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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:高斋CATTI 发布时间:2020-10-17 14:29 作者:雒老师Joy 点击:



1. 养老机构 elderly care centers

2. 福利院 welfare homes

3. 流感高风险人群 groups at higher risk from influenza

4. 药品和疫苗研发 drug and vaccine development

5. 随机试验 a random trial

6. 双盲试验 a double-blind trial

7. 安慰剂对照试验 a placebo-controlled trial

8. 免疫系统 the immune system

9. 防范输入病例 fend off imported infections

10. 跨省旅游 cross-provincial tours

11. 常态化疫情防控 regular epidemic prevention and control

12. 输入病例 imported cases

13. 构建强大的公共卫生体系 build a strong public health system

14. 健全预警响应机制improve the early warning and response mechanisms

15. 提升防控和救治能力 enhance the capacity for prevention, control and treatment

16. 疾病预防控制体系 the disease prevention and control system

17. 重大疫情救治体系 the treatment system for major epidemics

18. 爱国卫生运动 patriotic health campaigns

19. 教育公平 educational equity

20. 留学签证 student visa

21. 海外分校 foreign branch campuses

22. 留学目的地 destinations of foreign students

23. 人文交流 people-to-people exchanges

24. 访问学者 visiting scholars

25. 保护全球生物多样性 protect global biodiversity

26. “后疫情时代”中欧关系 China-EU ties in post-pandemic era

27. 中欧全面战略伙伴关系 China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership

28. 多边贸易体制 a multilateral trading system

29. 中美经贸磋商 China-US economic and trade consultations

30. 互利共赢关系 a beneficial and win-win relationship

31. 经贸分歧和摩擦 differences and frictions on the economic and trade front

32. 电信网络诈骗 telecom fraud

33. 个人信息保护 personal information protection

34. 网络攻击 cyber attacks

35. 信息隐私 data privacy

36. 不动产权属证书 real estate ownership certificates

37. 出租人 landlords

38. 承租人 tenants

39. 住房租金贷款 loans to pay rents

40. 支付房租 pay rent

41. 租房押金 lease deposit

42. 押金可退还 refundable deposit

43. 安排看房 arrange a viewing

44. 租约期限 lease term

45. 现代流通体系 the modern logistics system

46. 双循环发展格局 "dual circulation" development pattern

47. 国际航空货运能力 international air freight transport capacity

48. 国际竞争力 global competitiveness

49. 数字贸易试验区 pilot digital trade zones

50. 自由贸易试验区 pilot free trade zones

51. 服务业开放 opening-up of the services sector

52. 数字工业化 digital industrialization

53. 数据跨境流动 cross-border data flow





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