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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:高斋CATTI 发布时间:2020-12-09 15:17 作者:admin 点击:


1. 大风雪 blizzard

2. 暴风雪 snowstorm

3. 高吹雪 blowing snow

4. 低吹雪/飘雪 drifting snow

5. 雨夹雪 sleet

6. 冻雨 freezing rain

7. 雪堆 snowdrift

8. 阵雪 snow shower

9. 小雪 light snow

10. 阵雪 flurry

11. 大雪 heavy snow

12. 降雪 snowfall

13. 雪花 snowflake

14. 积雪覆盖的 snow-covered

15. 顶部被雪覆盖的 snow-capped

16. 透明薄冰 black ice

17. 湿滑的雪橇冰道 slippery toboggan run

18. 扫雪机 a snow plough

19. 雪地防滑链 snow chains 

20. 防雪篱 a snow fence

21. 雪橇 a sledge

22. 亚太命运共同体 an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future

23. 持续推进区域经济一体化move toward closer regional economic integration

24. 加快创新发展步伐 accelerate innovation-driven growth

25. 促进区域互联互通  enhance regional connectivity

26. 实现包容和可持续发展 realize inclusive and sustainable development

27. 亚太是我们的共同家园。The Asia-Pacific is our shared home.

28. 维护亚太和平稳定、促进发展繁荣符合我们的共同利益。To sustain peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region meets the interests of us all.

29. 牢固树立亚太命运共同体意识 strengthen the sense of community of common destiny

30. 以自身发展带动他人发展 contribute to other's development with that of one's own

31. 以协调联动最大限度发挥各自优势 tap fully into our respective strengths through coordination and interconnection

32. 传导正能量 pass on positive energy

33. 形成各经济体良性互动、协调发展的格局 achieve sound interactions and coordinated development among all economies

34. 全球经济治理体系改革reform the system of global economic governance

35. 共商共建共享原则 the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits

36. 基本医保的平均报销比例为60%。The basic healthcare plan reimburses 60 percent of medical bills on average.

37. 中央财政下达医疗救助的补助资金达到275亿元。The central government earmarked 27.5 billion yuan in health assistance to combat poverty.

38. 110多种药品和设备价格平均降幅达54%,全国总体减少费用539亿元。More than 110 medications and devices have seen their prices plunge by 54 percent on average, making hospital bills 53.9 billion yuan cheaper.

39. 医联体建设 establish medical treatment partnerships to promote effective cooperation and coordination between different types of medical institutions

40. 远程医疗 telemedicine

41. 医保支付方式 models of health insurance payment

42. 现代医院管理制度 modern hospital management system

43. 医疗、医保、医药联动改革 the coordinated reform of medical services, health insurance, and the medicine industry

44. 公立医院 public hospitals

45. 民办医疗机构 private hospitals

46. 因病致贫 fall into poverty because of illnesses

47. 全球抗疫防火墙 a global firewall against COVID-19

48. 支持世界卫生组织协调整合资源,公平有效分配疫苗 support the World Health Organization in mobilizing and consolidating resources and distributing COVID-19 vaccines fairly and efficiently

49. 中国积极支持并参与新冠肺炎疫苗国际合作。China actively supports and participates in international cooperation on COVID-19 vaccines.

50. 愿同各国在开展疫苗研发、生产、分配等各环节加强合作 stand ready to step up cooperation with other countries on the R&D, production and distribution of vaccines

51. 我们将履行承诺,向其他发展中国家提供帮助和支持。We will honor our commitment of giving assistance and support to other developing countries.

52. 努力让疫苗成为各国人民用得上、用得起的公共产品 work to make vaccines a global public good accessible and affordable to people around the world

53. 国际抗疫合作 international cooperation against COVID-19

54. 贫困县全部脱贫。All impoverished counties were removed from the poverty list.

55. 到2020年现行标准下的农村贫困人口全部脱贫 lift all rural residents living below the current poverty line out of poverty by 2020

56. 必须如期实现 must be fulfilled on time

57. 脱贫摘帽不是终点,而是新生活、新奋斗的起点。Being lifted out of poverty is not an end in itself but the starting point of a new life and a new pursuit.

58. 要接续推进全面脱贫与乡村振兴有效衔接。We need to synchronize poverty alleviation with rural vitalization.

59. “两不愁三保障”:农村贫困人口不愁吃、不愁穿,义务教育、基本医疗、住房安全有保障 Rural poor people are free from worries over food and clothing and have access to compulsory education, basic medical services and safe housing.

60. 现行标准下的农村贫困人口全部脱贫 lift all rural residents living below the current poverty line out of poverty

61. 保障居家老年人基本服务需要 offer basic services to senior citizens staying at home

62. 保留传统金融服务方式 retain traditional financial service mode

63. 提升网络消费便利化水平 make online consumption more convenient

64. 扩大适老化产品供给 increase the supply of senior-friendly products

65. 推进互联网应用改造 redesign internet applications

66. 移动应用  mobile applications

67. 人口老龄化  population aging

68. 老有所养 care for the elderly

69. 保护老年人合法权益 protect the lawful rights and interests of senior citizens

70. 世界互联网发展指数 the Global Internet Development Index

71. 把握信息革命历史机遇 seize the historic opportunities presented by the information revolution

72. 培育创新发展新动能  foster new growth drivers through innovation

73. 开创数字合作新局面 break new ground in digital cooperation

74. 打造网络安全新格局  create a new pattern for cyber security

75. 构建网络空间命运共同体 build a community with a shared future in cyberspace

76. 携手创造人类更加美好的未来 join hands to create a brighter future for humanity

77. 推进全球互联网治理体系变革是大势所趋、人心所向。It is a general trend and common aspiration of the people to promote the reform of the global cyberspace governance system.

78. 网络强国 a country with strong cyber technology

79. 轨道器 an orbiter

80. 返回器 a returner

81. 着陆器 a lander

82. 上升器 an ascender

83. 探月工程 lunar exploration program

84. 月球背面 the far side of the Moon

85. 太阳辐射 solar radiation

86. 劳模精神 the spirit of model workers

87. 高素质劳动大军 high-caliber workforce

88. 劳动模范和先进工作者 model workers and exemplary individuals





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