprises have set up travel agencies and restaurants, and engaged in hotel building and management in Africa. Cooperation in airline transportation. The Chinese government encourages airlines of both sides to establish and increase their cooperative ties, and open more direct air links between China and Africa for transport of passengers and freight. China had officially signed civil aviation transport agreements with some 15 African countries by the end of 2009, including Ethiopia, Angola, Zambia and South Africa, and initialed similar agreements with another six African countries, including Seychelles, Libya and Uganda. The airlines of Egypt, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Algeria have opened scheduled direct flights to Beijing and Guangzhou, while Chinese airlines have direct flights be-tween Beijing and Lagos of Nigeria, Luanda of Angola, and Khartoum of Sudan. In addition, China' s civil aviation administration provides help to Africa through various channels, including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It pledged to donate US$100,000 per year from 2008 to 2011 to ICAO' s "Comprehensive Regional Implementation Plan for Aviation Safety in Africa." Cooperation in environmental protection. Environmental protection and tackling climate change are issues affecting the whole world. Within the framework of the FOCAC, China and African countries together held the China-Africa Environmental Protection Cooperation Meeting, implemented the China-Africa human resource training pro-gram for environmental protection, and set up the UNEP China-Africa Environmental Center. The Chinese government has proposed to form a partnership between China and Africa in addressing climate change, and strengthen cooperation in fields like satellite weather monitoring, development and use of new energy, prevention and control of desertification and urban environmental protection. China and African countries hold in-depth exchanges of views on environmental issues such as international negotiations on climate change to safeguard the common interests of developing countries. China supports the rightful claims of African countries in addressing climate change, and takes into account the concerns of African countries about long-term emission-reduction targets. The Chinese government has also promised not to contend for financial assistance with African countries, but instead will offer them, on the basis of their needs, practical assistances in funds, technology and capacity building. At present, China has formed cooperation plans in the fields of biogas technology, hydro power, solar power and wind power with some African countries. 六、拓宽中非合作领域 近年来,中非合作领域日益拓展,金融、旅游、航空、环境保护等逐渐成为中非合作的新领域、新亮点。 中非还在多边框架中就应对气候变化等全球性问题相互支持、加强合作。 拓展金融合作。中国政府支持中非金融机构加强交流合作,为双方企业提供全方位的金融服务。中国国家 开发银行、中国进出口银行、中国工商银行、中国银行、中国建设银行的业务已遍及非洲大陆,提供国际 结算、贸易和融资等服务,融资领域涉及制造、能源、通讯、电力、供水、交通、农业、物流等行业。中 国金融机构已在赞比亚、 南非和埃及等国设立了分行或代表处。 中国加入非洲开发银行、 西非开发银行等, 通过捐款、减债、设立双边技术合作基金等方式,支持非洲减贫与发展事业。非洲国家的金融机构也积极
拓展对华业务。截至2009年底,埃及、摩洛哥、喀麦隆、南非和尼日利亚等5个非洲国家的6家银行, 在中国设立了分行或代表处。 推进旅游合作。旅游是非洲国家关注的新兴产业之一,也正成为中非服务贸易新的增长点。中国积极推进 与非洲国家的旅游合作。2002年,埃及成为非洲第一个中国大陆公民组团出境旅游目的地。截至20 09年底,非洲共有28个国家和地区成为中国大陆公民组团出境旅游目的地。2009年,中国大陆公 民首站到访非洲38.1万人次,同比增长18.5%;非洲来华旅游40.1万人次,同比增长6%。中国 企业还在非洲开设旅行社、餐馆,参与酒店建设、管理等。 加强航空运输合作。中国鼓励双方航空企业建立更多合作关系,开通更多连接中国、非洲的直达航线,以 便双方人员交往和货物运输。截至2009年底,中国与埃塞俄比亚、安哥拉、赞比亚、南非等15国正 式签署民用航空运输协定,与塞舌尔、利比亚、乌干达等6国草签民用航空运输协定。目前,埃及、埃塞 俄比亚、津巴布韦、肯尼亚、阿尔及利亚等国的航空公司已开通直达北京、广州的航班。中国的航空公司 开通了北京至尼日利亚拉各斯、安哥拉罗安达和苏丹喀土穆的直达航线。此外,中国航空主管部门通过国 际民航组织等渠道,积极开展对非援助合作,承诺从2008年至2011年,每年向国际民航组织“非洲 航空安全全面地区实施计划”捐款10万美元,用于帮助非洲提高民航安全水平。 开展环境保护合作。环境保护与应对气候变化是全球面临的共同问题。在中非合作论坛框架下,中国与非 洲国家共同召开中非环保合作会议,实施中非人力资源环境培训计划,成立了联合国环境规划署中非环境 中心。中国政府倡议建立中非应对气候变化伙伴关系,在卫星气象监测、新能源开发利用、沙漠化防治、 城市环境保护等领域加强合作。中国与非洲国家就气候变化国际谈判等问题深入交换意见,维护发展中国 家的共同利益。中国支持非洲在应对气候变化方面的正当权利,在长期减排目标等问题上最大限度照顾非 方关切。中方还承诺,在资金问题上不与非洲争援助,并将结合非洲实际需要,从资金、技术、能力建设 等方面提供帮助。目前,中国已与部分非洲国家开展了沼气技术、水力发电、太阳能与风能发电等方面的 合作。 微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

VII. Giving Full Play to the Guidance Role of FOCAC Founded in 2000 by China and Africa, FOCAC has formed dialogue and cooperation mechanisms at various levels such as ministerial conferences, senior official meetings and entrepreneurs' conferences. So far, four ministerial conferences and a summit have been held within this framework. Owing to the joint efforts of China and Africa, FOCAC has become an important platform for collective dialogue and an effective mechanism for practical cooperation between China and Africa. It enhances political mutual trust, leads to cooperation, especially economic and trade cooperation, and expands and deepens China-Africa relations, and raises the level of their relations. Since the first FOCAC Ministerial Conference in 2000, the Chinese government, focusing on the challenges and opportunities facing China and Africa, has taken a series of steps to deepen China-Africa economic relations and trade on the basis of long-term cooperation, mutual respect and consultation on an equal footing. These steps, fitting the needs of Africa, represent the practical spirit and creative endeavors of the Chinese government. At the first FOCAC Ministerial Conference China announced it would reduce or cancel African countries' debts to China, and encouraged Chinese companies to invest in Africa and train professionals for Africa. At
the second FOCAC Ministerial Conference in 2003, China pledged to increase aid to Africa, enhance cooperation in the sphere of human resources development and give zero-tariff treatment to some of the exported products from the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Africa with diplomatic ties with China. At the Beijing Summit and third Ministerial Conference of FOCAC in 2006, China announced an eight-point plan for strengthening practical China-Africa cooperation and supporting the development of Africa, including increasing assistance; providing preferential loans; helping the African Union (AU) to build a convention center; raising the number of African export items to China eligible for zero-tariff treatment; setting up a China-Africa Development Fund; building overseas economic and trade cooperation zones in African countries; setting up demonstration centers of agricultural technology; and setting up malaria prevention and treatment centers. All the above-mentioned eight commitments were fully in place by the end of 2009 with the joint endeavors of China and Africa. In 2009 China declared another eight-point plan at the fourth FOCAC Ministerial Conference, covering agriculture, environmental protection, investment promotion, debt reduction and cancellation, wider market access, education, and medical care and public health. These eight commitments, focusing on improving the living standards of the African people, enhancing cooperation in agriculture and human resource development and raising Africa' s self-reliance capacity, aim to help African countries solve their current practical problems, realize sustainable growth, and further consolidate the foundation for economic and social development. China's commitments offered through FOCAC help all African countries having diplomatic ties with China, and provide practical benefits to these countries and their peoples. In future, based on the spirit of mutual benefit and progress, friendly consultation, pragmatism and high efficiency, the Chinese government will, together with African countries, continue to strengthen the economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa within the FOCAC framework, and further develop a new-type of China-Africa strategic partnership. 七、发挥中非合作论坛引领作用 2000年,中国与非洲国家共同创建了中非合作论坛。论坛迄今召开了四届部长级会议和一届峰会,建 立了部长级会议、高官会、企业家大会等多层次的对话与合作机制。在中非双方共同努力下,中非合作论 坛成为中非集体对话的重要平台和务实合作的有效机制。中非合作论坛增强了中非政治互信,引领、带动 了包括经贸合作在内的中非合作,不断丰富中非关系内涵,提升中非关系水平。 自2000年中非合作论坛第一届部长级会议以来, 中方围绕着中非发展面临的机遇和挑战, 在长期合作、 相互尊重、平等协商的基础上,不断出台新的经贸举措,推动中非经贸关系深入发展。这些经贸举措契合 非洲发展需要,体现了中国政府在中非合作上的务实和创新精神。 在第一届部长级会议上,中方宣布减免非洲债务、鼓励企业对非投资和培训专业人才等措施。在2003 年第二届部长级会议上,中方宣布增加对非援助、加强人力资源开发合作、给予与中国建交的非洲最不发 达国家部分输华产品免关税待遇等措施。 在2006年中非合作论坛北京峰会和第三届部长级会议上,中方宣布了旨在加强中非务实合作、支持非 洲发展的8项举措,包括扩大援助规模、提供优惠性质贷款、援建非洲联盟会议中心、扩大免关税受惠商
品范围、设立中非发展基金、建设境外经贸合作区、设立农业技术示范中心和疟疾防治中心等。在中非双 方共同努力下,这8项举措已在2009年底前全面落实。 在2009年举行的中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议上, 中方又宣布了8项新举措, 涉及农业、 环境保护、 促进投资、减免债务、扩大市场准入、教育、医疗卫生等领域,进一步突出改善非洲民生、加强农业合作、 加大人力资源开发合作、提高非洲自主发展能力等内容。这些举措,立足于帮助非洲国家解决当前的实际 困难,着眼于帮助非洲实现可持续发展,进一步巩固非洲经济社会发展的基础。 中国在中非合作论坛上提出的一系列经贸举措,惠及所有与中国建交的非洲国家,使非洲有关国家和人民 得到了实实在在的利益。今后,中国政府将继续本着互利共赢、友好协商、务实高效的精神,与非洲国家 共同努力,加强论坛框架内的经贸合作,推动中非新型战略伙伴关系不断向深入发展。 微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Conclusion The world today is undergoing great changes and adjustments. The economic recession triggered by the international financial crisis hasn't come to an end yet. Global issues of food security, energy supply, climate change and prevention and control of epidemic diseases have become more prominent. And uncertain factors in the global economy are increasing. As developing countries, China and African countries now face good opportunities to boost their growth and also the challenges of complex global problems. China and Africa enjoy complementarity. Their common interests are constantly expanding, and the future of their economic and trade cooperation is bright. On the principles of equality, mutual benefit and common development, China will continue to promote China-Africa economic exchanges within bilateral or multilateral frameworks, broaden the scope of cooperation, explore new methods of cooperation and share the fruits of development with the African countries. As economic globalization progresses, the economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa will definitely gain momentum to reach a larger scale, broader scope and higher level with their joint endeavors, which can give new energy and vitality to overall China-Africa cooperation and make more contributions to building a world with long-lasting peace, common prosperity and harmony. 结 束 语 当前,国际形势正处于大变革、大调整时期,由国际金融危机引发的世界经济衰退仍未过去,粮食安全、 能源供给、气候变化、重大疾病防控等全球性问题日益突出,世界经济领域的不确定因素明显增多。中国 与非洲各国同属发展中国家,既面临加快发展的难得机遇,又面临纷繁复杂的全球性挑战。 中国与非洲优势互补,共同利益不断扩大,经贸合作前景广阔。中国将继续秉承平等互利、共同发展的原 则,一如既往地推动双边及多边框架下的中非经贸往来,拓宽合作领域,创新合作方式,共享发展成果。 随着经济全球化的深入发展,通过中国与非洲人民的共同努力,中非经贸合作一定会向更大规模、更宽领 域和更高层次不断发展,为中非全面合作注入新的生机与活力,为建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世 界作出更大贡献。
Appendix I The Eight-Point Plan China Pledged at the FOCAC Beijing Summit 1. Increase assistance to African countries, and by 2009 double the size of its assistance to African countries in 2006. 2. Provide US$3 billion in preferential loans and US$2 billion in preferential export buyer' s credit to African countries in the next three years. 3. Set up the China-Africa Development Fund, the total amount of which will gradually reach US$5 billion, to give encouragement and support to Chinese companies investing in projects in Africa. 4. Help the African Union to build a convention center in order to support African countries in their efforts to strengthen themselves through unity and speed up African integration. 5. Cancel the repayment of interest-free government loans that had become due by the end of 2005 to China by Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Africa that have diplomatic ties with China. 6. Further open the Chinese market to Africa, and increase from 190 to over 440 the number of African export items to China eligible for zero-tariff treatment from the LDCs in Africa having diplomatic relations with China. 7. Set up three to five overseas economic and trade cooperation zones in African countries in the next three years. 8. Train 15,000 professionals for African countries in the next three years; send 100 senior experts in agricultural technology to Africa; set up in Africa 10 demonstration centers of agricultural technology with special features; assist African countries in building 30 hospitals and provide a grant of 300 million yuan to African countries that is used to buy anti-malaria drugs like artemisinin and build 30 centers for prevention and treatment of malaria; dispatch 300 young volunteers to African countries; help African countries set up 100 rural schools; increase the number of Chinese government scholarships for African students from the current 2,000 per year to 4,000 per year by the end of 2008. Appendix II The New Eight-Point Plan China Pledged at the Fourth FOCAC Ministerial Conference 1. China proposed the establishment of a China-Africa partnership in addressing climate change and the holding of senior official consultations on a non-regular basis to strengthen cooperation in satellite weather monitoring, development and use of new energy, prevention and control of desertification, and urban environmental protection. The Chinese government has decided to assist African countries with 100 clean energy projects in the fields of solar energy, biogas and small hydro-power stations.
2. To intensify cooperation in science and technology, China pro-posed to launch the China-Africa Science and Technology Partnership Plan, carry out 100 joint research and demonstration projects, invite 100 African post-doctoral students to conduct scientific research in China and subsidize them when they return to their home countries to work. 3. In order to raise African countries' capacity in financing, the Chinese government will provide US$10 billion in preferential loans to African countries. China supports the establishment by Chinese financial institutions of a special loan of US$1 billion for the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Africa. The Chinese government will cancel debts of interest-free government loans that will mature by the end of 2009 owed by all HIPCs and the LDCs in Africa having diplomatic relations with China. 4. China will further open its market to African countries. It will gradually give zero-tariff treatment to 95% of exports from the LDCs in Africa having diplomatic relations with China. As the first step, China grants zero-tariff treatment to 60% of the exported commodities from those countries in 2010. 5. In order to further strengthen agricultural cooperation and improve African countries' capacity for food security, China will in-crease to 20 the total number of agricultural technology demonstration centers built for African countries, send 50 agricultural technology teams to Africa and help train 2,000 agricultural technicians for African countries. 6. China will continue to deepen China-African cooperation in medical care and public health service. It will provide 500 million yuan worth of medical equipment and malaria-fighting materials to 30 hospitals and 30 malaria prevention and treatment centers which have been built with China's assistance, and help African countries train a total of 3,000 doctors and nurses. 7. In order to further enhance cooperation in human resource development and education, the Chinese government will help African countries to build 50 China-Africa friendship schools and train 1,500 school headmasters and teachers; increase the number of Chinese government scholarships for African students to 5,500 by 2012; and train a total of 20,000 professionals in various sectors for African countries in the next three years. 8. To enlarge people-to-people exchanges, China proposed to implement a China-Africa Joint Research and Exchange Plan to strengthen cooperation and exchanges between scholars and think tanks, which will also provide intellectual support for better policy-making regarding cooperation between the two sides 附 录 附录1 中非合作论坛北京峰会中国承诺的8项举措 1.扩大对非援助规模,到2009年使中国对非洲国家的援助规模比2006年增加1倍。 2.3年内向非洲国家提供30亿美元的优惠贷款和20亿美元的优惠出口买方信贷。
3.为鼓励和支持中国企业到非洲投资,设立中非发展基金,基金总额逐步达到50亿美元。 4.为支持非洲国家联合自强和一体化进程,援助建设非洲联盟会议中心。 5.免除同中国有外交关系的所有非洲重债穷国和最不发达国家截至2005年底到期的政府无息贷款债 务。 6.进一步向非洲开放市场,把同中国有外交关系的非洲最不发达国家输华商品零关税待遇受惠商品由19 0个税目扩大到440多个。 7.3年内在非洲国家建立3-5个境外经济贸易合作区。 8.3年内为非洲培训培养1.5万名各类人才; 向非洲派遣100名高级农业技术专家; 在非洲建立10个 有特色的农业技术示范中心;为非洲援建30所医院,并提供3亿元人民币无偿援助帮助非洲防治疟疾, 用于提供青蒿素药品及设立30个抗疟中心;向非洲派遣300名青年志愿者;为非洲援助100所农村 学校;在2009 人次。 附录2 中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议中国承诺的新8项举措 1.倡议建立中非应对气候变化伙伴关系,不定期举行高官磋商,在卫星气象监测、新能源开发利用、沙漠 化防治、城市环境保护等领域加强合作。中方决定为非洲援建太阳能、沼气、小水电等100个清洁能源 项目。 2.加强科技合作,倡议启动“中非科技伙伴计划”,实施100个中非联合科技研究示范项目,接收100 名非洲博士后来华进行科研工作,并为其回国服务提供资助。 3.增加非洲融资能力,向非洲国家提供100亿美元优惠性质贷款;支持中国金融机构设立非洲中小企业 发展专项贷款,金额10亿美元。对非洲与中国建交的重债穷国和最不发达国家,免除截至2009年底 对华到期未还的政府无息贷款债务。 4.扩大对非产品开放市场,逐步给予非洲与中国建交的最不发达国家95%的产品免关税待遇,2010 年内首先对60%的产品实施免关税。 5.进一步加强农业合作,为非洲国家援建的农业示范中心增加到20个,向非洲派遣50个农业技术组, 为非洲国家培训2000名农业技术人员,提高非洲实现粮食安全的能力。 6.深化医疗卫生合作,为援非30所医院和30个疟疾防治中心提供价值5亿元人民币的医疗设备和抗疟 物资,为非洲培训3000名医护人员。 7.加强人力资源开发和教育合作,为非洲国家援助50所中非友好学校,培训1500名校长和教师;到 2012年,向非洲提供的中国政府奖学金名额将增至5500名;今后3年为非洲培训各类人才总计2 万名。 8.扩大人文交流,倡议实施“中非联合研究交流计划”,促进学者、智库交往合作,交流发展经验,并为双 方出台更好合作政策提供智力支持。 年之前,向非洲留学生提供中国政府奖学金名额由每年2000人次增加到4000 

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