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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:高斋CATTI 发布时间:2020-03-16 11:30 作者:高斋CATTI 点击:


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1. 潜伏期 incubation period

2. 医学观察 medical watch/medical observation

3. 疑似病例 suspected cases

4. 确诊病例 confirmed cases

5. 医疗费用报销 reimbursement for medical expenses

6. 出行费用报销 reimbursement for travel expenses

7. 密切接触者 close contacts

8. 接受医学观察 under medical observation

9. 冠状病毒 coronavirus

10. 呼吸道、肠道疾病 respiratory and intestinal diseases

11. 许多规则排列的突起 a fringe of bulbous surface projections

12. 哺乳动物以及多种鸟类 mammals and birds

13. “最有可能的初始感染源”  "the most likely primary source"

14. 呼吸道症状 respiratory symptoms

15. 发烧 fever

16. 咳嗽 cough

17. 呼吸短促 shortness of breath

18. 呼吸困难 breathing difficulties

19. 防控工作 The prevention and control work

20. 春节 the Spring Festival holiday

21. 把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位 put people's safety and health as the top priority

22. 采取切实有效措施遏制疫情蔓延势头 take effective measures to curb the spread of the virus

23. 救治患者 treat patients

24. 查明病毒感染和传播原因 identify the causes of the virus infection and spread

25. 尽快 at an earlier date

26. 加强监测 strengthen monitoring

27. 规范处置流程 standardize treatment procedures

28. 及时发布疫情信息 the timely release of information

29. 深化国际合作 deepening of international cooperation

30. 农历鼠年 the Year of the Rat/the Year of the Mouse

31. 褐鼠 brown rats

32. 黑老鼠 black rats

33. 田鼠 field rats

34. 大足鼠 Himalayan field rats

35. 鼠疫 bubonic plague

36. 家鼠 a house mouse

37. 激烈的竞争;残酷、高压的生存环境 a rat race

38. 觉得哪里不对,起疑心 smell a rat

39. (实验室里的)小白鼠;长期泡在实验室的研究生;实验对象 a lab rat

40. 电脑狂人(长时间使用电脑的人) a mouse potato

41. 穷得叮当响;一贫如洗 as poor as a church mouse

42. 悄无声息;沉默寡言 as quiet as a mouse

43. 玩猫捉老鼠 play cat and mouse

44. 业余的;小儿科的;毫无价值的 Mickey Mouse

45. 药品集中采购  centralized procurement of drugs

46. 国家医保药品目录 the catalog of medicines covered by national medical insurance system

47. 基本医疗保险 basic medical insurance

48. 中药饮片 ready-for-use traditional Chinese medicine

49. 硬骨头六连  the hard-boned sixth company

50. 英雄军队 a heroic military force

51. 听党的话、跟党走 listen to the directions set by the Party and follow its command

52. 能打仗、打胜仗 be able to combat and win battles

53. 全面战略合作伙伴关系 comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership

54. 共商共建共享 wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits


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