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1. 荒漠化防治 the prevention and control of desertification

2. 加强防沙治沙国际合作enhance international cooperation on combating desertification

3. 内蒙古自治区the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

4. 鄂尔多斯市 the city of Ordos

5. 推动全球环境治理promote global environmental governance

6. 全面落实2030年可持续发展议程 full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 

7. 第七届库布其国际沙漠论坛the 7th Kubuqi International Desert Forum

8. 国土绿化afforestation

9. 石漠化stony deserts

10. 水土流失soil erosion

11. 强化湿地保护和恢复strengthen wetland conservation and restoration

12. 地质灾害geological disasters

13. 退耕还林还草return marginal farmland to forests and grasslands

14. 生态补偿机制mechanism for ecological compensation

15. 耕地流失 loss of arable land

16. 国务院学位委员会the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council 

17. 本科学习阶段/本科教育undergraduate education

18. 研究生教育 postgraduate education

19. 考研 national postgraduate entrance examination

20. 学分 academic credits

21. 辅修专业 academic minor

22. 主修专业 academic major

23. 复合型人才联合培养项目joint training programs to cultivate versatile talents

24. 第二学士学位the Second Bachelor’s Degree

25. 双学位double degree program

26. 辅修学士学位get a bachelor's degree with a minor subject

27. 双学士学位double bachelor's degree

28. 联合学士学位joint bachelor's degree

29. 采取双学士学位方式conduct training programs to grant two bachelor degrees to students

30. 同时学习两个学科专业的学位课程working for two university degrees in parallel

31. 志愿精神 volunteer spirit

32. 志愿者文化volunteer culture

33. 在中国志愿服务联合会第二届会员代表大会the second congress of the China Volunteer Service Federation (CVSF)

34. 中国志愿服务联合会China Volunteer Service Federation

35. 弘扬奉献、友爱、互助、进步的志愿精神push forward the volunteer spirit of dedication, friendship, mutual help and progress

36. 高峰时段rush hour/peak hour

37. 非高峰时段non-rush hour/off-peak hour

38. 交通拥堵traffic jam/traffic congestion

39. 拥堵费congestion charge

40. 公共出行ground traffic

41. 城市道路交通road traffic

42. 高速公路expressway

43. 10大拥堵城市top 10 most congested cities

44. 绿色出行意愿指数green travel willingness index

45. 公交&地铁bus and subway

46. 骑行cycling

47. 步行walking

48. 合乘公交 bus pooling/bus sharing

49. 定制公交 customized shuttle bus

50. 低碳出行 low-carbon means of transport

51. 尾号限行 traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers

52. 白皮书white paper

53. 新时代的中国国防 China's National Defense in the New Era

54. 新时代防御性国防政策 defensive national defense policy in the new era

55. 政治建军、改革强军、科技兴军、依法治军to ensure the political loyalty of the armed forces, strengthen them through reform, science and technology, and run them in accordance with law

56. 国防和军队改革reforms in national defense and the armed forces

57. 平台经济platform economy

58. 虚拟或真实的交易场所virtual or real marketplace

59. 供需匹配matching demand with supply

60. 不受地理界限和商业模式的限制not restricted by geographical boundaries and business models

61. 实现资源的优化配置、有效融合及集约化利用optimal allocation, effective integration and intensive use of resources

62. 中国信息通信研究院 the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology.

63. “互联网+服务业the Internet Plus service industry

64. 优化发展环境improve the business environment

65. “互联网+监管”Internet Plus supervision

66. 新兴产业 emerging industry

67. 分享经济 sharing economy

68. 开放型经济新体制the new system of open economy

69. 营商环境the business environment

70. 文艺事业 the development of literature and art

71. 中国文联、中国作协成立70周年之际the 70th anniversary of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Writers Association

72. 贺信congratulatory letter

73. 社会主义核心价值观 socialist core values

74. 软实力 soft power

75. 艺术杰作 great artwork

76. 《长安十二时辰》The Longest Day in Chang'an 

77. 热门旅游景点a tourist hot spot

78. 取景地旅游、影视主题游Set-jetting

79. 《权力的游戏》 Game of Thrones

80. 克罗地亚Croatia

81. 西班牙Spain

82. 北爱尔兰Northern Ireland

83. 冰岛Iceland

84. 摩洛哥Morocco

85. 国内和国际旅行社National and international travel agencies

86. 巴音布鲁克草原Bayanbulak Grassland

87. 《都挺好》All Is Well

88. 旅游目的地 tourist destination

89. 国内游 domestic tour

90. 出境游 outbound tour

91. 自驾游 self-driving tour

92. 跟团游 package/guided tour

93. 金融业对外开放 financial opening-up

94. 河海不择细流,故能就其深。The ceaseless inflow of rivers makes the ocean deep.

95. 促进贸易和投资自由化便利化promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation

96. 开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all

97. 扩大外资市场准入expand market access for foreign investment

98. 准入前国民待遇pre-establishment national treatment

99. 对电子烟进行监管 supervise electronic cigarettes

100. 控烟行动的一个举措part of overall tobacco control efforts

101. 国家卫健委the National Health Commission

102. 雾化器vaporator

103. 有毒有害的物质toxic substances

104. 添加剂成分additives

105. 健康风险health risk

106. 尼古丁浓度标识模糊nicotine concentration claim on the label is vague

107. 电池爆炸battery explosion

108. 烟液渗透tobacco juice leak

109. 高温烫伤scald burn risk

110. 中国疾控中心the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

111. 禁烟令 smoking ban

112. 健康中国行动 Healthy China initiative

113. 被动吸烟 passive smoking

114. 二手烟 second-hand smoking

115. 老烟枪 chain smokers

116. 知识产权保护 intellectual property rights protection

117. 知识产权归属intellectual property (IP) ownership

118. 自主知识产权independent intellectual property rights (IPR)

119. 知识产权强国intellectual property rights (IPR) powerhouse

120. 教育部The Ministry of Education

121. 教育部国际合作与交流司the ministry's department of international cooperation and exchanges

122. 国际学生/留学生international students

123. 海归 overseas returnees

124. 出国游学overseas study tour

125. 海外留学 overseas study

126. 学伴项目 buddy program

127. 留学签证 student visa

128. 海外分校 foreign branch campuses

129. 留学目的地 destinations of foreign students

130. 民主集中制 democratic centralism

131. 以工代赈 providing employment as a form of relief

132. 国家发展改革委The National Development and Reform Commission

133. 中小型基础设施工程建设small and medium-sized rural infrastructure projects

134. 激发其脱贫致富的内生动力inspire endogenous impetus for poverty alleviation

135. 精准扶贫targeted poverty alleviation

136. 开发式扶贫 development-orientated poverty reduction

137. 健康中国行动 Healthy China initiative

138. 促进全民健康水平promote people's health

139. 疾病预防和健康促进disease prevention and health promotion

140. 专项行动special campaigns

141. 全方位干预健康影响因素intervene in health influencing factors

142. 维护全生命周期健康protect full-life-cycle health

143. 加强重大疾病防控 prevent and control major diseases

144. 健康问题health concerns

145. 心理健康psychological health

146. 儿童肥胖 child obesity


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