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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-10-16 18:12 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:


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1. 由误解而生的错误:由于英语单词通常一词多义,以及隐藏的含义,随意这类错误比较简单名了。

We are here today and gone tomorrow.



这句中,”gone”有隐秘的含义,表示“死去,离去”,比如,You'll be sorry you said that when I'm dead and gone. 我死后你会为你说的话感到后悔的。We are here today and gone tomorrow字面意思就是“我们今天在明天就不在了”,可以说“人生朝露”, 就是形容我们的人生如同早晨的露水,稍纵即逝。

2. 由疏忽而引起的错误:这方而的错误,多由未注意英文的惯用法而至。

They robbed his safe.




3. 文句分析上所发生的错误。

We still call the copper-colored natives of the New world Indians.



短语是call sb sb,第一个sb是the copper-colored natives of the New world;第二个sb是Indians,翻译的时候要注意短语的用法是是什么,修饰成分是谁的。

4. 照字面解释的错误:这是翻译中较容易犯的错误,对字义的误解而产生误译。

This is some war!



“some”在英文中,除了表示“某些, 一些”,还有一种“曲言法”的用法代替”great”.比如”It was some storm.”好大的风暴。”It was some party.”盛会等,汉语里面也不会用“这是某样的一种战争”这种表达,所以翻译的时候要注意一词多义的理解。

5. 关于成语比喻等修辞上的错误:这种错误易于识别和改正。只要知道了单词实际的成语意思就可以。

It is a long lane that has no turning.






6. 依照汉语直译而生的错误:英语和汉语在句法结构,词汇的用法习惯上都有很大差别,容易出错。


(误译)The bankruptcy of his father has made him impossible to go abroad.

(应译)The bankruptcy of his father has made it impossible for him to go abroad.

汉语“使”的主语是“他父亲破产”,英语里面Made的主语不能是某个东西,英文的 possible或 impossible一类的词,是要用“it”来作形式主语,就是made it impossible for sb to do sth这样的句型,例如,It is impossible for him to attend this meeting. 他不可能参加这次会议

7. 违背惯用语法而来的错误:英语中很多词语,特别是动词,都有其固定的搭配使用方法,译的时候要注意,不能只考虑意思,还要考虑固定用法。


(误译)The professor devoted his whole life to study English literature.

(应译)The professor devoted his whole life to the study of English literature.

根据英语语法,devote to后必须接名词,devote ones life to sth表示“献身于某项事业”,例如,I will devote all my life to the cause of education. 我愿把毕生献给教育事业。这是固定用法,翻译的时候要考虑英语的固定用法,不能乱用。

8. 滥用英文成语而来的错误:


(误译)What with watching television and what with playing tennis, I spend every Sunday.

(应译)I spend every Sunday watching television or playing tennis.

What with...and what with...是一个惯用用法,列举原因和理由,意为:一方面因为...另一方面因为..。通常导致不好的结果。如:What with the weather and what with the heavy load on the broad the ship was late getting to the port. 一方面由于天气,另一方面由于载货太重了,船迟迟才到港口。

又如:What with overwork and( what with) undernourishment, he felt ill. 工作超负荷,加之营养不足,他病倒了。


9. 我怀疑这事是否真确(真确是书里面的,以前他们确实这样说,现在多说真实)。

误译:I doubt that it is true.

应译:I doubt whether it is true

10. 我将用电报把结果通知你。

误译:I will inform you the result by telegram

应译:I will inform you of the result by telegram

11. 我昨天跟你讲的那本书要我拿给你看吗?

误译:Shall I show you the book which I told you yesterday?

应译:Shall I show you the book I told you of yesterday?

12. 健康比财富可贵。

误译:Health is precious than wealth.

应译:Health is more precious than wealth

13. 他年轻时的勤勉,使他获得今日的地位。

误译:His diligence in his younger days made him what he is today.

应译:His diligence in his younger days has made him what he is today.

14. 我哥哥是一个跳舞迷。

误译:My brother is a dance mania.

应译:My brother has a mania for dancing.

15. 新加坡有好多人口?

误译:How many population has singapore.

应译:What is the population of Singapore.

16. 那语言中心有很多优良的设备。

误译:The language centre has many fine equipments

应译:The language centre has much fine equipment.

17. 假期从明天开始。

误译:The vacation begins from tomorrow.

应译:The vacation begins tomorrow.

18. 一到新加坡,我朋友就在机场等着接我。

误译:On arriving at Singapore, my friend was waiting for me at the airport.

应译:On arriving at Singapore, I found my friend waiting for me at the airport.

19. 这学校有三千个学生。

误译:The school has three thousand students.

应译:There are three thousand students in the school.

20. 这种燃料得以在英国大多数家庭里广泛使用。

误译:The fuel is used in majority of British homes.

应译:The fuel is used in the majority of British homes.


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