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文章来源:高斋翻硕 发布时间:2019-10-24 11:36 作者:高斋翻硕 点击:




MTI 翻硕热词:生态保护、冬奥会、国家勋章、信息泄露、人才流动∣中国日报热词(9.16-9.22

1. 联合国环境规划署The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

2. “蚂蚁森林” Ant Forest in the ‘Inspiration and Action’ category.

3. “地球卫士奖” Champions of the Earth

4. 低碳生活 low-carbon lifestyle

5. 减排 reduce emissions

6. 绿色发展 green development

7. 碳足迹 carbon footprint

8. 乡村治理 rural governance

9. 国家步道 national trails

10. 自然和文化点 natural and cultural spots

11. 生态教育 ecological education

12. 遗产保护 heritage conservation

13. 文化传承 cultural continuity

14. 休闲服务 recreation services

15. 经济增长 economic growth

16. 森林公园 forest parks

17. 自然保护区 nature reserves

18. 湿地公园 wetland

19. 国家级风景名胜区 national scenic areas

20. 地质公园 geological parks

21. 世界遗产地 world heritage sites

22. 小兴安岭 the Lesser Hinggan Mountain

23. 温带混交林 temperate mixed forests

24. 亚热带森林 subtropical forests

25. 野生动物栖息地 habitats of rare wild animals

26. 乡村旅游 village tourism

27. 出境游 outbound travel

28. 首选目的地 the most favored destination

29. 旅游目的地 travel destinations

30. 热门景点 tourist hotspots

31. 散客 individual tourists

32. 自由行 independent travel

33. 跟团游 package tour

34. 红色政权 red political power

35. 红色旅游 red tourism

36. 红船精神 Red Boat Spirit

37. 学习宣传革命精神 publicize and learn revolutionary spirits

38. 冬季奥运会 Winter Olympics

39. 奥运会吉祥物  Olympic mascots

40. 奥运会会歌/《奥林匹克圣歌》 Olympic Hymn/Anthem

41. 口号 slogan

42. 奥林匹克精神 the Olympic spirits

43. 主办城市 the host city

44. 功勋荣誉表彰制度 the award system of medals and honorary titles

45. 共和国勋章 the Medal of the Republic

46. 七一勋章 the July 1 Medal

47. 八一勋章 the August 1 Medal

48. 友谊勋章 the Friendship Medal

49. 国家荣誉称号 national titles of honor

50. 功勋簿 Book of Merit

51. 常规巡视 routine disciplinary inspection

52. 个人信息保护 personal information protection

53. 信息泄露 information leak/ data breach

54. 网络攻击 cyber attack

55. 安全风险 security hazards

56. 高端市场 high-end markets

57. 产品创新 product innovation

58. 市场低迷 market slowdown

59. 从严治党 exercise strict governance of the Party

60. 党内监督与群众监督结合 combination of intra-Party supervision and public scrutiny

61. 家和万事兴 Harmony in a family makes everything successful.

62. 兴家立业 make one's family prosper and establish a career

63. 人才流动 the flow of talents

64. 人才顺畅有序流动 the smooth and orderly flow of talents

65. 人才流动市场机制 market mechanisms for the flow of talents

66. 高技能人才 highly-skilled personnel

67. 国家社会保险公共服务平台 A national>68. 基本医保 the basic medical insurance

69. 社会保障体系 the social security system

70. 社保基金 social security funds


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