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文章来源:未知 发布时间:2021-06-24 17:47 作者:admin 点击:









“Social distancing” is, in fact, an umbrella term that comprises several very complex interventions for keeping healthy people spaced apart from anyone who could be infectious. Measures range from telling people to avoid crowds to issuing wholesale stay-at-home orders, with just about endless variations and possible combinations. Each of these may work to differing degrees, and they come with varying social and economic costs. When we ask whether social distancing “works,” we’re collapsing all these boundaries.

In general, once it’s clear the spread of a new virus as dangerous as this one has not been contained by testing and contact tracing, and for which there isn’t any treatment or vaccine, more drastic forms of social distancing are the only options left to slow it down. But the body of knowledge about social distancing in all its forms is changing rapidly in real time, as the pandemic brings a blizzard of new data, research, and analysis. Say anything on some subjects, and there’s quite a good chance it could be out of date in hours, if not minutes.

First, on the question of large gatherings, and the degree to which their prohibition slows viral spread. Covid-19 outbreaks appear to have spiraled out from large religious meetings both in South Korea and in France, each resulting in thousands of infections. A soccer match was at the epicenter of Italy’s devastating wave. Avoiding crowded living conditions, though, isn’t always feasible.

What about travel restrictions? Taken together, the studies suggest that domestic travel restrictions can delay influenza outbreaks for about a week; while international border closures may extend that window to 2 months. (这段部分没找到)

The question of school closures has been especially contentious, given the major social costs of the intervention. (这段没找到,说的是影响)

In addition to the known benefits to social distancing, there are devastating costs. Confined living, unemployment, and other pandemic pressures can increase the already high burden of family abuse and violence, for example. Reports from several countries already suggest that an epidemic of interpersonal violence could be traveling alongside the virus. Studies confirm that being quarantined or in isolation takes a heavy psychological toll, sometimes even long after it’s over.

That doesn’t mean we face a trade-off between protection from Covid-19 and protection of the economy: Both are necessary. A 2005 analysis of the potential economic impact of a pandemic stressed that mass deaths damage the economy, too.(这段部分没找到)

We don’t know at what scale, and for how long, social distancing measures will be needed or can be sustained. According to an Australian modeling study, we need at least 70 percent of the population to stick to social distancing rules to make a serious difference. When people aren’t committed to the measures, cannot comply, or don’t understand critical aspects of what they are supposed to do, then it can be a struggle to maintain community-wide social distancing. When solidarity and trust have been high, though, and enough people believed it was essential, it has been sustained.













Five market axioms that can no longer be relied upon


Investors will have to grapple with once-unthinkable economic and market trends as they set about fine-tuning their portfolios next year. Where they end up will depend on five factors that are growing less stable by the day.


Market sentiment has improved in recent weeks as trade tensions between China and the US have de-escalated, while the US labour market has again outperformed expectations — and there are short-term signs of some bottoming out of Europe’s economic cycle. With that, US stock indices have reached new highs while both bonds and currency markets have been relatively calm.


Whether this performance will hold beyond the short term requires the revival of five assumptions that underpin most longstanding investment approaches.


First, that globalisation carries on expanding markets and delivering efficiency gains. Second, that emerging economies will continue to catch up with their more developed counterparts, led by those pursuing reforms. Third, that robust liquidity will anchor well-functioning markets. Fourth, that policy effectiveness in developed markets will limit the global economy’s “downside”. And finally, that politics and governance will support market-based systems and the global rule of law.


Each tenet is subject to considerable uncertainty, adding to the need to review medium-term investment approaches on account of accelerating technological innovations, climate change and demographic trends.


Notwithstanding the easing in trade tensions, it is far from clear that the process of economic and financial globalisation will continue. The possibility of years of deglobalisation — where barriers reduce the free flow of trade and investment — remains substantial. National politics are becoming more inward-looking by the day, growth continues to disappoint, and the inequalities of income, wealth and opportunities fuel popular backlashes.


This process of deglobalisation limits the scope for emerging countries to use the international economy to turbocharge their development efforts. It also increases the risk of dislocations for a financial system that is built for deeper cross-border connectivity.


At a time when the “circuit breaker” effectiveness of central banks is waning after too many years of excessive reliance on unconventional monetary measures, this increases the likelihood of poor economics swaying politics and, in return, messier politics contaminating economics. This phenomenon has already been amply illustrated not only in advanced countries (eg Brexit), but also via spillovers to some emerging economies.


Away from traditional savings, the implied distortions to finance have so far favoured investors. Witness what has happened to three factors that drive most asset allocation models: returns, correlations and volatility.


The traditional-inverse relationship between the prices of German and US government bonds (“risk-free” assets) and those of stocks (riskier assets) has been turned on its head for much of this year. The result is not only actual or near-record highs for key equity indices but also, with bond prices still relatively high, some $12tn of debt trading at negative yields.


It has also played out in the volatility space, where unusually subdued levels have tended to be the norm, encouraging even more risk-taking. And when we have had “illiquidity in the midst of liquidity” — to use the words of Robert Koenigsberger, the CIO of hedge fund Gramercy — it has tended to be contained. The one major exception to this was the market disruption a year ago that caused the Federal Reserve policy U-turn at the beginning of 2019.

这也体现在波动性方面——异常低的波动水平近来成为常态,鼓励了甚至更多的冒险。当我们遇到“流动性当中的流动性不足”时——这是对冲基金Gramercy的首席投资官罗伯特•科尼格斯伯格(Robert Koenigsberger)说的话——它往往会受到遏制。一个重大例外是一年前发生的市场动荡,它导致美联储(Federal Reserve)在2019年初政策大转向。

Given valuations and volatility levels, investors face increasingly asymmetrical risks, where there is a wide gap between their potential gains and losses. They would be well advised to test their longer-term investment approaches for adverse and unstable asset class correlations, volatility spikes, liquidity dislocations and greater political risks.


Conditions now call for a bigger longer-term move to investing based on “factors”, which are disaggregated drivers of asset prices, and some tail hedging (protecting your portfolio against big adverse market moves), with more input for behavioural science and political analysis.


Investors could consider a gradual move to asset allocations that involve a further shift away from public stocks and bonds to bespoke credit structures and other ways of gaining more direct access to real economic activity. With that, cash may play a larger structural role in mitigating risks.


Most investment approaches are not wired for a world of deglobalisation, non-convergence of emerging economies, rising illiquidity, ineffective monetary policy and less respect for the global rule of law. Yet the possibility of each has increased.


It would be unwise to just throw out longstanding investment approaches that have served investors well. But it would be equally unwise to avoid difficult discussions on how to evolve them, given that so many economic, financial and political “unthinkables” have already become facts.







You see them everyday whizzing around the streets at top speeds(原top speed) to deliver food, medicine and everything in between door to door. As China’s version of the gig economy has grown exponentially in recent years, deliverymen have become a regular presence(原presentation) in our daily life. 

When people were segregated and the economy grounded(原ground)  to a halt, they were still on the run delivering food, medicine and everything in between door to door. They are affectionately dubbed heroes in harm’s(原harmful) way.(多看两年内的报告和新闻

in 2014, China became(原was) the world's largest delivery market, with 140 million oders, bigger than the total(原combination) of the United States, Japan and Europe.

the Internet of Things(Objects),

contribute to one(原没有one)fourth of

has spawned two big(原vast) service sectors:fast food delivery and ride sharing












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