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文章来源:高斋外刊双语精读 发布时间:2021-07-12 18:11 作者:雒老师Joy 点击:

2021年5月11日期经济学人上有一篇文章,Older and wiser讲中国人口普查的。今天我在公众号“高斋外刊双语精读”上跟大家分享其中一段,一起来积累表达吧!

原文:More worrying, though, is the plunge in fertility. Births last year fell to 12m, down by nearly 20% from 2019. When China ended its one-child policy in 2015, the government thought it might usher in a baby boom. Instead, soaring housing and education costs are dissuading couples from having more children, while many young people are choosing not to get married in the first place. China’s fertility rate of 1.3 children per woman is about the same as Japan’s, and well below the 2.1 needed to keep population stable.




第一句:More worrying, though, is the plunge in fertility.


1. 句子结构分析:这句话是完全倒装句,正常的语序应该是The plunge in fertility, though, is more worrying,表语more worrying提前的目的是为了强调。倒装句在这篇《经济学人精读 | 洪水肆虐,防汛形势严峻!里面详细讲过。

2. , though, 放在主语或状语后面,表转折,如经济学人例句:On other occasions, though, autism manifests as part of a range of cognitive problems. 然而,另一些场合,自闭症表现为一系列认知问题的一部分。Britain, though, was a technological laggard. 但英国在技术方面行动迟缓。

3. worrying作为形容词表示“令人担忧的”,同义词有troubling和alarming。

如果要说某事引发了令人担忧的问题,就可以用raise worrying questions这个表达,如经济学人在报道印度核电站遭到网络攻击时这样说:A cyber-attack on an Indian nuclear plant raises worrying questions. 对印度核电站的网络攻击引发了令人担忧的问题。

我们之前还讲过一个句型,用到了raise serious questions,即... aside, ... raises serious question“撇开……不谈,……引发了严重的问题/关于……的严肃讨论”,比如我们在描述刷脸支付的弊端时可以这样表达:

Convenience aside, facial payment technology raises serious questions about data security and consumer privacy. 撇开便利不谈,刷脸支付技术引发了有关数据安全和消费者隐私的严肃讨论。

再比如经济学人评价抖音时也用到了这个句型:Fun aside, TikTok raises serious questions—about data geopolitics, the power of internet incumbents and who sees what online. 撇开趣味性不谈,抖音引发了严肃讨论,包括数据领域的地缘政治、老牌互联网企业的实力,以及视频该呈现怎样的内容。

4. 一词多义:plunge 美 [plʌndʒ] 有多个用法,这里简单总结一下:

A. 作为及物动词可以表示“使突然下落/坠入/陷入”,如这句:Driving away from a party, he swerved off the road and down a bumpy track before plunging his Oldsmobile into a pond. 在开车离开一个派对后,他突然转向冲出了公路,车子经过一段崎岖不平的小路后冲进了一个水塘里。

还有CATTI冲刺班也遇到过这个单词,描述的是鸦片战争对中国的影响:But with the Opium War of 1840, China was plunged into the darkness of domestic turmoil and foreign aggression. 鸦片战争后,中国陷入内忧外患的黑暗境地。

B. 作为不及物动词可以用来描述价格或是数额的突然下跌,如The bank's profits plunged by 87 per cent. 银行的利润骤降了87%。

同义词有collapse,plummet和tumble,所以比如经济学人的这句话:When world output, at purchasing-power parity, fell by 0.1% in 2009, trade volumes collapsed by a whopping 13%. 2009年全球产出按购买力平价计算下降0.1%,贸易额暴跌13%。

就可以经过同义词替换变成:When global output, measured at purchasing-power parity, dropped by 0.1% in 2009, trade volumes plummeted/plunged/tumbled by 13%.

plunge into sth表示“陷入某事之中(不快的事)”,如The country plunged deeper into recession. 那个国家进一步陷入经济萧条之中。

C. plunge还可以用作名词,英语解释是a steep and rapid fall,所以就相当于crash。“股市暴跌”可以说a stock market crash/slump/plunge/collapse“利润锐减”则可以表达为a dramatic plunge in profits。

再跟大家分享一个表达:take the plunge表示“冒险尝试;孤注一掷;放手一搏”,比如CNN在报道中提到千禧一代想要拥有自己的房子,是这样表达的:Thirty percent still living with their parents, but most millennials say they want to buy and some are starting to take the plunge.

表示名词的时候,也可以表示跳入,如柯林斯词典例句:He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water.  他准备跳入冰冷的黑水。


5. fertility 美 [fɜr'tɪləti] 作为名词表示“生育能力”,常接rate表示“生育率”,如经济学人描述欧洲国家生育率过低的这句:

The low fertility rate in many of that continent's more developed countries means their populations are ageing and shrinking. 欧洲大陆的许多发达国家出现了过低的生育率,这意味着这些国家的人口正在面临老龄化,而且在不断减少。


Faced with an ageing population and low fertility, Singapore's government has long courted foreigners to plug gaps in the workforce. 由于面临人口老龄化和较低的出生率,新加坡政府常期招用外国人来填补本国劳动力缺口。

fertility的形容词是fertile,既可以表示“肥沃的;富饶的”,如经济学人描述黄河的这句:Its fertile basin was the cradle of Chinese civilisation. 它肥沃的盆地是中华文明的摇篮。

fertile还可以表示“能生育的;可繁殖的”,如纽约时报在描述女性生育风险时这样说:Throughout history, childbirth, often in poor hygienic conditions, is just one reason why women were at particular risk during their fertile years. 纵观历史,由于生产时卫生条件差,产妇面临着特殊风险。



第二句:Births last year fell to 12m, down by nearly 20% from 2019.


1. births复数形式指“出生人口”,如柯林斯词典例句:There were 160 more births than deaths in the town last year. 该镇去年出生的人数比死亡人数多160人。

2. fall to的同义表达有drop to/decline to/decrease to。

3. 补充说明成分down by表示“下降/下跌了……”,可以用作be down by,相当于fall by,其中by也可以省去。

经济学人报道全球航空业运力下降的这句:The global capacity of aircraft currently available to fly is down by 73%, year-over-year, according to OAG, a data firm. 航空数据公司OAG发布的数据显示,当前全球航空业运力同比削减73%。

路透社报道“2月澳门游客数量同比下降96%”:Visitors to Macau dropped 96 percent in February on the year.

今天这里down by nearly 20% from 2019是对12m进行补充说明,算状语。这种补充说明成分很常见,可以引出数字对比、增长比例等等,如外刊精读翻译班中这句:

More than 360m books were sold in 2016, a 2% jump, according to findings by the industry research group Nielsen in its annual books and consumer survey. 尼尔森发布的年度图书和消费者调查报告显示,2016年英国图书销量超过3.6亿册,同比增长2%。

还比如金融时报例句:More than 1, 800 cybersquatting complaints were filed with Wipo in 2006, a jump of a quarter compared with 2005. 2006年,世界知识产权组织接到了逾1800宗域名抢注仲裁申请,比2005年增加了四分之一。

反义词是up by x% from x year/day,表示比某年/日增加多少,如金融时报在说之前英国疫情情况的时候就用到了这个:

7,097 patients had died in hospital after testing positive for coronavirus in the UK as of 5pm on Tuesday, up by 938 from the day before — the biggest daily increase so far. 截至周二下午5时,英国累计7097名患者在新冠病毒检测呈阳性后在医院死亡,比前一天增加938人,这是迄今为止最多的单日增长。



第三句:When China ended its one-child policy in 2015, the government thought it might usher in a baby boom.


1. 同义表达:end也可以说overturn,abandon,abolish,scrap,如CNN上这句:In October 2015, China decided to overturn its decades-old one-child policy and allow couples across the country to have two children.

还比如卫报这句:China has scrapped its one-child policy, allowing all couples to have two children for the first time.

2. 固定表达:usher in表示“领进,引进;开创;带来”,可以是物作主语,比如经济学人评价人工智能时用到了这个表达:

I believe artificial intelligence (AI) could usher in a new renaissance of discovery, acting as a multiplier for human ingenuity, opening up entirely new areas of inquiry and spurring humanity to realise its full potential.


也可以是人作主语,如政府报告中就用过这个表达:中方愿与苏方携手共进,走向合作共赢的新征程,奏响复兴梦想的新篇章。China is ready to join hands with Sudan to embark on a new journey of win-win cooperation and usher in a new chapter of the dream of rejuvenation.



第四句:Instead, soaring housing and educational costs are dissuading couples from having more children, while many young people are choosing not to get married in the first place.


1. soaring housing and education costs:其中soaring是修饰housing and education costs整体的,housing和education并列,修饰costs。

2. soaring 作为形容词表示“猛增的;飙升的”,经济学人中是这样使用的:He grumbles about the rising cost of food, especially the soaring price of pork. 他抱怨食品开销越来越高,特别是猪肉价格飞涨。

In emerging economies, where there is plenty of sunshine and soaring demand for electricity, the prospects are brighter. 一些新兴经济体阳光充足,而且对电的需求猛增,太阳能前景会更光明。


At the same time, Teo wrote, her soaring self-confidence is frequently undercut by descriptions of her isolation, melancholy and “world weariness.” 然而,张温宁又说,她对自己的孤独、忧郁和“厌世”的描绘,常常会折损她那飞扬的自信形象

2. dissuade美 [dɪ'sweɪd] 作为动词表示“劝阻”,反义词是persuade/convince。是Dissuade sb from doing sth,persuade/convince sb to do sth,为了病人的身体健康,医生常常会劝病人改掉吸烟等不良的生活习惯,那么就可以用Doctors had tried to dissuade patients from smoking.来表达。

还有《傲慢与偏见》中达西的姨妈质问伊丽莎白的这句也用到了dissuade:You are to understand, Miss Bennet, that I came here with the determined resolution of carrying my purpose; nor will I be dissuaded from it. 你应该明白,班纳特小姐,我既然上这儿来了,就非达到目的不可;谁也阻不住我。

It is not easy to persuade him to believe the truth. 说服他相信事实并不容易。

Convince sb of sth可以表示使某人相信,如“我很快让他相信我是清白的”就可以说I soon convinced him of my innocence。

3. 英语写作句型:Instead, soaring housing and educational costs are dissuading couples from having more children这句在纽约时报上有个平行文本:

For Chinese couples, many cannot afford to have children as living costs increase and their jobs demand more time and energy. 对中国夫妇来说,生活成本增加,而且需要把更多的时间和精力放在工作上,很多人承担不起生孩子的负担。



第五句:China’s fertility rate of 1.3 children per woman is about the same as Japan’s, and well below the 2.1 needed to keep population stable.


1. 专业表达:fertility rate of 1.3 children per woman直译是“生育率为每名妇女生1.3个孩子”,但是这样表述不专业。我们来看一个相关背景知识:总和生育率(英文中称:total fertility rate,简称TFR),也称总生育率,是指该国家或地区的妇女在育龄期间,每个妇女平均的生育子女数。

2. Japan’s:为了避免重复,Japan’s后面省去了fertility rate。

3. 固定表达:needed to keep population stable是the 2.1的后置定语。其中keep … stable表示“保持……稳定”,还可以直接用一个动词sustain,如纽约时报上这句:Though their fertility rates are below the 2.1 needed to sustain a population, high immigration means their populations have still grown. 尽管这些国家的生育率低于维持人口规模所需的2.1,但大量移民涌入使它们的人口仍在增长。

needed to keep population stable也可以说required to keep populations stable,如经济学人报道各国生育数目减少的这句:In more and more countries, women started having fewer children than the number required to keep populations stable. 在越来越多的国家里,生育率下降,已无法保持人口稳定。

4. 英语写作句型:生育率下降,无法保持人口稳定。除此之外,生育率下降,老龄化严重,在《经济学人精读:老龄化会拖慢经济增长?| 外刊双语中有详细说明老龄化的不利影响:

Ageing slows growth in several ways. One is that there are fewer new workers to boost output. Workforces in some 40 countries are already shrinking because of demographic change. As the number of elderly people increases, governments may neglect growth-boosting public investment in education and infrastructure in favour of spending on pensions and health care.


老龄化问题会导致劳动力短缺,除了说there are fewer new workers to boost output. Workforces in some 40 countries are already shrinking because of demographic change,还可以借用经济学人这句:An aging population is closely related to labour shortages. 人口老龄化与劳动力短缺密切相关。

家庭压力加大,个人压力加大,如纽约时报上这句:the country’s underdeveloped social safety net means that most older adults rely heavily on their families to pay for health care, retirement and other expenses. 中国不够完善的社会保障体系意味着,大多数老年人主要依赖家庭来支付医疗、退休后的生活费用及其他开支。















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