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文章来源:中国日报 发布时间:2019-10-11 09:51 作者:中国日报 点击:


1. 排雷英雄战士 Heroic Demining Soldier

2. 陆军、空军Army and Air Force

3. 上将General

4. 中将Lieutenant General美[luːˈtenənt

5. 少将Major General

6. 上校Colonel

7. 大校Senior Colonel

8. 中校Lieutenant Colonel

9. 少校Major

10. 上尉Captain

11. 中尉Lieutenant

12. 少尉Second Lieutenant

13. 海军(Navy)

14. 上将Admiral

15. 中将Vice-Admiral

16. 少将Rear Admiral

17. 中校Commander

18. 驻香港部队 the PLA Hong Kong Garrison

19. 坚决维护香港长期繁荣稳定safeguard Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability.

20. 一国两制 one country, two systems

21. 香港特别行政区Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

22. 港人治港the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong

23. 军民融合战略 the strategy of military-civilian integration

24. 构建一体化国家战略体系和能力 building integrated national strategies and strategic capabilities

25. 中国特色强军之路the Chinese path of building strong armed forces

26. 深化国防和军事改革 deepen national defense and military reform

27. 大练兵a mass drill

28. 反恐处突anti-terrorism exercises

29. 海空联合巡逻joint air and sea patrols

30. 防暴演戏anti-riot exercises

31. 深圳市公安局治安巡警支队副支队长deputy head of the security and patrol unit at the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau

32. 新中国成立70周年the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

33. 装甲车 armored vehicles

34. 水陆两栖车 amphibious cars

35. 社会秩序 social order

36. 公共安全 public security

37. 遵守法律法规 abide by laws and regulations

38. 文化和旅游部The Ministry of Culture and Tourism

39. 5A级旅游景区5A scenic area 

40. 热门景点 tourist hotspot

41. 资源保护resource conservation

42. 游览设施tourist facilities

43. 安全管理safety management

44. 旅游景区质量等级quality rating of scenic areas

45. 服务质量与环境质量quality of service and environment

46. 交通transport

47. 游览tour

48. 旅游安全travel safety

49. 卫生sanitation

50. 邮电服务postal service

51. 旅游购物shopping

52. 资源和环境的保护resource and environment conservation

53. 游客意见tourists feedback

54. 取消5A质量等级was removed from the 5A-level list 

55. 文化和旅游部还对6家5A级旅游景区予以通报批评处理,限期3个月整改。The ministry also named and shamed another six 5A-level tourism spots, and urged them to rectify their problems within three months.

56. 网络实名购票 real-name>57. 散客 individual tourist

58. 自由行 independent travel

59. 取景地旅游 jet-setting

60. 发布或传播虚假信息publish or broadcast fake information

61. 破坏网络空间传播秩序disrupt cyberspace

62. 损害社会公共利益damage society's interests

63. 公开征求意见public opinion is now being solicited

64. 诚信网络honest cyberspace

65. 防止出现失信行为prevent dishonest behavior

66. 提升网络公信力enhance>67. 信息基础设施建设 information infrastructure

68. 云计算 cloud computing

69. 产业互联网 industrial internet

70. 人工智能开放创新平台 open and innovative artificial intelligence platforms

71. 科技部 the Ministry of Science and Technology

72. 大数据 big data

73. 互联网+ Internet Plus

74. 数字中国 Digital China

75. 稳定就业市场stabilize the job market

76. 规模裁员和失业风险预警机制establish an early warning mechanism for large-scale layoffs and unemployment risks

77. 中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

78. 助创业promote entrepreneurship

79. 调查失业率surveyed unemployment rate

80. 全国城镇登记失业率registered urban unemployment rate

81. “就业优先政策要全面发力”pursue an employment-first policy with full force

82. 鼓励企业不裁员avoid laying off workers

83. 少裁员reduce the number of layoffs

84. 大学毕业生 university graduates

85. 就业优先政策 pro-employment policies

86. 坚持积极就业政策pursue a proactive employment policy

87. 大众创业万众创新mass entrepreneurship and innovation

88. 就业创业employment and entrepreneurship

89. 慢就业delayed employment

90. 工作许可work permit

91. 居留许可 residence permit

92. 省教育厅 Provincial Department of Education

93. 外专局 local department of foreign expert affairs

94. 培训机构 training agency

95. 2019年大学超高净值校友排行榜2019 University Ultra-High-Net-Worth Alumni Rankings

96. 超高净值人士Ultra-high-net-worth individual (UHNWI)

97. 新加坡国立大学National University of Singapore

98. 清华大学Tsinghua University

99. 北京大学Peking University

100. 高净值人群 high-net-worth individuals

101. 高净值资产家庭 high-net-worth families

102. 净资产 net worth

103. 可投资资产 investable assets

104. 可支配收入 disposable income

105. 大亨 mogul

106. 收益 revenue

107. 校友 alumni /ə'lʌmnaɪ/

108. 经济高质量发展high-quality economic development

109. 高速增长阶段a phase of rapid growth

110. 供给侧结构性改革supply-side structural reform

111. 推出举措Unveil measures

112. 稳增长stabilize growth

113. 政府工作报告government work report

114. 一线城市 first-tier cities

115. 优惠政策 favorable policies

116. 政府补助 government subsidies

117. 人民币汇率 the RMB exchange rate

118. 中国人民银行 The People's Bank of China (PBOC)

119. 以邻为壑的汇率贬值beggar-thy-neighbor currency devaluation

120. 浮动汇率体系floating exchange rate system

121. 汇率中间价the central parity rate


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